Final Manuscript Submission
Time for submission of proposals and paper summaries has passed. Disposition letters for submitted papers were sent to authors in March. Now is the time to finalize your paper and submit your final manuscript.
Deadline: April 1st2013
This deadline absolutely must be met. Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline.
Final paper must be submitted by the deadline so that the media can be produced in time for distribution at the conference
Authors must have obtained the necessary clearances to publish the paper. An extremely important WARNING to authors is about ITAR (U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulation) and the related document (Authors_and_Organizers_ITAR_Warning.pdf) can be find on the WPTC 2013 paper submission website.
Withdrawal of accepted papers after April 1st 2013 may result in the author being held liable for all costs should the paper need to be redacted from the Conference Proceedingst.
Final Manuscript Submission
- Conference registration is required after to submitting your paper. In order to register for the conference you must enter the paper ID number.
- You must use the IEEE PDF eXpress site (conference ID: wpt2013x) to convert your manuscript to an IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF or to verify that your own PDF is compatible before uploading.
- It is important that you read the instructions before uploading (see below).
- Please remove all page numbers from your final manuscript.
- Completion of the Final Manuscript submission process is required.
- Papers will not be published without completion of the IEEE Copyright Form. This could be completed electronically: please follow the instructions on the e-mail you have already received from IEEE.
- Go to the WPTC 2013 paper submission website to begin the final manuscript submission. You will need the 12-character Registration Key issued when you submitted the original summary.
- All submissions must be made in PDF format via the electronic paper submission site. Hard copies of papers will not be accepted.
- The manuscripts should be formatted according to the standard IEEE Transaction Style, this according to the WPTC 2013 website, under submissions & guidelines.
In the following it is briefly explained how to submit your Final Manuscript.
- All authors with papers accepted for publication must submit the Final Manuscript of their paper no later than April 1st 2013. Your final submission must use the standard IEEE Transaction Style, as reported in Article Templates and Instructions
- Please delete any page numbers on your manuscript.
- WPTC will insert the correct page numbers for you. Choose from the list of official IEEE keywords for your Index Terms. You must follow the IEEE two-column format specified in the template or your submission will be rejected. A strictly enforced 4-page and 2-Megabyte file size limit applies to the PDF file uploaded to the web site. Please don't ask for exceptions to these limits!
- All WPTC papers must be IEEE Xplore compatible PDFs. WPTC 2013 has registered for use of IEEE PDF eXpress. IEEE PDF eXpress is a service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function). The conference ID is wpt2013x. This ID must be entered when using IEEE PDF eXpress.
- The final paper will appear in the Symposium Proceedings and on the media exactly as submitted (there are no page charges). Completion of Copyright assignment is required at this stage of the submission process. To this purpose please follow the instructions on the e-mail you have already received from IEEE. Your Final Manuscript submission will not be complete without the electronic copyright transfer. The copyright process must be completed by the April 1st 2013 deadline. For those that cannot submit the copyright electronically, please send your scanned form via e-mail to , subject line: WPTC 2013 electronic copyright form, paper ID <enter your paper ID>. The official publication title is:
- 2013 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer (WPT).
How to Submit your Final Manuscript
A complete submission requires five actions:
- Create, proofread, and check the layout (no page numbers please) of your Digest Paper.
- Use the IEEE PDF eXpress website to generate an IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your final digest paper.
- Upload the new electronic copy of your Final Manuscript.
- Submit an IEEE (electronic) Copyright transfer form.
- Register for the conference trough:
- this step please enter the ID of the paper you are willing to present.
All of these actions must be completed prior to the Final paper submission deadline of
April 1st 2013