SPC Membership Award

Sports Physiotherapy Canada – MB section (SPC-MB)


This award recognizes the physiotherapist that has given back to the Sport Physiotherapy community. This may include but is not limited to, volunteering at sports events, administering courses, mentoring, being a member on the SPC council, teaching sports physiotherapy at the University, etc.


2017 will signify the inaugural year of the SPC membership award. The Manitoba section of Sports Physiotherapy Canada continues to grow each year and connects physiotherapists across Manitoba with similar interests.

SPC has a rich history of success due to its members who actively participate in events across the province.

During SPC sponsored events, the presence of our members has played an integral role in increasing community and athlete awareness of the physiotherapy profession.

The Award:

The award is a recognition plaque, which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting, along with a their name engraved on a plaque at the CoRS.


The nominee must meet the following criteria:

1.  Has been a licensed practicing physiotherapist for more than 3 years.

2.  Is a member in good standing of CPA and the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba

3.  Be recognized as a mentor for others by their contribution to the profession

4.  Has been a positive career influence for fellow Physiotherapists and public

Nomination Process:

1. The call for nominations will commence in September each year through an advertisement in our SPC newsletter blasts. The SPC awards committee must receive the application by February 15th

2. Any member of CPA may make the nomination

3. The nomination must be submitted on the Nomination Form; available on the SPC website https://www.sportphysio.ca/spc-involvement/manitoba-section/

Selection process:

1.  The awards committee will include three voting SPC board members. The board will select the nominee by the March meeting.

2.  The Awards Committee reviews the nominations, each nominee is considered only on the substructure of the information provided. The awards committee will not request additional information.

Nomination for the SPC Membership Award


Name: CPA#

Address: City: Postal Code:

Phone # E-mail:

Place of Employment:


Name CPA #

Address: City: Postal Code:

Phone # E-mail:

Is the nominee aware of the award: Yes


Requirements for nomination

1.  Review the criteria for nomination

2.  Rationale must be submitted electronically addressing the points listed in the Rating Scale

3.  Include a copy of the nominee’s resume, curriculum vitae, or synopsis of accomplishments and contributions to the sport community

Awards Committee Guidelines

SPC Membership Award

1.  Three weeks prior to the meeting, the Awards Committee will gather:

a.  All the information submitted in nomination

b.  The award criteria

c.  The right amount of rating scales

2.  Prior to the meeting each Committee member is to review all the information and rate each nominee separately on the rating scale based on information received from nominators. Each committee member is to be prepared to justify rational for his or her rating at the meeting.

3.  All committee members must come to a consensus for a winner through discussion and rating points for all nominees.

4.  If more than one nominee ties for first place by having identical rating scores, the awards committee will use its discretion to bestow the award.

SPC Membership Award


Nominee’s Name:

Evaluator: Date of Evaluation:

Rating System:

Points a) b) will be scored with up to 5 points.

Points c) d) and e) will have up to 10 points.

No evidence of relevant service or contribution 0 points

Determine a numerical value to the following 5 criteria. The nominee’s total score is the sum of the value for each item.

a)  Demonstrated commitment to excellence in professional practice

Score between 0 and 5

b)  Personally inspired the development of the career and interest in sport related physiotherapy of the nominator and/or the careers of other physiotherapists

Score between 0 and 5

c)  Demonstrated commitment to continuing competency and life-long learning (through course instruction, Sport-event leadership, mentorship, etc.)

Score between 0 and 10

d)  Contributed to their community through Sport-related volunteerism

Score between 0 and 10

e)  Demonstrated active engagement in sporting events across the Province

and/or Country

Score between 0 and 10


May 2016 Total Score:

Please Email Completed Application to:

Steve Moerman – SPC – MB Section Executive Chairperson
