MGMT404Review One - Review of Lessons 1-2MS Project

V2007Due Date: Check Class Schedule/Syllabus


Create a new project file and enter project properties information

Enter tasks and dependencies to create a task list

Arrange the task list into groups using outlining

Link tasks and specify task dependencies

Introduction to displaying the Critical Path

Before we move on to working with resources, we should review the skills that you have learned from the first two labs. You will be creating a new project file, entering and editing tasks, linking tasks and specifying dependencies, lead time and lag time. At the end of the lab, one new concept will be introduced: the critical path.

Note: do not delete or lose your previous project, MyLab2_XXX. We will be using that project file again in the next lab!


You have been asked to create a schedule for your company's annual stockholder meeting. You will begin by setting up a new project file with start date and project properties information. You then will use a project team meeting to begin brainstorming the tasks and durations for the project. You will also break the project into phases, link the tasks, and begin the process of identifying changes in dependencies to further define the way the task will be performed.

Step 1: Project Information and Properties

  1. Create a new project file with a project start date of September 17, 2007.
  2. Enter Stockholders Meeting as the Project Title, 2007 Annual Report as the project subject, and your name as the author and manager of the project. Enter Mgmt404 followed by your section followed by your professor’s name as the company name. (Such as MGMT404A - Professor XXX).
  3. Save the project file as ReviewOneXXX.mpp, where XXX are your initials.

Step 2: Entering Tasks and Durations

  1. Enter the following 14 tasks and durations to the Stockholders Meeting task list, start with the first task as task 1:

Task NameTask Duration

Schedule Conference Date2 Days

Print Letter2 Days

Book Keynote Speaker3 Days

Order Letter Stock1 Hour

Develop Letter1 Day

Review Letter1 Day

Approve Letter1 Day

Send Letter0 Days

Plan Food with Caterer3 Days

Arrange Committee Meeting Rooms1 Day

Arrange Necessary Equipment2 Days

Create Agenda3 Days

Print Agenda1 Day

Hold Annual Meeting0 Days

  1. Insert a new task, Book Conference Center, with duration of 1 day, before task 2, Print Letter.
  2. Insert a new task, CompletePreliminary Planning, as a milestone, after task #4, Book Keynote Speaker.
  3. Move task #3, Print Letter, after Task #9, Approve Letter, using the drag and drop method.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Print this table, without a Gantt chart, showing all columns of the table. Make sure the task name column is wide enough to see full task name. Be sure to include the proper header information in your printout. (This is printout1). (To print without a Gantt chart, move the divider so that the Gantt chart is totally off the screen).

Step 3: Outlining Tasks

  1. Create the following phases or summary tasks:

Summary Task NameSubtasks

Begin Preliminary PlanningSchedule Conference Date

Book Conference Center

Book Keynote Speaker

Complete Preliminary Planning

Create Notification LetterOrder Letter Stock

Develop Letter

Review Letter

Approve Letter

Print Letter

Send Letter

Confirm Meeting DetailsPlan Food with Caterer

Arrange Committee Meeting Rooms

Arrange Necessary Equipment

Create Agenda

Print Agenda

Hold Annual Meeting(Note: Leave this task as is; it will be a subtask of

the main Summary task, which you will create next!)

  1. Insert a main summary task, Stockholders Meeting, and make the four summary tasks (includes the Hold Annual Meeting task) subtasks of this main summary task.
  2. Show the outline numbers and Save the file.
  3. Print this table, without a Gantt chart, showing all columns of the table. Make sure the task name column is wide enough to see full task name. Be sure to include the proper header information in your printout. (This is printout number2).

Step 4: Linking tasks

  1. Link all tasks in a finish-to-start dependency.
  2. Unlink just the summary task 7, Create Notification Letter.
  3. Unlink just the summary task 14, Confirm Meeting Details.
  4. Link summary task 2, Begin Preliminary Planning (predecessor), to summary task 14, Confirm Meeting Details.
  5. Link task 11, Approve letter (predecessor), with summary task 14, Confirm Meeting Details.
  6. Print this table, with a Gantt chart, showing just columns of the table up to and including the duration column. Make sure the all columns are wide enough to see full information. Be sure to include the proper header information in your printout. (This is printout3.)

Step 5: Task Dependencies and Lag/Lead Time

  1. Change the dependency between (predecessor) task 8, Order Letter Stock, and (successor) task 9, Develop Letter, to Start-to Start.
  2. Change the dependency between (predecessor) task 16, Arrange Committee Meeting Rooms, and (successor) task 17, Arrange necessary equipment, to Finish-to-Finish.
  3. Specify leadtime of 0.5 day (1/2 day) on the dependency between (predecessor) task 4, Book Conference Center, and (successor) task 5, Book Keynote Speaker.
  4. Specify lagtime of 2 days between (predecessor) summary task 14, Confirm Meeting Details, and (successor) task 20, Hold Annual Meeting. (You will need to establish the dependency if it does not exist).
  5. Save the file. Total duration should now be 15.5 days.
  6. Print this table, without a Gantt chart, showing all columns of the table. Make sure the task name column is wide enough to see full task name. Be sure to include the proper header information in your printout. (This is printout4).
  7. Print a Project Summary Report. (This is printout5).

Step 6: Critical Path

The critical path identifies those tasks that are critical to the duration of the project. A critical task cannot have its duration lengthened or its start date delayed without impacting the project finish date. A critical task has no slack time. Critical tasks form a critical path through the project. You can view the critical path either by changing to the Network Diagram view or by:

  1. On the Standard toolbar, click on the Gantt Chart Wizard button or right-click anywhere on the Gantt chart and select Gantt Chart Wizard from the menu.
  2. The following Wizard should open:

  1. Click on Next. Select Critical Path on Step 2. The Preview Pane should show the color red to notate those tasks, which will be critical.
  2. Click on Finish (and Format It and Exit Wizard) and notice the tasks, which are red, and those, which are blue. In future labs we may be referring to the critical path.
  3. Save the file.

Review Questions

Name ______

Answer the following questions (refer to your printouts or project information statistics, if necessary):

1)What is the total duration of your project?

2)What is the projected finish date?

3)What tasks are NOT critical tasks (those sub tasks which are not in red)? (Note: Summary tasks are not considered critical tasks).

Attach your five printouts, in print order, to the back of this sheet and submit by the lesson due date.

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