Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom



Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). A way of being. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin. x + 395 pp.

EG1980/01/0000 A01 Bb 010+ 395 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). Introduction. In A way of being (pp. vii-x). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0100 A01 Cp 004 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1964/1980). Experiences in communication. In A way of being (pp. 5-26). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0200 A01 Cp 022 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1972/1980). My philosophy of interpersonal relationships and how it grew. In A way of being (pp. 27-45). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0300 A01 Cp 019 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1973/1980). In retrospect: 46 years. In A way of being (pp. 46-69). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0400 A01 Cp 024 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1977/1980). Growing old: Or older and growing. In A way of being (pp. 70-95). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0500 A01 Cp 026 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1974/1980). Do we need “a” reality? In A way of being (pp. 96-118). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0600 A01 Cp 023 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1979/1980). The foundations of a person-centered approach. In A way of being (pp. 113-136). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0700 A01 Cp 024 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1975/1980). Empathic: An unappreciated way of being. In A way of being (pp. 137-163). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0800 A01 Cp 027 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1958/1980). Ellen West - and loneliness. In A way of being (pp. 164-180). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/0900 A01 Cp 017 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). Building person-centered communities: The implications for the future. In A way of being (pp. 181-206). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1000 A01 Cp 026 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). 6 vignettes. In A way of being (pp. 207-234). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1100 A01 Cp 028 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1975/1980). I began to lose me. In A way of being (pp. 208-214). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1101 A01 Cp 007 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1974/1980). The cavern: An experience in therapy. In A way of being (pp. 214-219). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1102 A01 Cp 006 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1977/1980). Nancy mourns. In A way of being (pp. 219-225). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1103 A01 Cp 007 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1970/1980). Being together: A 9-year follow-up report. In A way of being (pp. 225-229). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1104 A01 Cp 005 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1979/1980). The security guard. In A way of being (pp. 229-231). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1105 A01 Cp 003 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1979/1980). A kids’ workshop. In A way of being (pp. 231-234). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1106 A01 Cp 004 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1972/1980). Some new challenges to the helping professions. In A way of being (pp. 235-259). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1200 A01 Cp 025 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1974/1980). Can learning encompass both ideas and feelings? In A way of being (pp. 263-291). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1300 A01 Cp 029 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1976/1980). Beyond the watershed: And where now? In A way of being (pp. 292-315). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1400 A01 Cp 024 A US CA La Jolla

Villas-Boas ( ) =Bowen=, Maria Constança; O’Hara =Miller= ( ), Maureen; Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom; & Wood ( ), John Keith. (1977/1980). Learnings in large groups: Their implications for the future. In Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom, A way of being (pp. 316-335). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1500 A01 Cp 020 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). The world of tomorrow, and the person of tomorrow. In A way of being (pp. 339-356). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1600 A01 Cp 018 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). Chronological bibliography [1930 to 1980]. In A way of being (pp. 357-375). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin.

EG1980/01/1700 A01 Cp 019 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1977/1980). The person. AHP Newsletter, 20(4), 8-9.

EG1980/02/0100 A01 Ar 002 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1977/1980). Growing old: Or older and growing. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 20(4), 5-16. [Fall]

EG1980/03/0100 A01 Ar 012 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). Interview. Relator, 23(1), - .

EG1980/04/0100 A01 Ar B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). Client-centered psychotherapy. In Kaplan ( ), Harold I (Ed.); Sadock ( ), Benjamin J (Ed.); & Freedman ( ), Alfred M (Ed.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, Vol. 3 (pp. 2153-2168). Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Williams & Wilkins.

EG1980/05/0100 A01 Cp 016 A- US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). The power within. Presentation at the Conference on Humanistic Education. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: ; April - . pp.

EG1980/06/0100 A01 Pr B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). Some personal observations on psychotherapy research. Presentation at the Symposium on The Efficacy of Psychotherapy. , , USA: ; January 12. pp.

EG1980/07/0100 A01 Pr B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). New world - new person. Presentation at the Conference on Living Companies in a New Age. Åbo, Turunporin, Finland: ; October - . pp.

EG1980/08/0100 A01 Pr 017 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1979/1980). A session: Dr. Rogers and woman client. Northridge, California, USA: Butterfly Media Dimensions. ’.

EG1980/09/0100 A01 Vf ’ B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980). Ursula interview with Carl Rogers. Presentation [demonstration interview] at the Living Now Workshop. La Jolla, California, USA: Center for Studies of the Person; July - . 23 pp.

EG1980/10/0100 A01 Pr 023 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (19 /1980). The inner world of counseling. New York, New York, USA: Insight Media (American Psychological Association Films). mm; color. ’.

EG1980/11/0000 A01 Vf ’ B US CA La Jolla


Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980/1981). Building person-centered communities: The implications for the future. In Villoldo ( ), Alberto (Ed.); & Dychtwald ( ), K (Ed.), Millenium: Glimpses into the 21st century (pp. - ). Los Angeles, California, USA: Tarcher.

EG1981/01/0100 A01 Cp B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1981). Notes on Rollo May. [In Unknown (Ed.), Rollo May: Man and philosopher (special issue)] Perspectives, 2(1), 1.

EG1981/02/0100 A01 Ar 001 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1979/1981). The foundations of the person-centered approach. Dialectics and Humanism, 1( ), 5-16.

EG1981/03/0100 A01 Ar 012 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1980/1981). New world - new person: Our relationship to that person. Presentation [talk] at the Conference on The Human Dimension in Health Care. Palo Alto, California, USA: ; February 22. 21 pp.

EG1981/04/0100 A01 Pr 021 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1978/1981). Education: A personal activity. Educational Change and Development, 3(3), 1-12.

EG1981/05/0100 A01 Ar 012 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1981). The expanding process of the person-centered approach. Presentation [Round Table Discussion on: As the Person-Centered Approach moves into the 1980s] at the th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. , , USA: American Psychological Association; - . pp.

EG1981/06/0100 A01 Pr B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1981). Freedom to learn for the 80s. AHP Newsletter, ( ), 20-21.

EG1981/07/0100 A01 Ar 002 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1981). Phillip. La Jolla, California, USA: Center for Studies of the Person. 19 pp. [July 19]

EG1981/08/0000 A01 Mn 019 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1981). Some unanswered questions. Journey, 1(1), 1, 4.

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Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1981). Carl Rogers interviews Philip. New York, New York, USA: Insight Media (American Psychological Association Films). mm; color. ’.

EG1981/10/0000 A01 Vf ’ B US CA La Jolla


Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1981/1982). Notes on Rollo May. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 22(3), 8-9. [Summer]

EG1982/01/0100 A01 Ar 002 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1982). A psychologist looks at nuclear war: Its threat, its possible prevention. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 22(4), 9-20. [Fall]

EG1982/01/0200 A01 Ar 012 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1982). Reply to Rollo May’s letter to Carl Rogers [May, R. (1982). The problem of evil: An open letter to Carl Rogers. JHP, 22(3), 10-21]. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 22(4), 85-89. [Fall]

EG1982/01/0300 A01 Ar 005 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1982). A psychologist looks at nuclear war: Its threat, its possible prevention. Presentation at the 1st International Forum on the Person-Centered Approach. Oaxtepec, Morelos, México: Universidad Iberoamericana; June 27-July 4. 8 pp.

EG1982/02/0100 A01 Pr 008 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1982). Marian. Presentation [demonstration interview] at the Living Now Workshop. La Jolla, California, USA: Center for Studies of the Person; - . 19 pp.

EG1982/03/0000 A01 Pr 019 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1982). A psychologist looks at nuclear war: Its threat, its possible prevention. APA Monitor, 13(8), - .

EG1982/04/0100 A01 Ar B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1982). A psychologist looks at nuclear war: Its threat, its possible prevention. Self and Society, 10(5), 213-223.

EG1982/05/0100 A01 Ar 011 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1978/1982). My politics. Journey, 1(6), 8.

EG1982/06/0100 A01 Ar 001 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom; & Elliott-Kemp ( ), J . (1982). The effective teacher: A person-centered development guide. Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England: PAVIC. 42 pp.

EG1982/07/0000 A01 Bb 042 B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom; & Cooper =Sanford= (Dorn), Ruth. (1982). A journey to the heart of South Africa. La Jolla, California, USA: Center for Studies of the Person. 2 + 143 pp.

EG1982/08/0000 A01 Mn 002+ 143 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1982). My secret life with plants. La Jolla, California, USA: Center for Studies of the Person. pp.

EG1982/09/0000 A01 Mn B US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom; & Cooper =Sanford= (Dorn), Ruth. (1982). A conversation with Carl Rogers and Ruth Sanford. Presentation [conversation] at Cape Town University. Cape Town, Cape, South Africa: Cape Town University; December 2. pp.

EG1982/10/0100 A01 Pr B US CA La Jolla


Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1969/1983). Freedom to learn for the 80’s. Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill. viii + 312 pp.

EG1983/01/0000 A01 Bb 008+ 312 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1983). Introduction. In Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 1-5). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0100 A01 Cp 005 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1983). The challenge of present-day Teaching. In Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 9-21). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0200 A01 Cp 013 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1983). As a teacher, Can I be myself. In Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 23-41). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0300 A01 Cp 019 A US CA La Jolla

[Shiel ( ), Barbara J ; &] Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1969/1983). A sixth grade teacher experiments. In Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom, Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 45-56). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0400 A01 Cp 012 A US CA La Jolla

[Swenson ( ), Gay Leah; &;] Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1983). A French teacher grows with her students. In Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom, Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 57-71). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0500 A01 Cp 015 A US CA La Jolla

[Levitan ( ), Herbert; &] Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1983). An unusual science course in a university. In Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom, Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 73-93). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0600 A01 Cp 021 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom [; Barkham ( ), John; Romey ( ), William “Bill”; White ( ), Alvin; Allender ( ), Julie Ann; Cooper =Sanford= (Dorn), Ruth; & Ginsberg ( ), Jeanne]. (1966/1983). Other facilitators of freedom. In Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom, Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 95-115). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0700 A01 Cp 021 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom. (1966/1983). The interpersonal relationship in the facilitation of learning. In Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 119-134). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0800 A01 Cp 016 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom [; & Freiberg ( ), H Jerome]. (1983). Becoming a facilitator. In Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom, Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 135-145). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/0900 A01 Cp 011 A US CA La Jolla

Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom [; & Freiberg ( ), H Jerome]. (1969/1983). Methods of building freedom. In Rogers (Cushing), Carl Ransom, Freedom to learn for the 80’s (pp. 147-161). Columbus, Ohio, USA: Charles E. Merrill.

EG1983/01/1000 A01 Cp 015 A US CA La Jolla