Wednesday 30th of October to Friday 1st of November 2013


We are pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate as a volunteer at the ALIA National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium to be held in Canberra from Wednesday the 30th of October to Friday the 1st of November, 2013. The 2013 ALIA National Library & Information Technicians’ Symposium has been coordinated by a team from the A.C.T., with the support of the ALIA ACTive group and the ALIA National Libtech Group.

The 2013 event has the theme 'Waves of Change' and will address the revolution that is taking place within the library sector. Those working within the sector, usually librarians and library technicians are now rapidly evolving to undertake new roles as information professionals. These new roles include mastering a range of technologies and methods of storing, retrieving digital information while currently retaining traditional roles and information sources. The symposium will provide a program that will enrich the ways libraries provide services in the technical age, generate discussion and promote new waves of thinking. It will offer delegates a unique experience to meet industry professionals and address challenges provided by fast moving technologies, environmental limitations and diminishing budgets.

For more information please visit the conference website:

Volunteer Benefits:

  • Free symposium registration and meals included as per symposium program.
  • Networking with other Library and Information Professionals.
  • Attend one session per day of your choice.
  • Accumulate ALIA PD Points.

Elegibility Criteria:

  • Must be enrolled as a student in a Diploma/Degree Library and Information Science program on a fulltime or part-time basis at an institution recognized by ALIA.
  • Be able to attend the symposium in Canberra between 9am on the 30th October and 5pm on the 1st of November, 2013 at the National Library of Australia. [N.B. Transport and accommodation costs are at the volunteer's own expense.]

Standard of Dress:

  • Neat casual clothing ie. Jeans/black pants and t-shirt with comfortable shoes [lots of walking].A special volunteer symposium t-shirt will be provided to you.


  • Assist with group library tours.
  • Assist with meeting room management.
  • Checking delegate badges for entry to sessions.
  • Provide information and directorial assistance for delegates to find event locations and meeting rooms.

Interested? Please return the Volunteer Registration of Interest form by 27th September, 2013.

Volunteer Registration of Interest Form – ALIA 2013 National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium.

I would like to register as a volunteer at the ALIA 2013 National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium.

I understand I will be responsible for my own travel and transport to the National Library of Australia and accommodation (if applicable) during the Symposium.

Name: ..Piphal Engly......

Address: unit 1/19 Southwell Place, Queanbeyan, NSW 2620 ......

...... Postcode......

Phone: .6299 4238...... Fax: ...... Mobile: 0402216564......

Email: ......

Special Dietary Requirements...... n/a......

T-Shirt Size: ...... Medium...... [M/F]

Volunteer Registration Deadline – 27 September, 2013

Please indicate the days and times you are available as well as any sessions you are interested in. Where possible the organisers will attempt allocate you to these sessions.This will be subject to the symposium's volunteer roster.

Why do you want to volunteer as places are limited?

  • …...... Yes, I would like to be a volunteer who will assist with works at the Library Technician Symposium from 30 October to the 1st November 2013, at the National Library of Australia...... The areas that I would like to assist with are: ...... *Assist with meeting room management.

*Checking delegate badges for entry to sessions..

* Registration......


Wednesday 30th October, 2013: 9am - 7pm

Time available:__8:30 am to 5:00 pm.______

Thursday 31st October, 2013: 8.30am - 7pm

Time available:_8:30 am to 5:00 pm______

Friday 1st November, 2013: 8:30am - 5pm

Time available:__8:30 am to 5:00 pm.______

Please indicate which session/s you would like to attend:

Wednesday 30th October, 2013 - Tours
[ ] Bluebell / [ ] Canberry
[ ] Floriade / [ ] Burley Griffin
[ ] Ginninderra
Thursday 31st October, 2013 – Symposium Sessions
[ ] Cataloguing is riding the waves of change. / [ ] From copyright police to valuable gap filler.
[ ] Why do we need one of those?... / [ ] Behind the bookshelves – stocktake with....
Thursday 31st October, 2013 – Symposium Sessions
[ ] Cataloguers: Adventurers in the Libary World. / [ ] Getting social: your guide to using social media...
[ ] Surfing the waves of organizational change.... / [ ] Using unconferences for unconventional professional development.
Friday 1st of November, 2013 – Symposium Sessions
[ ] Judges, governors and changing libraries. / [ ] Primary health care search filter: Bringing the...
[ ] Getting started with RDA / [ ] Change management: Redesigning, reskilling...
[ ] The Parliamentry Library's e-book experience... / [ ] Research data storage and management: Library...
[ ] One stop shop: A collaborative approach to... / [ ] UQ's digitisation journey: Steep but interesting...
[ ] The professional divide: Examing workplace... / [ ] LIS skills development for the future: Making...
[ ] Curtis Watson – How students judge the relevance and reliability of information....

Please send your volunteer application form via email to ATTN: Volunteer Co-ordinator at

Limited Student Volunteer Registration of Interest Form for 2013 Library and Information Symposium. [NAME:...... ] p.1/3