1. This party is anti-tax. It also advocates an end to farm price supports/subsidies, privatization of the US Postal Service, opposes federal involvement in education, supports abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency, supports repeal of NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement), opposes minimum wage laws, opposes land use zoning regulations and opposes convening a Constitutional convention. It also opposes the United Nations.
2. This party supports free universal health care, elimination of the federal income tax on people earning under $60,000 a year, free college education, drastic cuts in military spending, "massive" public works programs, the outlawing of "scabs and union busting," abolition of corporate monopolies, public ownership of energy and basic industries, and huge tax hikes for corporations and the wealthy.
3. This party is strongly pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-tax, anti-immigration, protectionist, "anti-New World Order," anti-United Nations, anti-gay rights, anti-welfare, pro-school prayer,
4. Our party wishes to guarantee full economic, social, political, and legal equality to women, people of color, gays, and all who are exploited, oppressed, and repelled by the profit system and its offshoot -- imperialism. The working class is international and bound by global abuse. We support revolution on all fronts and seek to transform it to defeat capitalism. We stand for immediate and unconditional economic, political, and social equality for Blacks, Chicanos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Puerto Ricans, and endorse the demand for self-determination by the Indian and Puerto Rican nations. We advocate the collaboration of organizations of people of color with the revolutionary movement as the most realistic and historically validated alternative to the dead ends of separatism or reformist integration. The revolution depends upon massive involvement and leadership by people of color. The world's natural riches must be used and safeguarded by the people, not by the corporations who exhaust resources for profit and destroy worker safety and health. Nuclear energy threatens to maim or annihilate future generations. Technology must be used wisely and humanely to preserve the earth and its creatures.
5. This party believes the following:
Education: We are in favor of tax payer supported parental choice for education. A computer for every classroom and eventually every child.
Roads: Restructure roads providing two east to west roads across Vermont. Rebuild and replace outdated bridges. We will not rob from the transportation's department to balance our budget, we will give more money to increase our transportation infrastructures. Widen roads to accommodate the state's needs.
Small business: 85% of the states economy is based upon small business. It is time to recognize this and stop making legislation that hurts small business and cottage industries. Allow revolving low interest loans to be available for small business.
Create a Smaller, Less Intrusive Government. Prioritize spending with more for education and infrastructure and less for militarization.
Equal opportunity for all human beings. Restructure society through positive reinforcement rather than negative sanctions.
Public access to the media - Community planning - Streamline the bureaucracy - Universal access and freedom of choice in health care - Treat drug addiction as a health issue, not a crime –
Local control of education –
Respect the rights of indigenous peoples.
6. This party supports the following:
· Set term limits for elected officials.
· Replace Minnesota’s bicameral legislature with a single house legislature.
· Require federal and state governments to provide full funding for all mandates they force on lower levels of government.
· Eliminate the special tax privileges that riddle the tax code
· Every contribution to an individual candidate or to a political party must come from the contributing individual directly to the candidate or party.
· Some personal choice issues, for instance abortion, are beyond the scope of partisan politics, and positions on them should be left to an individual's conscience and not to party ideology.
· Allow workers to shift some of their Social Security tax payments to individual retirement accounts, but do not penalize 45 year olds and older in the process.
· Reduce state and federal mandates on K-12 education and restore more autonomy to local government and parents.
· Forbid criminals from suing or collecting damages from citizens or business for injuries during a criminal act, including injuries resulting from a victim's attempts at self defense.
· Reduce regulations that discourage the private sector from providing affordable housing in urban areas.
· Maintain a social safety net based on the goal of self-sufficiency and self-responsibility.
· Allow workers the right to organize democratically, bargain collectively and strike peacefully.
· Protect our environmental heritage by supporting the conservation of natural resources.
· Call for America to honor its promises and its obligations to our veterans.
7. This party supports total individual liberty (pro-drug legalization, pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-home schooling, anti-gun control, etc.) and total economic freedom (anti-welfare, anti-government regulation of business, anti-minimum wage, anti-income tax, pro-free trade, etc.). It supports a classical laissez faire ideology which, they argue, means "more freedom, less government and lower taxes."
8. This party calls for “health, peace & freedom for all." The party platform promotes holistic medicine, national health insurance, organic foods, solar energy, nuclear disarmament and a flat tax.
9. Marriage is one man/one woman – Support the 2nd Amendment – God should be restored to a public position in the US – homosexuals are not allowed to serve in the military – opposes all “hate crime” laws, as “hate” should be determined by God, not people – support overturning Roe v Wade – individuals should control their own health care – dismantle the Department of Education – stricter enforcement of immigration laws/boarder security - support term limits – secure Medicaid and Social Security, but allow more personal control -