It’s a good idea to review the different areas of your Scout Group from time to time as this helps you to ensure that everything is working well and going to plan.To assist you with the process this health check has been developed, its purpose is to help you celebrate all that is going well with your Group and to focus on areas that you would like to improve.
In order to make the most of this exercise you need to be open, honest and constructive. This is vital and will enable you to make sure that the Scout Group continues to develop. Your Health check process should involve everyone connected to the running of the Group. The check should be kept and considered on a regular basis – don’t just do it and forget it!
A step by step approach to Health Check...
Here is a simple six-step process to completing the review.
Step 1: Gathering information
Before you meet to carry out the review, you will need the information required for the various sections. It is essential you have all the facts before you begin.
Step 2: How do you feel?
The sectionscan be discussed in any order and do not all have to be discussed at the same time. You may choose to discuss them over a series of evenings, or to allocate a certain amount of time to each one.
This health check will start to help you identify the areas where your Group is strong, and areas where you might need to do some work. It is a guide for you to use with your Leadership and Executive Teams. One you have completed the review you will need to devise your action plan for the year ahead and this should involve both your Uniformed Team and Executive Committee.
It is important to state that this is not a test or a league table. It is also not a set of standards that all Groups are expected to achieve.
The health check falls into three main categories as follows:-
- Green Zone -Good Progress
- Amber Zone -Initial Progress
- Red Zone-Opportunities for Improvement
Most Groups will have a mix of zones. Remember to celebrate yourgreen zones, and identify what you can do to improve those in amber or red zone.
Some areas will fluctuate naturally, such as Girls in a Section. But even so, there will be things that you can do in any of the areas to move from red to amber or amber to green.
For each category, choose which statement best applies to your Group at this moment bearing in mind that the statements might not always be appropriate to your situation, This is a snapshot in time of your Group so choose the box that most closely reflects your current situation.
Once you have completed the health check, it’s important that you actually do something with it and this will assist you in looking at the immediate, medium term and long term goals for your Group.
Step 3:Making comments
After each discussion, record some comments. The comments may only be a few words, but the whole team should be in agreement.
Step 4:Drawing conclusions
From each of the comments recorded, you should be able to draw some conclusions. The conclusions should identify the areas that are going well, things that could be improved and things that the Group Leadership Team think need further support and attention in the future.
Step 5: Looking forward
Looking at the items you noted in the conclusions, focus on three to five issues that the team consider the most important or most urgent. Choose items that will improve the quality of Scouting for all the members.
Discuss and agree the actions you need to take to make a difference. This should include seeking support from outside of your Scout Group – this may come from an Assistant District Commissioners, your District Commissioner, or another sources.
Decide who is going to be responsible for achieving the action. This should be someone who is willing to take the lead. You also need to agree when you think the action should be completed by. This should be both a practical and possible timescale – but make sure it is within a reasonable period
Step 6:Talk to your team
Completing the review does not mean that you have to solve all the problems within the Group. The check will identify what support you need. There is plenty of support and advice available. Sometimes just talking to other people who carry out the same role as you can provide the answers you need to sort out a challenge!
Keep a copy for the Group records so that you can refer to it during the year to check on progress.
Sponsoring Authority:
Review Date:
Membership as of previous years census return
Young People / Leaders
Number of young people in the sections this time last year: / Number of leaders in each section this time last year:
Boys / Girls / Total / Section
Leader / Assistant Section Leader / Section Assistant
(Helper) / Young
Beavers / Beavers
Cubs / Cubs
Scouts / Scouts
Group Scout Leader / Assistant GroupScout Leader
Current Membership
Young People / Leaders
Number of young people in the section as of review date: / Number of leaders in each section as of review date:
Boys / Girls / Total / Section
Leader / Assistant Section Leader / Helper or
Parent Helper / Young
Beavers / Beavers
Cubs / Cubs
Scouts / Scouts
Group Scout Leader / Assistant Group Scout Leader
Group Membership
1 / Group Scout Leader / An effective GSL leads the Group / A GSL / Scouter-in-Charge or Group Contact is in post / No GSL / Scouter-in-Charge or Group Contact in post
2 / Appointed leadership / Min of:
- Group Scout Leader
- 2 Leaders and 1 helper in
- Group Scout Leader
- 1 Leader & 1 Helper in
- An appointed section leader in each section
- One appointed assistant section leader for every 6 young people
- Occasional helpers
- and a well run parents rota in each section
- An appointed leader in each section
- One other appointed assistant / helper in each section
- Some parental help in each section
- An appointed leader in each section
- Some regularly parental help in each section
3 / Young Leaders /
- Scout Section has close links with Explorer Scouts and promotes Young Leaders Scheme
- The Group has a minimum of 3 Young Leaders
- Scout Section has some contact with Explorer Scouts and some promotion of Young Leaders Scheme.
- The Group has 2 Young Leaders
- The Scout Section has no links with the Explorer Scouts and does not promote Young Leaders Scheme.
- The Group has 1 or no Young Leaders
4 / Occasional Helpers / The Group has 3 or more registered Occasional Helpers / 2 Sections have at least one registered Occasional Helpers / The Group has 1 or no registered Occasional Helpers
5 / Parent rota / Each section runs a well organised parent rota which is well supported and really involves the parents in the running of the meetings / At least 1 section runs a parent rota which has varying levels of support for the parents involved / The Group does not operate any parent rotas
6 / Beaver Colony membership / 18 – 24 plus / 12 – 17 / Less than 12
7 / Cub Pack membership / 24 – 36 plus / 16 – 23 / Less than 16
8 / Scout Troop membership / 20 – 36 plus / 16 – 20 / Less than 16
9 / Mixed membership
(co-educational) / Min of 25% girls
per section / Min of 10% girls
per section / Less than 10% girls
per section
10 / Section links / There are good links between Beavers / Cubs and Cubs / Scouts and members move on with relative ease / There are discussions between Beavers / Cubs and Cubs / Scouts however transfer between sections is sometimes hard work / There is no discussion between moving on between sections and transfer rates are poor
11 / Explorer Scouts / There is a good link between Scouts and Explorer Scouts and transfer of members from Scouts to Explorer Scouts happens regularly as required / There is a link between Scouts and Explorer Scouts; however there is not a good transfer rate of Scouts to Explorer Scouts. / There is no link between Scouts and Explorer Scouts, and there is no transfer between the sections.
12 / Waiting list / There are no waiting lists for any section / 1 section has a waiting list / 2 or more section have a waiting list
Have all leaders got the following?
Check / Appointment Card / Training Advisor / Personal Learning Plan / First Aid Training / Nights Away Permit / Relevant Wood Badge / Receives Scouting Plus / Receives Scouting Magazine
Group Scout Leader
Assistant Group Scout Leader
Beaver Scout Leader
Assistant Beaver Scout Leader
Assistant Beaver Scout Leader
Assistant Beaver Scout Leader
Cub Scout Leader
Assistant Cub Scout Leader
Assistant Cub Scout Leader
Assistant Cub Scout Leader
Scout Leader
Assistant Scout Leader
Assistant Scout Leader
Assistant Scout Leader
Young Leader
Section / Name / Registered with the District / Undergoing YL Training / Gained YL Award
Adults: Support and Training
13 / Adult training /
- Section leaders have their wood badge
- Every leader has a Training Advisor
- All leaders have a Personal learning plan
- All appointed leaders are undergoing training and validation or their training is up to date
- Programme of ongoing training in place
- GSL encourages all leaders to gain their wood badge
- Helpers, Parent Helpers, Supporters and Executive Officers and members have complete module 1 (Essential Information)
- Some leaders have Training Advisors others don’t
- Some leaders do training some don’t bother
- Wood badge is mentioned but not actively pushed by the GSL
- Some programme of further training
- Some Helpers, Parent Helpers, Supporters and Executive Officers and members have complete module 1 (Essential Information)
- No leader have a Training Advisor
- Little or no training is undertaken by the leaders.
- No mention of wood badge training
- No programme of further training
- Helpers, Parent Helpers, Supporters and Executive Officers and members have not complete module 1 (Essential Information)
14 / Young Leaders scheme / All young leaders are well supported and are progressing through the young leader modules and missions / All young leaders have completed at least Module A and no missions / What is the Young Leaders Scheme?
Meeting Place
Meeting Times
Day of the week / Start
Time / Finish Time / Meets Weekly / Comments
Is each section
“open to all”? / Does the section
have a waiting list? / If Yes,
how many? / Does the section
operate a parent rota?
Group Meeting Place
15 / Meeting place / The Group have use of an excellent building, adequate in size and suitable for all sections, which is in a good state of repair / The Group makes good use of the building, which is not ideal for all sections and is some need of repair / modernisation / The Group has use of a building, which is in a poor condition and is in need of repair (Unsuitable for all sections)
Group Executive Committee
Does your Group have?
Chairman / Secretary / Treasurer / Community Development Officer / Committee Members
How often does the Executive meet? / Monthly / Bi-monthly / Termly / Annually / Never
Is the Executive Committee responsible for fundraising? / If yes, how many events did the Committee organise during the last 12 months?
Group Administration
16 / Group Scouters meeting and communication /
- There is regular communication between the GSL and all leaders – either by phone / letter / email
- The Group leadership team hold regular team meetings
- There is sporadic communication between the GSL and all leaders
- The Group leadership team hold ad-hoc team meetings
- There is little or no communication between GSL and all leaders
- Group leadership team meeting do not take place
17 / District meetings
e.g. sectional meetings / At least one leader from each section regular attends District Meetings / Leaders occasionally attend District Meetings / Little or no attendance at District Meetings
18 / Group Executive Committee / Minimum of:-
- Chair, Secretary and Treasurer in post
- At least 4 other elected / nominated members
- Regular meetings
- Good relationship with GSL and Team
- Chair, Secretary and Treasurer in post
- Few other committee members
- Irregular meetings
- Satisfactory relationship with GSL and Team
- Vacancies in Office Bearer appointments
- Few or no meetings
- Executive Committee not working effectively with GSL and Team
19 / Group AGM / open evening / Group holds an Annual General Meeting each year which is well attend by parents and supporters and showcases the Groups achievements over the previous 12 months / Group holds an ‘Annual General Meeting’ on an ad-hoc basis which could have better attendance by parents and supporters. / Group does not hold an annual Group open evening or Annual General Meeting
20 / Communication and parent support /
- Communications with parents is good, with regular newsletters (group and/or sectional) and or an up to date Group website
- The Group publishes a programme of events and is well supported by parents
- Communications with parents could be better. Newsletters and information is infrequent and the Group website is out of date
- There is no comprehensive programme of events and parental support is patchy
- Communications with parents is poor. There is neither a newsletters or website
- The Group has no programme of events and support from parents for the Group is very limited
21 / Group annual report & accounts / Each year the Group publishes a well presented Annual Report & Accounts / Each year the Group publishes a report / The Group rarely or never publishes a report or accounts
22 / Fundraising /
- Group actively fundraises using a specific Fundraising sub-Committee
- Group Uses Gift Aid
- A Fundraising sub-Committee is in place or funds are raised using the group leaders as the core fundraisers
23 / Finance / Minimum of:-
- Appropriately signed off annual accounts with a copy submitted to the District on time
- Regular financial reports presented at the Group Executive Committee meetings
- Sections funds are regularly deposited into the Groups account
- Timely reimbursement of on production of expenses
- Appropriately signed off annual accounts with a copy submitted to the District
- Periodic financial reports presented to the Group Executive Committee meetings
- Sections funds are occasionally deposited into the Groups account
- Ad-hoc reimbursement of on production of expenses
- Annual accounts not appropriately signed off or submitted to the District
- Little or no financial report presented to the Group Executive Committee
- Sections funds are held by the sections or not banked
- Untimely reimbursement on production of expenses
24 / Equipment /
- Good and adequate games and craft equipment available for weekly meetings to support the balanced programme
- Adequate camping / sleepover equipment
- Well maintained and tidy store
- Group Quartermaster in post
- Adequate games and craft equipment available for weekly meetings to support the balanced programme, with some items in need of replacement or repair
- Adequate camping / sleepover equipment some items require replacing
- Well maintained and tidy store
- In adequate games and craft equipment available for weekly meetings to support the balanced programme
- In adequate camping / sleepover equipment
- Poor stores
25 / Group events / 2 or more joint events for
all Sections each year / 1 joint event for all sections
each year / No Group event
What were the Group’s top three successes and how were they celebrated in the last 12 months?
Success / Celebrated?
What were the Group’s three most challenging difficulties and how were they dealt with in the last 12 months?
Challenge / Reason / Result
Local Publicity
Does your Group have people in place to deal with any of the following?
Community Development / Public Relations / Media
How many of the following methods have you used to enhance the image and profile of your Group within your local area in the last 12 months?
Newspaper articles / Radio mentions / Community projects / Community events / Community newsletters / Via the internet
Community centres / Local
schools / Local
Shops / Local Supermarkets / Local Libraries / Places of Worship
Community Awareness
26 / Communication and external links with other voluntary organisations / There is regular communication between the GSL and other organisations in the locality – either by phone / letter / 1-2-1 / email / There is sporadic communication between GSL and other organisations / There is little or no communication between GSL and other organisations
27 / Promotional material
How many examples of promotional materials does your Group use? /
- booklet
- brochure
- leaflets
- display boards
- web site
- programme newsletter
- booklet
- brochure
- leaflets
- display boards
- web site
- programme newsletter
- booklet
- brochure
- leaflets
- display boards
- web site
- programme newsletter