Mayo High School Orchestras Syllabus 2016-2017

Katie Kruger, Director

507-328-5468 (office)

Course Objectives and Outcomes

  • To perform string orchestra music of various styles, genres, and periods that represent traditional as well as contemporary performance practices
  • To further develop musicianship through playing a stringed instrument.
  • To provide opportunities for student to acquire additional knowledge in pedagogy, conducting, music history, theory and notation.
  • To develop an understanding of and appreciation for the process of musical experience.
  • To create a framework in which the creative expressiveness of each individual can be developed and encouraged through the collaborative process of string orchestra rehearsals and performance opportunities.

Classroom Expectations

Because this classroom is a place where we must all work together in order to succeed, it is very important that each student abide by the classroom expectations listed below. This will ensure that time is used effectively and that rehearsals run efficiently.

  • Bring all necessary materials to class each day.
  • Respect others who are speaking
  • Remain on task and allow others to remain on task.
  • Use our time productively.
  • Display appropriate social skills.
  • Be in seat when the bell rings.
  • Enjoy making music together.
  • Only use electronics when called for.

Grading Policy





F< 60%


Grading will consist of these elements and may vary by ensemble:

Daily Rehearsal Points

3 points will be earned for each class period. Points can be lost for missing materials and/or inappropriate behavior until a student reaches 0 for the day, including forgetting an instrument or not having required materials


All students are required to participate in their respective orchestras concerts. If a student must be absent from a performance and Ms. Kruger is notified ahead of time, a make-up assignment will be given if asked for so points may be earned. More information about performance attendance is found below.

Written Work

Assignments, Worksheets, and Quizzes

Playing tests

Playing tests will be held throughout the school year. Students will receive written evaluations. Students are tested on excerpts from the concert repertoire and on assigned etudes and scales.

Required Materials

Instrument and bow,pencils (at least two), all assigned music, rosin, shoulder rest (for upper Strings), rock stop (for cellos), extra set of strings

  • Students are encouraged to own or rent their instruments. A small number of school instruments are available, particularly larger instruments.
  • Instrument shops that service our area include Schmitt Music and Welhaven Music.

Performance and Important Date Information

September 30, 2016Coronation- Symphonic Strings only 1:30pm- Mayo HS Gymnasium, Mayo

December 5, 2016 Orchestra Winter Concert – all Orchestras 7:00pm -Smith Auditorium

January 21, 2016Solo and Ensemble – selected students ALL DAY - Lakeville South HS

February 1, 2016 Meet the Ensemble - Symphonic Strings 10:00am – Smith Auditorium

February 27, 2017 Orchestra Concert –all Orchestras 7:00pm -Smith Auditorium

April 26, 2017 Big 9 Home Concert – Symphonic Strings 7:00pm - Smith Auditorium

April 28, 2017Big 9 Music Festival –Symphonic Strings ALL DAY –Red Wing High School

May 23, 2017Orchestra Spring Concert 7:00pm -Smith Auditorium

Performances are an integral part of a students’ music education. Therefore it is expected that all students will be present at all scheduled performances. If there are any extenuating circumstances that prevent this please contact the director in advance so other arrangements can be made.

Concert Dress

Symphonic Strings


  • Tuxedo (provided by school, cared for by student)
  • White Tuxedo Shirt
  • Black Socks
  • Black Shoes


  • Black Dress (provided by school, cared for by student)
  • Black Shoes

Concert Orchestra


  • Black Dress Shirt (Button Down)
  • Black Slacks (no jeans)
  • Black Socks
  • Black Shoes


  • Black Shirt or Blouse
  • Black Slacks or Skirt (at least knee length)
  • Black socks or nylons
  • Black Shoes

Instrument Storage

Lockers are available for all stringed instruments in the music area for students to store their instruments. Students may bring a lock from home if they would like to lock their locker.


Several fundraising activities will happen during the year. The students will each have an individual account, the more fundraising they do the more money they will have in their account. This year, we will travel to Florida as a music department. Funds used this year and previous years can go towards this trip.

Honors Option

Students in Symphonic Strings are eligible for Honor’s credit through extra work in performance, research, or education. See Ms. Kruger for more details.

Please sign and return this page to Ms. Kruger by Friday, September 9th.

I have read and understand the syllabus for the Mayo High School Orchestras 2016-2017 School Year.


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate