Robert F. Flider, Director


Bureau of Land and Water Resources

State Fairgrounds $P.O. Box 19281$Springfield, IL62794-9281$ 217/782-6297 $ TDD 217/524-6858 $ Fax 217/557-0993

March 2014 – BLWR Update

Illinois Conservation Partnership 2013 Annual Report

Arequest was sent out to Districts asking you to complete the annual survey of activities for FY 2013. The information will beincluded in the Annual Partnership Report that outlines all of the broad accomplishments of Districts and our partners in conserving our natural resources. We are also asking for you to submit electronic pictures of District activities with your District narratives to be put into a power point.This information is provided to policy makers and the public at various conferences, etc. It is also used to help secure sustained funding for Districts. Please take a few minutes and complete the survey and return it to us. Also, the FY 2012 Report has been placed on DARTS. Thank you!

FY 2015 Partners for Conservation Program

Cost-Share Program Guidelines and Application Forms

The BLWR is in the process of reviewing guidelines and forms for the next fiscal year. SWCDs may send any suggestions, comments or ideas for improvement of the FY 2015 program in writing to your Regional Representative by May 15, 2014. As always, we thank you for your input into improving Department programs!

Partners for Conservation Fund

Deadlines for Expenditure:

FY12 CPP/ TMDL account June 28, 2014

FY13 CPP / TMDL account November 8, 2014

FY 2014 Streambank Stabilization and Restoration Cost-Share Funding Available

The March 1 deadline for submitting FY14 SSRP cost-share applications has been canceled due to the delay in getting new contracts with the stream specialists and recent difficult weather. The deadline for submitting the applications will be June 1 to allow sufficient time for the specialists to conduct investigations and provide reports to districts in time to submit applications to the Bureau. You may contact the specialist assigned to your district for technical assistance. Please contact me If you have questions about the application process.

Chris 815-985-6372

Rob 217-257-3954

Wayne 618-830-6318

Summer Conference

Please mark your calendars for July 28 and 29 at the Northfield Inn in Springfield. The agenda will be finalized in the coming weeks.

Statement of Economic Interest Forms

All SWCD Directors must file an annual Illinois Governmental Ethics Act, Statement of Economic Interest Form with your County Clerk. The Illinois Governmental Ethics Act, Statement of Economic Interest Forms (being sent by the County Clerk's Office) must be completed and filed with your County Clerk's Office by May 1, 2014 to avoid a penalty. Contact your CountyClerk's Office for more information.

Transmittal Checklist Items

Please make sure the following items are completed and sent in to Carrie Tisckos at the Departmentby April 1, 2014.

Annual Report and Annual Meeting Minutes (signed by chairman)

Organization of the Board Form

Election Counting Record

Acceptance of Office Forms (signed)

Cover Crop Plot Initiative Grants

Last year the Bureau funded (9) grants to SWCDs, to promote, demonstrate, conduct research, and educate the public, as to the need, uses and benefits of utilizing Cover Crops as an integral part of a rotational cropping system. The grants are funded through the Sustainable Agriculture Grant Program.

The Department is seeking to expand the grant program by assisting SWCDs in the establishment of an additional (16) on-farm demonstration and/or research cover crops plots. The plots are to be up to 3 acres in size with good road access.

The proposals from SWCDs that are selected for funding will be awarded a grant of $400 per year for up to three years to use towards expenses associated with the cost of conducting the Cover Crops Initiative action items. In addition to the $400 grant, districts will receive a 4’ x 8’ sign that can be installed at the plots to advertise the initiative.

Grant Criteria:

A) Field size is 3 acres(or larger), with several different varieties of cover crops planted for demonstration

B) Preference is given to on-farm demonstration or replicated research plots

C) Road accessible

D) Plots will identify agricultural cover crops that promote, maintain productivity, minimize soil degradation, improve soil health and water quality

E) Local Soil and Water Conservation Districts will provide coordination, cooperation and oversight for the demonstration or research plot with all parties involved and participating

F) Soil and Water Conservation Districts shall conduct an annual, informational plot tour for cooperators, landowners, the media, legislators, and all persons expressing an interest.

The grant proposal/application form has been posted to DARTS in the Sustainable Agriculture/Forms folder. The deadline for submitting proposals to the Bureau is May 1, 2014.

Get The Good Word Out!

With so many ongoing SWCD and partner events, we need a good way to organize and advertise all the upcoming cover crop, soil health, and various workshops and demonstrations planned. Local newspapers, radio stations and statewide media can help us get the word out about these events, but we need a fast and easy way to offer them access to the information.

In addition to creating eye-catchy fliers to attract farmers, SWCDs can provide basic event information in a simple event calendar on the NRCS Public Affairs SharePoint site. Just enter the details and save your information. Then once a month, Public Affairs will share it with larger and statewide media. This is a good way to get your events into calendar items in larger news venues. Ultimately, this could increase awareness and visibility for your local SWCD event and attract more participants.

The chart you will fill in looks like this:

IL / 2014
Date & Time / Title/Topic / County/Location / Sponsors / RSVP Ph. No. / Lunch Y/N?
3-19-14 / Cover Crop Workshop / Coles Co. Douglas Hart Nature Ctr. / Coles Co. SWCD & NRCS / 217.345.3901 / Y $ Free
3-6-14 / Cover Crop Workshop / Monticello City Building / Macon, Piatt Co. SWCDs / 217.762.2146 or 217.877.5670 / Y $20
3-31-14 / Cover Crop Farmer Education Meeting / Crawford Co. Fife Opera House; Palestine, IL / Crawford Co. SWCD, LaMotte Creek Watershed / 618.544.7515 or 618.562.7903 / Y $10
3-27-14 / Discover The Cover / Vermilion Co. SWCD office Danville, IL / SWVD, IDOA, Pro Harvest / 217.442.8511 / N w/ light refreshments

Visit NRCS’ Public Affairs SharePoint site and click on SWCD Event Calendar at

Ag Areas Annual Report Available on DARTS and BLWR Webpage

The 2013 Agricultural Areas Annual Report is now on DARTS and the BLWR webpage. If anyone has an interest in establishing an Ag Area in your county, please contact Terry Savko for assistance.

New Director Training

Please make sure to inform your Regional Representative of all new Directors elected at your annual meeting or District election so they may coordinate with the Directors on New Director Training. As in the past, we plan to offer the New Director Training on a local level in small groups or individually to anyone that would like to receive the training.

Home Composting Brochure Available

A home composting brochure is available at the link provided for download. It was developed in cooperation with the Illinois Department of Agriculture, University of Illinois Extension, Illinois Stewardship Alliance, City of Springfield, and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Illinois Forage Institute

The Illinois Forage Institute will be held on Thursday, March 13 at First Christian Church, Family Life Center, 1100 Killarney Drive, Greenville, IL. Topics include harvesting baleage, soil fertility management for hay and pastures, corn crop residue: a winter feed alternative, hay storage and feeding methods to minimize losses, weed management for hay and pastures, forage insurance availability and selecting forage species. Cost for the educational program is $15 per person for IFGC members and $20 per person for non-members. Pre-registration is requested by March 5. Cost will be $20 and $25 respectively per person after March 5 and at the door on March 13. Registration covers a noon meal and forage presentation handout material. Program registration can be mailed to Matt Bunger, IFGC board member, 216 E. Main Street, Williamsville, IL 62693. The complete program agenda can be viewed at The Forage Institute is sponsored by the Illinois Forage and Grassland Council and supported by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of Illinois Extension and Bond County Soil and Water Conservation District.