West Midlands Strategic Health Authority




Thursday 19th July 2012 at 10:00am

Walton Suite 3, Clarendon Suites


Helen Goodyear – Associate Postgraduate Dean LTFT Training (Chair)
Laura Higginbotham – Administrator, PMDE Team
Specialty Advisors / Lead Trainees
Sarah Barrett / GUM / Caroline Brückner-Holt / Palliative Medicine
Karen Ellery / Dentistry / Divya Dhasmana / GUM
Savita Gossain / Pathology / Sharmila Madhogaria / Dermatology
Claire Hookey / Palliative Care / Emma Parry / Psychiatry
Elizabeth Justice / Rheumatology / Emma Plunkett / Anaesthesia
Helen Lewis / Dermatology
Nicky Osborn / Anaesthetics
Elizabeth Smith / Geriatric Medicine
Lucy Strens / Neurology
Bridget Wilson / Paediatrics
Maddie Meades – Administrator, LTFTT
Specialty Advisors / Lead Trainees
Rachael Boddy / Emergency Medicine / Louise Baxendale / Anaesthetics
Carol Cobb / Medicine / Carolyn Bell / Rheumatology
Grant Heatlie / Cardiology / Ingrid Du Rand / Respiratory Medicine
Lavanya Kamesh / Renal Medicine / Eleanor Dryhurst / Psychiatry
Juliet Mills / Haematology / Elizabeth McEvoy / General Practice
Paulette Myers / Public Health / Helen Ward / Respiratory
David Thickett / Respiratory Medicine / Katie Wright / Emergency Medicine
Konstance Tzifa / ENT
Brief, round the table introductions were given.
The minutes from the meeting held on 17th January 2012 were accepted as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Actions have been completed or will be discussed during today’s agenda.
HG reminded the committee to regularly check and flag anything which is out of date or needs changing on the website. West Midlands Deanery website is still in the BMA junior doctors’ top 3 for LTFT training in the country but is no longer number 1.
HG referred the committee to enclosure B, Analysis of the Annual Survey of Less Than Full Time Training – 1st May 2011 – 30th April 2012’. The following points were highlighted:
-The number of LTFT trainees is gradually increasing. The West Midlands currently have 7% of trainees in LTFT training.
-The largest number of LTFT trainees is in StR3+ / SpR.
-StRGP3 numbers have increased.
-There has also been an increase in CMT 1&2 and ST1-2
-Numbers have slightly increased in foundation.
-In terms of gender, 96% of LTFT trainees are female in keeping with previous findings.
-The BMA are interested in academic less than full time training.
-It has been suggested that the question regarding queries should be removed from the survey as the data is meaningless and most likely inaccurate.
-The reason most trainees decide to work LTFT is because of childcare.
-Delayed / pending data is meaningless because not all deaneries record this information.
-No appeals were logged due to rejection on the grounds of eligibility at any deanery.
-Conversion data (from LTFT posts to fulltime and vice versa) was deemed meaningless.
-There are large numbers of LTFT trainees in GP and Paediatrics.
-West Midlands Deanery has one of the largest numbers of LTFT trainees in the country
The GMC were present at the forum and were keen to emphasise 3 papers:
  1. Enclosure D – ‘GMC additional position statement on academic training in a less than full time post – January 2012’. The paper explains that it is possible to work less than full time in an academic post.
  1. Enclosure E – ‘GMC Position statement on less than full time training – October 2011’. Trainees should work at no less than 50% unless there are very exceptional circumstances, in which trainees would be allowed to work at 20% for a limited time only after discussion with the Associate Dean for less than fulltime training.
  1. Enclosure C – ‘GMC additional position statement: Workplace based assessments and annual review of competency progression – February 2012’. LTFT trainees have to completea pro rata amount of workplace-based assessments but due to competency based training, less than full time traineeswill be required to complete the same amount as full time trainees over the duration of the programme. Therefore, LTFT trainees are encouraged to complete more than the minimum number of pro-rata assessments especially if they are looking to shorten their training.
-NHS Employers are producing new nationalpregnancy guidelines, agreed with the BMA, which are expected to be released in October 2012.
-Concerns were raised in that, because LTFT doctors are in training for longer, they may not be fulfilling the most up-to-date curriculum at the time of their CCT date. Trainees should be aware of and fulfil the new curriculum. There were conflicting views around this; trainees stated that they had been advised that switching to the updated curriculum is an option.
Action: HG advised the committee to contact their RoyalCollege and HG will speak to
Andrew Whitehouse and raise at the next LTFT training forum in October.
-SM advised that she was recently reprimanded for completing one less assessment than her full time colleagues. HG confirmed this should not have happened.
Action: HLwill raise this at the next Dermatology Training Committee Meeting and circulate
the GMC document.
-For information: GP training extensions vary across the country and affects both full time and
less than full time training.
-The BMA are currently planning a ‘Return to Work Conference’, further details to be confirmed. An eventwas due to be hosted by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in June but was cancelled because it was the same day as doctors took industrial action regarding their pensions. The conference will focus on various topics including:
  • Looking at ageing doctors: Experience vs. Dexterity
  • Pensions
  • Equal opportunities in employment
Action: HG will circulate details as soon as they become available. / HG / All
HG advised that Katie Harrison did a talk with her at the Warwick careers fair and the evaluations highlighted that this part was highly valued by attendees. HG stated that she would be very grateful for support from trainees at forthcoming careers fairs.Katie Wright from emergency medicine has also given talks at previous careers fairs. SM said that she would be happy to talk at the deanery careers fair in September but would like to talk to Katie Wright and Katie Harrison about the presentation.
Action: HG will forward Katie Harrison and Katie Wrights email addresses to SM
The next careers fair will take place on Saturday 29th September 2012. HG asked trainees to support the LTFT stand by providing information for posters includingphotographs. / HG
NO advised that Keeping In Touch Days (KIT Days) were discussed at the Anaesthetics Training Committee, All health care workers including doctors are allowed up to 10 paid working days during maternity leave. Pay is negotiated with Human Resources. This could prove difficult if a trainee is going on maternity leave from one trust and then returning to another as the trust funding the maternity leave also funds the KIT days. It appears that not many trainees are aware of KIT days, Emma Plunkett carried out a survey and out of 25 anaesthetic trainees, only 3 had taken KIT days and some did not know who to contact to arrange them.
Action: HG will speak to Aidan Wafer to ascertain whether there is a policy on KIT Days.
Action: NO will email document to HG.
Action: HG will raise KIT days at the next PMDE Board Meeting.
Action: Depending on the outcome of the above it may be appropriate to add aline regarding KIT days to LTFT training letters / HG
The group were asked to talk to their training committees and make sure that they are aware that HG is the only person whocan approve LTFT training and formal application is required. HG advised that she is more than happy to talk to people on the telephone if they are unsure of the process.It was suggested that maybe the letter and advice sheets should be rewritten.
The committee were asked to encourage trainees to send in their LTFT programme forms as early as possible. Many trainees leave it until the last moment, for example, some trainees are still sending in forms now for August start dates.
All advisors present confirmed they are part of their training committees as less than full time training advisors and will raisethis issue in future meetings. Some trainees have said they do not need a timetable to get forms signed off. This is not correct. HG confirmed that forms will not be processed until all signatures are received and LTFT advisors should not sign the form without indication of the timetable including out of hours.
There has been quite a large increase in ST1-3 grades taking up LTFT training. There are many part-time trainees in full-time slots at present. Overall things are running ok but there are some problems with rotas and with trainees not completing their programme forms on time.
Genitourinary Medicine (GUM)
Previously there were 15 GUM trainees but there are now only 9. The department is awaiting natural CCT progression before it is able to appoint more trainees. SB is currently trying to sort the rotas for all 9 trainees and following some discussion it was confirmed that LTFT trainees should rotate with the fulltimers and should only be given outline programmes at the start of training rather than each placement being definitely confirmed.
There has been a reduction in the number of LTFT trainees. There are currently 3 trainees which is the lowest number in 3 years.
There are currently 8 LTFT trainees with a further 2 starting in August and some CCT dates in the near future. In January a full time trainee wanted to train less than full time starting around March, the process was discussed with SG but the trainee experienced difficulty in getting the forms signed by HR at UHCW and decided to wait until moving to another trust.
There are currently 5 LTFT trainees in Geriatrics.
There are currently no LTFT trainees; there are some on maternity leave who may come back LTFT.
Palliative Care
There are currently 7 LTFT trainees. Slotshare arrangements are currently being reviewed in palliative care.
Action: CH to chase and inform HG of the slot shares
There are currently 6 LTFT trainees with 3 near CCT. There are 3 trainees in 2 fullitme posts at Coventry.
Further discussion centred on the programme forms, HG informed the committee that trainees must complete 5 sets of programme forms if sent to all signatories at the same time and encouraged trainees to photocopy or scan copies of their forms before posting the, so as to have a record as forms still get lost in the post
There were 6 LTFT trainees. Two finish training this month and another is on long-term sick leave but may return soon as a supernumerary trainee.
Emergency Medicine
There are currently 4 LTFT trainees in emergency medicine. There is an issue around bandingand hours at SWBH with which the BMAis involved. Trainees should be encouraged to contact HG in the first instance as it will take at least 6 months for a resolution when the BMA are involved.
There is an issue at UHB with trainees returning from maternity leave and have been told they are not going to be paid banding for annual leave accrued. The BMA should be involved as this issue relates to Terms & Conditions.
There are more than 30 LTFT trainees in anaesthetics.
There is currently an issue around the duration of posts. There is a large number of trainees. The Head of School is communicating with the college and Dr Goodyear has raised this issue via the LTFT Forum of CoPMED. It is causing a lot of anxiety amongst trainees. / CH
Genitourinary Medicine (GUM)
Nothing to report
Palliative Care
Nothing to report
Nothing further to report
Nothing to report
Noting to report
The process for GP trainees getting their Programme Trainingforms signed off has changed significantly following the LTFT Training Specialty Advisor for General Practice standing down from the role.
GPVTS Area Programme Directorshave now taken on the additional role of LTFTT Specialty Advisors withresponsibilities for signing off Programme Training forms for LTFT trainees in their area. The process is currently being streamlined and new advice/information sheets are in preparation, together with notices circulating to all GPVTS trainees and uploaded to the web-site.
Action: Guidelines are urgently needed from General Practice.
LTFT trainees who are on a Tier 2 visa must work at 70% or greater. It is important that anyone whose circumstances change whilst working on a Tier 2 visa seek advice from HG or Mohamed Arafa, Associate Dean for International Doctors. / GP Team
13 / Details of Next 2 Meetings
Date: Tuesday 15th January 2013
Time: 10:00 am
Venue: Main Conference Room, St Chads Court
Date: Thursday 4th July 2013
Venue: TBC