Minutes / Board Meeting
Date: / 17 MarchVenue: Support Horizons, Denmark Court
Present: / Jim StockleyNon-Executive Director (Chair)
Tony AllenNon-Executive Director (Finance)
Vera DoeNon-Executive Director
Nick Campbell-WhiteExecutive Director (CAB)
Mark SharmanExecutive Director (Help & Care)
In attendance: / Nick DurmanDevelopment Officer
Ros CroyHealthwatch Supervisor (CAB)
Nicola StrudleyLocality Manager
Heather WyperMinute taker
Guests: / Paul CassidyDirector, ARC
Marty SladeChief Executive, Support Horizons
Apologies: / Deborah Law PR & Communications Officer
Action by
1. / Apologies, welcome and introductions
2. / Minutes of the last meeting held on27 January 2015 - approved & signed.
3. / Talk by Marty Slade - Chief Executive, Support Horizons
Marty described Support Horizons' mission (providing social care support services for vulnerable adults) and discussed currentpriorities.
4. / Talk by Paul Cassidy - Director, ARC Counselling Service
Paul outlined the ARC's work. Board members noted that ARC provided counsellors in all Wokingham secondary schools, as well as some primary schools and four GP surgeries. They discussed childrens mental health issues in the Borough with Paul, and told him about the survey (see 5a).
5. / Projects update
a)Young People -NS & ND returning to St Crispins in April to share survey results (using an animation - first draft shown to Board).Joint project topic would be decided via student voting.
b)Access to Information - meeting planned late Spring/early summer
6. / HW Wokingham Volunteer meeting - 23 March
NS outlined plans. To include training on eliciting people's stories.
7. / Update from meetings
a) GP Managers - had discussed with ND the liaison process prior to publication of future reports. NS commented that only two surgeries had responded to the recent 'What Has Changed?' feedback request.
b) CAMHS[1] - The Board discussed NS & ND's meeting with Davina Williams. They agreedthatone agency/body should take overall leadership responsibility for ensuring that this failing service is turned aroundin Wokingham Borough. HW Wokingham to formally raise at Health & Wellbeing Board (HWB) meeting. NS to circulatedraft. / NS
c) WISP[2]- positive mechanism for multi-agency working. But CCG's Wokingham version of 'Sam's Story'[3]lacked detail and specifics.
d)Wheelchair user experiences - Mrs Antink(Healthwatch Champion) planningtown centre wheelchair rally. Son Colin to blog onHW Wok website.
8. / Annual Report - draft ready by next meeting. Awaiting HWE template.
9. / Finance
  • Board formally approved the strategic plan and budget for 2015/16 with the addition of - it was hoped - an extra £5k from WBC (below).

  • JS explained that Stuart Rowbotham had indicated that he would be willing to commit £5k from the Better Care Fund monies to HW Wokingham (details in e-mail from JS). NS agreed to raise invoice.
/ NS
  • JS emphasised the importance of joint working with neighbouring agencies to maximise impact and value for money. NS cited joint lHW initiatives relating to Prospect Park and Frimley Park Hospitals.

  • To be submitted to next Board meeting: (i) HW Wokingham's formal accounts ending Sept 2014; (ii) full year results up to 31 March 2015 (i.e. 2014/15 management accounts).
10. / Any other business
a)BBC Radio Berkshire - interested in young people's survey. It was agreed that the opportunity should be used to publicise the CAMHS issue instead and seek media attendance at HWB on 9 April. / ND
b) HW England - JS reported on online discussion with HWE Chair. NS to circulate recently-issued HWE guidance (topics covered include independence, purdah, and recommended terminology). / NS
c)CAB SLA review - still outstanding. RC agreed to ask John Ferguson (CAB Manager) to provide NEDs with some possible dates. / RC
d)Nearby lHWs - NS now Locality Manager for HW Slough. Parkwood Health no longer held contract for HW WAM[4]. HW Bracknell - no change (consortium). HW Reading hosting regular meetings of Thames Valley lHWs - very positive. NS agreed to contact West Berks Council to enquire about future arrangements there. / NS
e)Neighbourhood clusters - 3 recent public events in the Borough. NS confirmed that HW Wokingham were getting involved in discussions.
f)Intelligence report - now produced on quarterly basis, due April.
10. / Dates of future meetings
Tues 28 April
Tues 26 May
Tues 29 June
Tues 28 July
Tues 25 August
Tues 29 Sept
Tues 27 Oct
Tues 24 Nov

Agreed & signed: ...... Chairman


DRAFT for submission to the next Board meeting1

[1]Children & Adolescents Mental Health Service

[2]Wokingham Integration Strategic Partnership

[3]animation produced by the King's Fund illustrating the concept of integrated care

[4]Healthwatch Windsor, Ascot & Maidenhead