Archived Information
AGAAssociation of Government Accountants
AFDCAid to Families with Dependent Children
APAdvanced Placement
BJSBureau of Justice
BOTABoard on Testing and Assessment
BPSBeginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study
CARSCommon Audit Resolution System
CCDCommon Core of Data
CCLC21st Century Community Learning Centers
CHAFLCollege Housing and Academic Facilities Loan
CHLCollege Housing Loan
CIPPCritical Infrastructure Protection Plan
CPSCurrent Population Survey
CSRSCivil Service Retirement System
DCIADebt Collection Improvement Act
DCPSDistrict of Columbia Public School System
DELSSDeveloping English Literacy in Spanish-Speaking Children Project
DLPDirect Loan Program
DMDepartment Management
EDU.S. Department of Education
EDAElectronic Debit Account
EDCAPSDepartment of Education Central Automated Processing System
EDPASEducation Department Performance Appraisal System
EFCExpected Financial Contribution
EFTElectronic File Transfer
ELLEnglish Language Learner
EMTExecutive Management Team
ERICEducational Resources Information Center
ESEAElementary and Secondary Education Act
FAFSAFree Application for Federal Student Aid
FASABFederal Accounting Standard Advisory Board
FBCOFaith-Based and Community Organizations
FCCFederal Capital Contribution
FDLPFederal Direct Loan Program
FECAFederal Employees Contribution Act
FERSFederal Employees Retirement System
FFELFederal Family Education Loan
FFELPFederal Family Education Loan Program
FFMIAFederal Financial Managers Improvement Act
FICAFederal Insurance Contribution Act (Social Security)
FIEFund for the Improvement of Education
FMFIAFederal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act
FMSSFinancial Management System Software
FPDEFederal Procurement Data Source
FSAFederal Student Aid
FTBFull-Time Beginner
FWSFederal Work Study
GAGuaranty Agency
GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAOGeneral Accounting Office
GAPSGrant and Administrative Payment System
GEDGeneral Education Developmental Credential
GEAR UPGaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
GISRAGovernment Information Security Reform Act
GMRAGovernment Management Reform Act
GPASGeneral Performance Appraisal System
GPRAGovernment Performance and Results Act
GRSGraduation Rate Survey
GSAGeneral Services Administration
HBCUHistorically Black College and University
HEAHigher Education Act
HEFLHigher Education Facilities Loan
HEGISHigher Education General Information Survey
HHSDepartment of Health and Human Services
HSIHispanic-Serving Institutions
IAeCAPSInternal Audit Electronic Corrective Action Plan System
IASAImproving America’s Schools Act
IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDUESInstitutional Development and Undergraduate Education Service
IESInstitute of Education Sciences
ILIndependent Living
IPEDSIntegrated Postsecondary Education Data System
IPOSInstitutional Participation and Oversight Service
IRSInternal Revenue Service
ITInformation Technology
LaRSLenders Reporting System
LEPLimited English Proficient
MITManagement Improvement Team
MSPMathematics and Science Partnership
NAAL National Assessment of Adult Literacy
NAEPNational Assessment of Educational Progress
NAGBNational Assessment Governing Board
NAVENational Assessment of Vocational Education
NCESNational Center for Education Statistics
NCLBNo Child Left Behind Act
NCVSNational Crime Victimization Survey
NDNHNational Directory of New Hires
NDPDNational Default Prevention Day
NHESNational Household Education Survey
NHSDANational Household Survey on Drug Abuse
NICHDNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development
NIDRRNational Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NLENational Library of Education
NPECNational Postsecondary Education Cooperative
NSPASNational Postsecondary Student Aid Study
NSLDSNational Student Loan Data System
OCFOOffice of the Chief Financial Officer
OCIOOffice of the Chief Information Officer
OCROffice for Civil Rights
OELAOffice of English Language Acquisition
OESEOffice of Elementary and Secondary Education
OERIOffice of Educational Research and Improvement
OFFOracle Federal Financials
OFSAOffice of Federal Student Aid
OIGOffice of the Inspector General
OIIAOffice of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs
OMOffice of Management
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OPEOffice of Postsecondary Education
OPMOffice of Personnel Management
OSEPOffice of Special Education Programs
OSERSOffice of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
OSTPOffice of Science and Technology Policy
OVAEOffice of Vocational and Adult Education
PARPerformance and Accountability Report
PARTProgram Assessment Rating Tool
PBDMIPerformance Based Data Management Initiative
PBOPerformance Based Organization
PBSCPerformance Based Service Contracting
PMAPresident’s Management Agenda
PMCPresident’s Management Council
PPMDPlanning and Performance Management Database
PSEPost Secondary Education
REAPRural Education Achievement Program
RIMGRegulatory Information Management Group
RSARehabilitation Services Administration
SASStrategic Accountability Service
SDFSCSafe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program
SEAState Education Agencies
SFAStudent Financial Assistance
SGLStandard General Ledger
SHEEOState Higher Education Executive Officers’ Communication Network
TCUTribal Colleges and Universities
VRVocational Rehabilitation
FY 2002 Performance and Accountability ReportH-1
U.S. Department of Education