Chisago Lakes Middle School

Professional Development Response Form

In order to receive funds from the state for staff development, each school must show specifically how students benefit from teachers’ learning experiences at workshops and in-services.

Teachers who attend workshops and in-services with funds from the Professional Development budget must respond to the questions below and present the information learned. When completed, please turn this form into the Building Leadership/School Improvement Committee. Thank you!

Name______Current Date______

Event attended______Event Date______

1. Which building, district, or legislative goal(s) did the event fit into? Check as many as apply.

Chisago Lakes Middle School Site Goals

□  S1. Chisago Lakes Middle School students in grades 6-8 will improve achievement in reading and math.

□  S2. Chisago Lakes Middle School staff will continue to explore best grading practices that will reflect student academic achievement, based on established standards and learning outcomes.

□  S3. Chisago Lakes Middle School staff will develop/refine skills in the utilization of technology within the classroom to improve instruction and student learning.

□  S4. Chisago Lakes Middle School Staff will create/refine an advisement program that builds meaningful connections between adults and students, resulting in improved building climate and increased student academic and behavioral achievement.

ISD 2144 Goals

□  D1. Provide relevant professional learning to increase educator expertise that results in greater student achievement in all academic areas as measured by state and local assessment tools

□  D2. Provide relevant professional learning through the use of a variety of sources and types of student, educator and system data to plan, assess, and evaluate learning, make instructional decisions and evaluate resource allocation

□  D3. Provide relevant professional learning to increase staff effectiveness and integration of digital resources (technology) in professional practice

□  D4. Provide and support relevant professional learning opportunities for collaboration in using best practices to increase educators’ effectiveness

Minnesota Legislative Goals

□  M1. Improve student achievement of state and local education standards in all areas of the curriculum by using best practice methods.

□  M2. Effectively meet the needs of a diverse student population, including at-risk children, children with disabilities, and gifted children, within the regular classroom and other settings.

□  M3. Provide an inclusive curriculum for a racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse student population that is consistent with the state education diversity rule and the district’s diversity plan.

□  M4. Improve staff collaboration and develop mentoring and peer coaching programs for teachers new to the school or district.

□  M5. Effectively teach and model violence prevention policy and curriculum that address early intervention alternatives, issues of harassment, and teach nonviolent alternatives for conflict resolution.

□  M6. Provide teachers and other members of site-based management teams with appropriate management and financial management skills.

2. State two or three main points or ideas you gained from the event.

3. State how your learning from the event has affected, or will affect, student achievement in your classroom.

4. State how the event will help you meet the goal(s) you checked in question #1.

5. State how you have or will share the knowledge gained with colleagues. (i.e. mini-session, department meeting, PLC meeting, grade level meeting, faculty meeting).