This handbook has been prepared to inform you about the Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 employment practices, the policies, and conduct expected from you. We ask that you read this handbook carefully and refer to it whenever questions arise. The policies in this handbook are to be considered guidelines. No employee manual can answer every question. If something is unclear, take it to your supervisor. No statement or promise by a supervisor may be interpreted as a change in policy, nor will it constitute an agreement with an employee.
Only the House Committee may alter or modify any of the policies in this handbook. It is expected provisions of this handbook will change, as they are modified, you will be given replacement pages for those that have become outdated. Should a provision in this Employee Handbook be found to be unenforceable and invalid, such a finding does not invalidate the entire Employee Handbook, but only the subject provision. This handbook replaces all previous related guidelines or handbooks.
Please sign the “Receipt and Acknowledgement” form at the end of this handbook and return it to your supervisor. Thank you and Welcome to the Palmer Elks Lodge #1842.
House Committee Chairman Effective Date
A. A confidential personnel file will be kept by the manager for each employee.
B. Keeping your personnel file up-to-date can be important to you with regard to pay, deductions, benefits and other matters. If you have a change in any of the following items, please notify your supervisor as soon as possible.
1. Legal name
2. Address
3. Telephone number
4. Person to call in case of emergency
5. Number of dependents
6. Marital status
7. Exemptions on your W-4 tax form
C. The file will also contain your Social Security Number, date of birth, job classification, relevant work week, pay rate, hours worked weekly, weekly earnings (with any overtime), additions or deductions to wages, date paid, pay period covered, any other documents to include the W-4 and I-9 forms and a copy of your TAM Card.
D. Employees may request to review their records. If an employee requests a copy of their record, a certified copy will be provided by the Lodge Secretary. Charges for such copies will be $. 50 per page.
E. Employee records will be kept for at least 10 years.
A. The interview process will be the same for all applicants. The same or similar questions and performance expectations will be presented. (See Supervisor’s attachment).
B. “New Hire Checklist” will be completed for each new employee (Appendix A).
C. Employment and job advancement decisions will be made without regard for race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, handicap or membership, application, performance or obligation for military service.
D. Form I-9 (Immigration and Naturalization Service Form) must be completed and signed by the Employee. The Lodge Secretary or the employer representative that reviews the verification documents must sign the form. All completed I-9 forms are placed in the employee’s file.
E. A W-4 form will be completed.
F. All new employees are subject to a 90 day probation period.
A. All employment and compensation with the Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 is “at will” which means that your employment can be terminated with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of either the Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 or yourself, except as provided by law. A two week written notice by an employee that plans to leave is appreciated.
B. Employees will be on time for their work period. If you cannot be to work on time, you are to call your supervisor immediately.
C. All hourly employees will clock in to start work and clock out when not working. If there is an error in your time card, report it to your supervisor immediately.
D. Employees will go to work immediately after clocking in, (i.e., not be doing personal grooming to prepare for work).
E. All employees will dress appropriately.
F. All work areas must be kept clean.
G. Employees that work four (4) or more hours a day are entitled to a ½ price meal with a non-alcoholic beverage.
H. No employee under the age of twenty-one (21) may receive orders, take money for, or serve alcoholic beverages.
I. No employee is authorized to purchase alcoholic beverages unless they are an Elk member over twenty-one (21) years of age and their workday is finished.
J. Employees that are hired to positions of certification are expected to keep their certification current.
K. Drug testing can be required at any time.
A. Each employee is expected to work in a safe manner.
B. No employee shall knowingly violate any safety law or regulation.
C. Each employee will correct any hazards that he or she may create (i.e. wet floor, spills, etc.).
D. If the employee is unable to correct (beyond expertise), or it is unsafe to correct a hazard, (such as an electrical problem), the employee will immediately notify their supervisor.
E. Any defective equipment will be tagged as defective and reported to your supervisor immediately.
F. All employees are expected to work in a responsible manner. No horseplay or practical jokes are allowed.
G. Employees will report all injuries immediately to their supervisor. The supervisor will fill out an accident report to be placed in the employee’s file.
H. All employees are required to know where the medical emergency kit, phone numbers and fire extinguishers are located.
I. There is no smoking except on designated breaks in designated areas.
J. Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 may exercise its right to inspect all packages and parcels entering and leaving the lodge premises.
A. The Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 intend to provide a work environment that is pleasant and free from intimidation, hostility or other offenses that might interfere with work performance. Harassment of any sort – verbal, physical, visual, and/or sexual – will not be tolerated.
B. Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but not limited to words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical contact, or violence.
C. Sexually harassing conduct may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature that prevents an individual from effectively performing the duties of their position or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, or when such conduct is made a condition of employment or compensation, either implicitly or explicitly.
D. Any employee aware of an incident or harassment, whether as victim, by witnessing the incident or being told of it, must report it confidentially to their supervisor, the House Committee Chairman or any Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 Officer with whom they feel comfortable.
E. Once notified that harassment might exist, the supervisor or the Exalted Ruler is obligated by law to take prompt and appropriate action, whether or not the victim wants action on the incident.
F. All reports will be investigated with due regard for the privacy of everyone involved.
G. Any employee found to have harassed a fellow employee or subordinate would be subject to severe disciplinary action or possible discharge.
H. No adverse employment action will be taken against any employee making a good faith report of alleged harassment.
I. Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 accepts no liability for harassment of one employee by another employee. The individual who makes unwelcome advances, threatens or in any way harasses another employee is personally liable for such actions and their consequences.
A. Current minimum wage is $7.15 per hour.
B. Supervisors will hire at a wage within their approved budget.
C. The House Committee must approve all proposed wage increases.
D. Overtime will be paid to hourly wage earners who work in excess of eight (8) hours in a workday or forty (40) hours per workweek. Overtime will be paid to hourly wage earners at one and one half (1½) times the employee’s normal hourly wage.
E. Tips will not count toward minimum wage requirements. The Club Manager will determine how tips are divided.
F. The House Committee will determine if a year-end (Christmas) bonus is to be given to employees and, if it is given, the amount for each employee.
- PAY CHECKS (business day means Lodge Office business day)
A. Employees will be paid by check on the fifth (5th) and the twentieth (20th) of each month (or on the Friday before, if the fifth (5th) or twentieth (20th) falls on weekend/holiday). Pay periods normally end on the fifteenth (15th) and last day of a month.
B. With each paycheck, employees will be given a statement showing total hours, gross payment for the period, amount and description of each deduction, net pay, pay period covered, and the Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 address and phone number.
C. As required by law, withholdings will include federal and state taxes, Social Security, and child support if applicable. Employees must voluntarily authorize deductions for their own benefit such as health insurance premiums and charitable contributions.
D. No draws against future earnings are allowed.
E. Final paychecks will be given to any employee who quits (without forty-eight (48) hours notice) within five (5) business days or the next payday excluding weekends and holidays. If the employee quits with at least forty-eight (48) hours notice, a final paycheck will be given on the last day worked unless that day is a weekend or a holiday, then the payment will be at the end of the next business day. If terminated or if the employee leaves by mutual agreement, the payment will be at the end of the next business day.
A. If a writ of garnishment, support enforcement order, or notice of levy is received, the Lodge Secretary will determine whether notice is legal. If legal, the Secretary will then determine if named employee is owed any wages, calculate the amount to be garnished, notify the employee (if possible), and follow court instructions (i.e. notify court or named attorney and send payments as directed).
B. Response to garnishment must be made within five (5) days.
C. All commissions, bonuses and vacation pay are subject to garnishment.
D. Garnishments are usually twenty-five (25) percent of disposable earnings (after legitimate deductions). The Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 will be allowed a service charge on garnishments.
A. Full-time employees - forty (40) hours/week or more - are eligible for paid vacation. Part-time employees (less than forty (40) hours/week) are not eligible for paid vacation.
B. Full-time employees – forty (40) hours/week or more – are eligible for forty (40) hours a year sick leave. Part-time employees (less than forty (40) hours/week) are not eligible for paid sick leave.
C. Vacation days or sick leave hours cannot be carried over to the next year, (i.e. use it or lose it) without prior approval of the House Committee.
D. No advanced vacation or vacation pay is authorized, and no additional wages or salary will be paid in lieu of a vacation.
E. Full-time employees are eligible for three paid holidays: 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas. You are not eligible to receive holiday pay during your introductory (probation) period.
F. Current employees as of Feb 1, 2007 are entitled to two (2) weeks vacation after two (2) years of employment based on their date of hire.
A. The Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 reserves the right to search any work area to include computers and desks. This includes the right to search containers and to monitor a work area with surveillance cameras.
B. Employee personal information will not be revealed to third parties other than as legally required (such as mandatory government reporting) without employee’s written authorization by signing a Release and Waiver form (see Appendix B).
C. Employees in the course of their duties see and hear information about the Elks Organization, the Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 and the Club operation, to include personal conduct and possible future management proposals, as well as personnel information. Any and all of this information is considered confidential and will not be discussed with other employees or members. If there is a question if information is confidential, take it to your supervisor, the Exalted Ruler or the Trustee Chairman. Breaking this confidentiality is grounds for disciplinary action to include termination.
A. In general, it is expected that each person will act in a mature and responsible way at all times. However, to avoid any possible confusion, some of the more obvious severe unacceptable activities are noted. Occurrences of any of the following violations may result in immediate dismissal. This list is not all-inclusive.
1. Any willful or deliberate act that is obviously detrimental to the Palmer Elks Lodge #1842 to operations or property.
2. Insubordination or refusing to obey instructions properly issued by your supervisor pertaining to your work.
3. Engaging in criminal conduct or acts of violence. Threatening, intimidating or coercing fellow employees on or off the Elks premises – at any time, for any purpose or making threats of violence toward anyone on premises.
4. Unauthorized possession of dangerous or illegal firearms, weapons or explosives, drugs, alcohol or other restricted items on Elks property.
5. Willful violation of security or safety rules or failure to observe safe work practices or negligence which endangers the safety of another person.
6. Being intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substance drugs while at work, the use or possession or sale of controlled substance drugs.
7. Theft of Elk property or the property of any Elk member, guest or employee. The unauthorized possession or removal of any property to include documents from the premises without prior permission from the Trustee Chairman; unauthorized use of Elk equipment or property for personal reasons; using Elk equipment for profit without prior authorization.
8. Dishonesty; willful falsification or misrepresentation on your application for employment or other work records; falsifying of time cards or other documents.