Public Meeting: Sauk Rapids City Council & All City Boards and Commissions
Ribbon Cutting/Open House Event At Sauk Rapids Government Center
Monday, May 14, 2012
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Saunders called the meeting to order at 6:07p.m. Members present: Brad Gunderson, Paul Weber, Jared Gapinski, and Bill Bard. Others present: Ross Olson, City Administrator, Adam Ripple, City Attorney, Perry Beise, Police Chief, Terry Wotzka, City Engineer, Pete Eckhoff, Public Works Director, Todd Schultz, Community Development Director, Jack Kahlhamer, Finance Director, and Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator
Mayor Saunders thanked everyone for the wonderful turnout at the open house/ribbon cutting event for the new Government Center. Mayor Saunders invited the project architect and construction managers to speak in regards to the end result of the Sauk Rapids Government Center.
Murray Mack, Hagemeister Mack Architects, thanked the City for entrusting them with designing the new Government Center. He thanked everyone who worked on the project. Mack stated that the end result is something to be proud of.
Stephen Plantenberg, RA Morton & Associates, noted that it was a privilege to work for such a great community. He stated that the end result was a team effort. Plantenberg thanked Project Manager, Mark McClintock for overseeing the day-to-day construction.
2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
Councilperson Weber requested to add an Intersection Concern under other Council Items.
3. Approve the Agenda
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gapinski and seconded by Councilperson Gunderson to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approve Minutes
A. 4-23-12 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Bard and seconded by Councilperson Gunderson to approve the 4-23-12 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Receive and File
6. Mayor’s Communications
· Poppy Proclamation
Mayor Saunders noted that prior to tonight’s City Council meeting he signed a Mayoral Proclamation encouraging all residents to wear a Buddy Poppy on May 18, 2012 as mute evidence of the gratitude that we have for the men and women have risked their lives in defense of the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American citizens.
Ross Olson noted that the Proclamation signed tonight was for the VFW but that a similar Proclamation will be signed for the American Legion.
· 5-29-12 Regular City Council Meeting—5:00pm Start Time
Mayor Saunders stated that next regularly scheduled City Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 due to Memorial Day. Due to the fact that this is the same night as the Sauk Rapids-Rice High School graduation, a decision has been made to hold this meeting at 5:00pm instead of 6:00pm to accommodate those wanting to attend the graduation ceremony.
7. Featured Business of the Month—Flying Pig Pizza
Roy Dobbs, Owner of Flying Pig Pizza, stated that he was honored to be presenting to the Council at the first meeting in the new Sauk Rapids Government Center. Dobbs said that he operates the business with his wife. He explained that the name Flying Pig Pizza came from his wife’s hobby of collecting flying pig figurines. Dobbs noted that he and his wife chose the Sauk Rapids community in which to run their business because they were enthused by the nature of the community. He said that the welcome that the business has received from the community has affirmed their decision to settle in Sauk Rapids.
Mayor Saunders thanked Dobbs for operating his business in Sauk Rapids and wished the new business much success.
8. Audience Items/Visitors
Total Time Limit 10 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda
Craig Blonigen, 1016 Strawberry Court, noted that he had some safety issues with the bridge crossings in Sauk Rapids, particularly the 5th Street Bridge. He noted that for bikers and pedestrians there is not a lot of room. Blonigen displayed pictures for the Council to see which illustrated the point he was making about lack of space for pedestrians and bike riders.
Terry Wotzka noted that the bridge in question was owned by Mn/DOT. Mayor Saunders asked that staff get in touch with Mr. Blonigen to see if there was anything that could be done to address his concerns.
James Carr, 104 3rd Ave N., noted his concerns about Industrial Boulevard/Golden Spike Road intersection. Carr stated that this intersection is a constant accident waiting to happen. He noted that if the City plans to put roundabouts in this location then he hopes that they are designed for all types of traffic that travels on this roadway.
Ross Olson said that the roundabouts that are planned to go in at this location should help to alleviate the problem. Olson noted that the roundabouts are in the preliminary design stage. Olson said that he agrees that if the City is going to put in a roundabout it better allow for all types of traffic.
Councilperson Gapinski stated that the reason that the City is going through with the roundabouts is because this is the most cost effective way to make traffic flow without redoing the bridge.
James Carr talked about issues/concerns that he has had recently with the City buses. Mayor Saunders said that he sits on the MTC Board and he will bring this issue up at their next meeting.
Councilperson Weber stated that he would like to withdraw his addition to the agenda as he added this item at the request of Mr. Carr, but since Mr. Carr arrived to address his concerns in person this item no longer is needed.
9. Public Hearings
A. Applicant Purpose
North Benton Investments To Consider A Request For An On-Sale Liquor License and Special Sunday Liquor License for Old Capital Tavern Located At 2 North Benton Drive in the City of Sauk Rapids
1. Open Public Hearing
Ross Olson advised the Council that included with the meeting agenda is an application for an On-Sale Liquor License and Special Sunday Liquor License for North Benton Investments, Inc. Doing Business As (D.B.A) Old Capital Tavern. Olson said that the owners of Old Capital Tavern have notified staff that they plan to be open for business as early as May 23, 2012. The Applicant has also requested that the City of Sauk Rapids sign off on the Optional 2A.M. Closing License, which is an application of the State’s Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED). Olson stated that North Benton Investments, Inc. has notified staff that until construction is deemed complete, their insurance provider will not issue a Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance that would cover the liquor liability requirements of this application. He noted that the owners are aware that tonight’s approval of their liquor license will be contingent upon their submitting a Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance for the license period. Olson explained that all other necessary documents and fees have been received. Staff has also conducted and approved all necessary background checks. Staff is recommending approval and adoption of the Liquor Licenses for North Benton Investments, Inc. contingent upon the required Certificate of Liability Insurance being submitted prior to liquor sales.
Councilperson Bard asked about the 2am liquor license. Olson stated that this is a customary request, and the City allows restaurants/bars to remain open until 2am.
Councilperson Gunderson asked if the owner, Aaron Salzer, wanted to discuss the new establishment.
Aaron Salzer, owner of the Old Capital Tavern, stated that the plan is to open the week of Memorial weekend, if everything can be pulled off in time. Salzer said that a lot work has went into restoring this old building bringing it back to what it looked like in 1915 when it was originally built. Old Capital Tavern will be casual fine dining restaurant with 50 craft beer lines. Salzer said the hope is to do a lot of educating about pairing foods and about craft beers. Salzer noted that they are hoping to host a meet and greet with Stone Brewing Company out of California in the upcoming weeks.
Mayor Saunders said that the City looks forward to the new restaurant in the downtown.
2. Close Public Hearing
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gunderson and seconded by Councilperson Bard to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consider Action
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gapinski and seconded by Councilperson Weber to approve and adopt the resolution approving an On-Sale Liquor License and Special Sunday Liquor License for North Benton Investments, Inc. for the license period of May 23, 2012 through June 30, 2013 contingent upon submittal of required Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance.
Councilperson Weber wished the business well. He hopes that businesses, like this new restaurant, will help to make Sauk Rapids more of a destination point. Councilperson Weber asked if the City had a limt on the number of liquor licenses it is able to grant.
Adam Ripple said that the State law allows the City the authority to restrict the number of liquor licenses, but the City currently does not have a limit set.
Motion carried unanimously.
10. Consent Agenda
A. Approve and Authorize Amusement Permit For Sauk Rapids-Rice Blue Line Club’s Rapids Rock Fest Event—Pulled for discussion
B. Approve and Adopt Resolution Approving Temporary 3.2 Beer License for the Sauk Rapids-Rice Blue Line Club
C. Approve The Purchase of Copier/Scanner/Fax Machine For Police Department
D. Approve Flying Pig Pizza Sandwich Board Sign Hold Harmless Agreement
E. Approve Purchase and Install Of New Radios in the Outdoor Warning Sirens
F. Approve 2011-12 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with LELS Local 366
G. Authorize Staff To Purchase A Chevrolet Caprice For Police Department Instead of Ford Car
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weber and seconded by Councilperson Bard to approve agenda items 10B-10G. Motion carried unanimously.
10-A Approve and Authorize Amusement Permit For Sauk Rapids-Rice Blue Line Club’s Rapids Rock Fest
Councilperson Gunderson asked what bands will be playing for this event. Dana Furman noted that the Fabulous Armadillos as well as some opening warm up bands will be featured. Perry Beise further explained the plans for the event as stated to him by the applicant.
Councilperson Weber noted that in the description area on the Certificate of Liability Insurance it states Rapids Fest instead of Rapids Rock Fest. Adam Ripple suggested that the City request that the Certificate of Liability Insurance be revised to read the correct name of the event.
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weber and seconded by Councilperson Gunderson to approve and authorize amusement permit for Sauk Rapids-Rice Blue Line Club’s Rapids Rock Fest Event contingent upon the Certificate of Liability insurance being corrected. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Regular Agenda
A. 2011 Audited Financial Statement Presentation
Jack Kahlhamer introduced Caroline Stutsman of Kern, DeWenter, Viere, LTD (KDV) who provided the Audited Financial Statement Presentation.
Caroline Stutsman advised that the Audited Financial Statements Presentation is for the Fiscal Year ending on December 31, 2011. The presentation began with Stutsman reviewing the Audited Financial Statements Report referencing page 2, which noted that the responsibility of KDV is to express opinions on the financial statements based upon their audit and the information provided to them by City Staff. Stutsman noted that it was the opinion of KDV “[that] the financial statements [referred to on page 2 of the Independent Auditors’ Report] present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Sauk Rapids, Minnesota as of December 31, 2011, and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows, where applicable, thereof and the budgetary comparison for the General Fund for the year then ended in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.” Stutsman briefly walked members through the Audited Financial Statement reports as well as the Management letter for the Fiscal Year ending on December 31, 2011 allowing for any questions by City Council members or staff.
Mayor Saunders thanked Jack Kahlhamer for all of his hard work through the challenging times over the last couple of years.
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Bard and seconded by Councilperson Gapinski to accept and approve the 2011 Audited Financial Statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
B. 2nd Liquor Store Site Purchase
Adam Ripple noted that for some time the City has been considering the purchase of property along Golden Spike Road for a potential second liquor store location. Ripple stated that currently, VL Development has offered a site to the City. The Liquor Store Committee and City Administration believe purchasing this site now accomplishes two goals. He explained that the first goal would be that it sets aside the site for the possible future development of a second liquor store, and secondly, it helps to foster development along the Golden Spike Corridor which has been a priority of the City and HRA.
Ripple stated that the terms are contained in the Purchase Agreement included with the meeting agenda. He said that it is important to note the contingencies. Ripple explained that a joint access and parking easement agreement can be accomplished prior to closing, that an escrow can be agreed to which will ensure the construction of necessary access roads to the property, and finally that a substantial amount of money is set aside in escrow to be used for development of the next commercial building. Ripple said that the final contingency was established by the committee to ensure that if additional development did not occur, the City could resell the property to have some cushion to cover transactional costs and losses.
Ripple said that a minor title issue needs to be corrected and filed, so legal recommends that approval be contingent upon the title issue being corrected.
Councilperson Gapinski said that he is o n the Liquor Store Committee and he is in favor of the action requested as it shows the City supports this area and wants to see development take place.
Mayor Saunders noted that the City received a letter opposing a second liquor store from former Mayor Mark Campbell, which will be added to the public record of tonight’s meeting.