Tone is more than merely an author's attitude toward his/her audience and characters; it is the stylistic means by which an author conveys his/her attitude(s) in a work of literature. Tone is an integral part of a work's meaning because it controls the reader's response which is essential to fully experiencing literature. In order to recognize tonal shift and to interpret complexities of tone, the reader must be able to make inferences based on an active reading of the work.

Familiarize yourself with the denotations and connotations of the following tone words. This is by no means a comprehensive list! Practice utilizing adjective and adverb forms of each word.

adjective: Leo uses a mocking tone when he describes Mr. Graham as a literary genius.

adverb: Leo mockingly describes Mr. Graham as a literary genius.

For more tone words and their meanings, consult a thesaurus!

ú  simple, straightforward, direct, unambiguous, candid

ú  indirect, understated, evasive, allusive

ú  complicated, complex, difficult

ú  admiring, worshipping, approving

ú  complimentary, proud, effusive

ú  disliking, abhorring, contemptuous

ú  strident, harsh, acerbic, angry, outraged, violent

ú  forceful, powerful, confident

ú  energetic, vibrant

ú  ironic, sardonic, sarcastic mocking, sly, wry

ú  satirical, critical

ú  sharp, biting

ú  bitter, grim, cynical

ú  interested, sympathetic, pitiful

ú  hollow, detached, cold, obdurate

ú  tired, boring, uninterested

ú  indifferent, unconcerned, disinterested, apathetic

ú  impartial, objective

ú  humorous, playful, joking, frivolous

ú  flippant, irreverent, facetious

ú  impish, silly, sophomoric, childish

ú  resigned, clam, tranquil, quiet, peaceful, reticent

ú  subdued, restrained

ú  sad, upset, depressed, melancholy, despairing

ú  afraid, fearful, horrific, terrified, panicked

ú  wistful, nostalgic, sentimental

ú  solemn, serious, somber

ú  apologetic, penitent, ignominious

ú  recalcitrant, stubborn, rebellious

ú  apprehensive, anxious, pensive

ú  thoughtful, dreamy, fanciful

ú  vexed, uncertain, confused, ambivalent

ú  excited, exhilarated, exuberant

ú  ardent, fervent, zealous

ú  happy, contented, ecstatic, joyful, giddy

ú  incredulous, questioning, skeptical, dubious

ú  insistent, urgent, pressing

ú  pertinent, pointed, incisive, poignant

ú  commanding, demanding

ú  exhortatory, admonishing, censorious, damning

ú  condescending, arrogant, haughty, dogmatic

ú  elevated, grand, lofty, bombastic, pretentious

ú  oratorical, dramatic, melodramatic

ú  scornful, disdainful, supercilious

ú  audacious, bold, impudent, insolent

ú  alluring, provocative, seductive

ú  shocking, offensive, reprehensible, lurid

ú  didactic, instructive



admiring, approving, reverential, awed

forceful, powerful, masterful, confident, commanding, authoritative

enthusiastic, ecstatic

concerned, interested, sympathetic, intimate, friendly

direct, honest, sincere, candid

light, humorous, comic, jovial


decorous, polite, civil


perturbed, indignant, outraged, strident, harsh, antagonistic, hostile, menacing

fearful, horrified, distraught, apprehensive; condescending, disdainful,

contemptuous, pedantic, pompous, dogmatic

despairing, regretful, melancholy, morose

apathetic, indifferent

evasive, hollow; sycophantic, obsequious

cynical, sardonic, sarcastic, bitter, irreverent

melodramatic, sentimental, saccharine, overstated

staid, uptight; prurient, salacious


calm, subdued, unconcerned, disinterested, resigned


puzzled, perplexed
