Revision date 2/20/18

All Community Frameworks’ (CF) SHOP Affiliates must provide this completed

Re-Certification Application to us no later than August 31 when anticipating to submit one or more

Project Applications the following calendar year for accessing your SHOP earmarks.

Submit completed applications electronically to: .


Please confirm each of the below has been thoroughly reviewed and understood by check marking each box:

SHOP - Applications webpage;

Eligible expenses – information regarding eligible expenses can be found through the link immediately above. HUD cross-cutting regulations;

Project Application;

I understand I must submit my project application at least two months prior to receiving my SHOP funding.

I understand that I must submit Re-Certification Acknowledgment Letter with my project application.

I understand that any re-use of SHOP funds, as well as SHOP funds requested to remain in the land, requires

the written approval from Community Frameworks. A separate Re-Use Application is required unless the

specific re-use request was included in a Project Application.

THE SHOP BASICS: Community Frameworks’ Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) provides zero-interest, ten-year forgivable loans to nonprofit organizations and public agencies sponsoring Sweat Equity (SE) homeownership programs. SHOP funds must serve clients at or below 80% of Area Median Income who, without a sweat equity labor contribution, would be otherwise unable to purchase a home. SHOP funds may be used for certain eligible land acquisition or infrastructure development expenses to create affordable housing. SHOP loans to Affiliates are typically $15,000 per lot and may revolve out of acquisition and/or infrastructure at time of sale to the family and back to the organization’s SE program for use solely (during the ten year term) in support of future SE projects and may be redirected to clients as mortgage gap financing. SHOP may also stay in the land as permanent subsidy.

SHOP funded Sweat Equity projects must include at least 100 hours of labor contribution by the homebuyers; if there is only one homebuyer 50 hours are required. There must also be a volunteer component, which your program must define; HUD requires a volunteer component, but does not define the hour or task commitment.

Affiliates may receive technical assistance from Community Frameworks to address program planning gaps, financing, or other program and project needs. This Re-Certification Application is intended to help lay the foundation for assuring successful affordable housing projects and sustainable programs and organizations.

Note: Samples for some of the required agreements and policies are available in SHOPTools, accessed through Community Frameworks’ Affiliate Connection.


All boxes should either be check marked as read or completed, or to confirm an attachment. The only exceptions would be in regards to the waiver requests, or if the question is not applicable to you.

If any question is not applicable, indicate that with N/A in bold to the right of the question’s text.

Insert your text where narrative is called for, or to add explanations where you deem necessary.

Be sure to fill in all the blanks as needed.

Please scan and appropriately label all required attachments for electronic submittal. Provide this application form and the required attachments as separate electronic files (i.e. not all in a single PDF).

Submit completed applications electronically to: .

If you have received authorization to submit a hard copy instead of an electronic copy, please follow these steps:

1.  Provide this application in a three ring binder and please:

a.  Label the spine of the binder with: your acronym – Re-Cert – year of certification

b.  Tab and provide pages by sections as provided in the application, labeling each section

i.  Intake & Notes (1st tab) (CF use only)

ii. Pre-Application Section…see above (2nd tab)

iii.  Section I – Org Docs (3rd tab)

iv.  Section II – Financials (4th tab)

v. Section III – HUD Certifications (5th tab)

vi.  Section IV – Program Experience (6th tab)

vii.  Section V – Program Staffing (7th tab)

viii.  Section VI – Program Design (8th tab)

ix.  Section VII – Policies (9th tab)

c.  Add additional tabs and label if you need to add something that does not fit above

SECTION I: Organizational Information


Type of Organization:

State or Fed ID #:





Name of person or persons that completed this application; include phone and email contact info:

Organizational Docs – Please scan and attach the following documents and mark each box when completed:

Articles of Incorporation attached, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your

Articles of Incorporation have not been amended since your last submittal

Bylaws attached, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your

Bylaws have not been amended since your last submittal

Proof of Non Profit status and copy of IRS Determination Letter attached, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided these documents previously and you certify that your

non-profit status has not changed

Please note that “Active” status with your organization’s Secretary of State will be verified by CF staff during the underwriting of your Recertification Application, in order to confirm your organization is eligible to conduct business in your state.

Please note that registration with the System for Awards Management (SAM) will be verified by CF staff during the underwriting of your Recertification Application, in order to confirm your organization is not on the Excluded Parties List. This is required in order to confirm your organization is eligible to receive federal funding.

Washington organizations only:

Charitable organizations are required to register with the Charities Program prior to fundraising in Washington State, unless otherwise exempted. Registration under the Charitable Solicitations Act is separate and in addition to documents filed to meet state corporate laws or the Internal Revenue Service requirements. Read more about requirements, exemptions, free optional registration for exempt organizations, and how to register at

Registration will be verified by CF staff during the underwriting of your Recertification Application. Please note that this requirement does not apply to Housing Authorities.

SECTION II: Financials

Most recent Audited Financial Statements - Required for all Affiliates, regardless of amount of Federal Awards.

Please check this box if a single audit with SEFA Schedule is being provided – REQUIRED if your organization received $750,000 or more in Federal Awards in its most recently audited Fiscal Year.

YTD Organization Financials for most recent quarter ended, to include:

Balance Sheet

·  should reflect CF SHOP note(s) payable as its own line item

Revenue and Expense Statement

Account for all SHOP funds awarded to date, as of the most recent quarter ended. Trial Balance Sheet

provided by your finance department is acceptable if it covers the following:

·  In mortgages

§  deferred

§  forgiven

§  related interest or equity recapture earned

·  Presently in a project’s land or infrastructure

§  specify project(s)

·  In the bank

§  acct #

§  deposit interest earned

·  Stayed in land permanently

Most recent bank statement for SHOP Revolving Loan Funds Account

SECTION III: HUD Certifications required:

Debarment and Suspension HUD 2992

Drug Free Workplace HUD 50070

Payments to Influence Federal Transactions HUD 50071

SECTION IV: Program Experience. Please check box once all narrative requirements have been met.

Narrative discussing your single family experience which should include:

·  Raw Land Acquisition and Infrastructure Development experience

·  Acquisition Rehab experience

·  Owner Occupied Rehab experience

·  Unit Construction experience (new construction)

·  Group Build or Individual Build sweat equity construction experience

·  Community Land Trust experience

·  Sweat Equity experience (new construction, acquisition rehab, owner occupied rehab)

·  Why your model works

·  Where you feel your program needs to improve

·  Errors you have learned from

·  Current difficulties encountered as you try to meet your occupancy targets

Additional narratives that address your sweat equity program’s sustainability - please check box once all narrative requirements have been met. Please respond to each of the following questions that are applicable to your Sweat Equity Program:

·  How do (or would) you cover monthly overhead when homebuyers use takeout financing?

·  If 523/502 product model is used, how do or would you cover that portion of your monthly overhead expense that is not covered by your RD draw?

·  If your Sweat Equity model is a program, not a one time project, how do or would you cover overhead expense between construction projects?

·  How many months can you cover overhead expense from reserves only?

·  What is, or if new program what do you anticipate to be, your monthly Sweat Equity program’s overhead expense?

·  If strictly project based and no pipeline of Sweat Equity projects is presently anticipated, please estimate the life of your project and the monthly overhead associated with it.

·  How many years have you administered a Revolving Loan Fund?

·  How many years have you provided gap financing and what sources of funding have you used for gap financing?

·  What policies and procedures have you written or modified within the last 12 months?

·  How do you address your applicants’ needs for homebuyer education and counseling?

o  Are you a Neighborworks of America Home Ownership Center?

o  Do you employ a HUD or NWA certified counselor?

o  What services do you offer directly?

o  What services do you offer through a partner agency and what is the name of the partner agency?

·  Do you have a Single Family (SF) home builder partnership and if so with whom?

·  If you have a SF builder partnership indicate partner(s) names and attach MOU(s)*.

*See our Guide and Template for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in SHOPTools on Community Frameworks’ Affiliate Connection.

SECTION V: Program Staffing

Please provide the following:

Org chart (only the program chart needs to be provided)

Staff by title, name, and FTE

Bios (all program staff)

SECTION VI: Program Design

Please provide the following:

Purchase and Sale Agreement – draft of the one you use between you and homebuyer, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your

Purchase and Sale Agreement has not been amended since your last submittal

With the intent of ensuring that the program participant is fully aware of all obligations associated with their

home purchase, including sweat equity labor, indicate which of the following practices you utilize:

Sweat equity labor requirements (components listed below) are fully incorporated into the Purchase

and Sale Agreement, and there is no separate Labor Agreement.

Sweat equity labor requirements are spelled out in a separate Labor Agreement which is cross-

referenced in the Purchase and Sale Agreement and included as an attachment, but is signed after the

execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

Sweat equity labor requirements are spelled out in a separate Labor Agreement which is signed upon

program participation commitment (prior to or at the time of signing the Purchase and Sale

Agreement), therefore allowing that sweat equity does not need to be referenced in the Purchase and

Sale Agreement.

Labor Agreement to include the components listed below, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your

Labor Agreement has not been amended since your last submittal

·  The roles and responsibilities of all parties involved

·  The tasks that will/may be performed by the participant

·  The number of hours that he/she/they must contribute

·  The number of volunteer hours required

·  A means by which the participant knows the “due/end” date for the contribution

·  Labor accommodations for homebuyers with disabilities

·  Cover legal, safety, liability, buyer protection including grievance procedures, etc.

NOTE: The remaining requirements listed below may alternatively be contained within a stand-alone “SHOP Supplement to the Labor Agreement”

·  As per SHOP Unit Sale Price Policy*: Disclosure that unit cost will be below appraised value, prior to the application of the SE Credit

·  As per SE Valuation Policy*: The SE Value that the participant will receive in exchange for their labor contribution. Exception when using “task-based” valuation: Estimate may be disclosed upon participation, with final value disclosed upon completion of actual tasks performed. Mutual agreement by Affiliate and participant is required.

·  As Per SE Credit Policy*: The method by which the homebuyer will receive their SE Credit.

*See our current SHOP Unit Sale Price Policy, SE Valuation Policy, and SE Credit Policy in SHOPTools on Community Frameworks’ Affiliate Connection.

Homebuyer Timesheet template to include the components listed below, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your

Homebuyer Timesheet has not been amended since your last submittal

·  Property Address

·  Homebuyer name

·  Date for each entry

·  Time in and out or duration

·  Task(s) performed

·  Affiliate signature

Volunteer Timesheet template to include the components listed below, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your

Volunteer Timesheet has not been amended since your last submittal

·  Property Address

·  Volunteer name

·  Date for each entry

·  Time in and out or duration

·  Task(s) performed

·  Affiliate signature

NOTE: Homebuyer/Volunteer Timesheet templates may be combined into single template.

Income Verification Worksheet with AMI determination, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your

Worksheet has not been amended since your last submittal

CLT Land Lease, if applicable, to include the components listed below, or…

You request a waiver due to having provided this document previously and you certify that your