College of Education

Name: Shannon Marie Smith

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

School: Lake Preston Elementary

Date: 11/10/03

Time: 2:00 ~ 2:40

Lesson: Social Studies: Unit 2, Lesson 6: Communities are in Different Places.

(How to Find State Capitals and Borders)

Background,CONTEXT, and Purpose

Prior to this lesson, students have been learning about the importance of communities. They have been working specifically with the importance of where communities are built and why. Lesson Six, Communities are in Different Places, was introduced about three weeks ago. Students gained an understanding of how to read a landform map including the kinds of geographical features that tend to be settled. They learned about communities near water and the importance that water played on the lives of the settlers. Students learned about why communities were built where people meet, and they learned how communities were built near resources and the importance of government.


o  How to Use Maps and Other Geographic Representations, Tools, and Technologies to Acquire, Process, and Report Information From a Spatial Perspective

o  The Patterns and Networks of Economic Interdependence on Earth’s Surface


Geography Standards:

o  Integrate the study of communities through map work by identifying, locating, and using map title, map key, compass rose, lines and borders, roads and routes, and objects and symbols.

o  Construct a map using map key and symbols, map scale, title, compass rose including intermediate directions, and boundaries.

When asked to create a map with title, map key, compass rose, lines and borders, and a few objects and symbols, (condition), the students (audience) will accurately complete a drawing of a self-made map (the measurable performance), with 95 percent accuracy or better (the criterion).

Materials Needed:

o  Social Studies Study Guide, Pg. 24-25.

o  Clean sheet of paper, crayons, etc.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction

o  To begin, students will be asked to review pages 116-117 in their Social Studies books. Students will be asked to define the meaning of borders and boundaries. (Getting attention)

o  Next, I will explain to the students that we have been learning about the importance of communities and their boundaries and borders the past few days. (Relating to past experience and/orknowledge)

o  I will continue by explaining that in today’s lesson, they will be working with boundaries, and they will be expected to work through directions asking them to complete a study guide pertaining to boundaries. (Creating a need to know)

o  In addition, the students will be asked to create their own state map with boundaries, borders, compass rose, etc. (Sharing objective, in general terms)

2. Methods

1.  Begin with the introduction listed above.

2.  Start by asking for definitions for the words listed above.

3.  Reread the section on pages 116-117.

4.  Next, review with the students on the pull-down map.

5.  Students will be asked why it is important to have borders and boundaries.

6.  The Study Guide will be handed out and done together as a group.

7.  If problems arise during the worksheet, they will be identified and gone over as a class. (The study guide is used to help the students gain a better understanding of what they are expected to create.

8.  Studies will continue until students have gained an understanding of the Study Guide.

9.  (Any problems that might be challenging will be addressed in the lecture.)

10.  A blank sheet of paper, containing only criteria for the project will be handed out to the students.

11.  They will be asked to use their newfound knowledge to create a state of their own which includes all objectives asked for on their sheet.

3. Closure

The closure for this assignment is for students to hand in pages 24-25 and their own state created for a grade. Once the assignment has been handed in, they will have the opportunity to work on other work.

B. Assessments Used

o  Students will be observed, they will have the opportunity to answer oral questions, they will work on a Study Guide, and the actual assessment will come from a map, which is a figment of their imagination.

o  Students should be able to understand vocabulary and ideas presented in the lesson.

C. Back Pocket Ideas

Students will work on late homework, and/or read.

D. Resources

Harcourt Brace and Co. Teacher’s Edition, Stories in Time: Living in Our World. Grade 3, Level 3: 1998.