Strathmore Secondary College

Hurdle Task 2

Creating and Presenting: Identity and Belonging

Expository Writing:

Selecting and using extra references to develop ideas pertinent to the context

Definition / Language Used
What you would expect to see / What you wouldn’t see

Due Date: Students will receive task during the last week of Term 1 and will submit on Thursday 28 April (Week 1 of Term 2)


You are to select an article from a newspaper or magazine that demonstrates an idea or ideas relevant to the context, Identity and Belonging.

In a coherent piece of prose, you are to discuss why you selected the article and the key ideas that are connected to the context.

You will also need to compare or contrast the ideas from your selected article to the same ideas presented in the film ‘Witness’.

You will write in an expository style focusing on clear explanations and the use of examples that demonstrate an understanding and exploration of the context, Identity and Belonging. Your interpretation is important and you will need to ensure that your ideas are presented clearly and fluently

Article or photocopy must be attached.

Responses may be typed.

Length: 300-450 words.


4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Knowledge of concept: Identity and belonging / You showed a sophisticated understanding of the context. You were able to use clear explanations to explain the relevance of your article. / You showed a good understanding of the context and were able to explain some of the relevant points in your article. / You showed a satisfactory understanding of the context. You could have selected an article that better dealt with the context. / Little understanding of the issues ‘identity and belonging’ raises. You were not able to identify and explain ideas relevant to the context. Perhaps you need to look for another article.
How well your piece addressed context / Clear references to the context throughout the piece. Your writing was clearly addressed issues raised by the prompt. / Some references to the context were made throughout the piece. Your writing clearly addressed issues raised by the context. / There was not a clear reference to the context throughout the piece. / References to the context not clear. Writing disconnected from ideas in the context.
Writing Style / Your response was written clearly and fluently showing an ability to explore and develop ideas and make use of relevant evidence. Careful selection of appropriate language enabled you to write purposefully. / Your response was written clearly and fluently showing an ability to explore and develop some ideas. You could still make better use of evidence. / You need to work on developing your ideas and supporting them with good explanations and evidence. / You really need to be clearer about what you are saying in order to develop and explain the ideas in the context.
Structure and Organisation / The piece was very well organised. You were able to link ideas and make connections between the film and your chosen material. / The piece was organised. You were able to link some ideas and make connections between the film and your chosen material. Avoid use of general terms. / You need to ensure that you deal with one idea before you move on to the next. More use of paragraph structure would help. Avoid vague generalisations, / You need to plan your ideas. You seemed to be writing as you think with little attention to organising your ideas in a logical sequence. You need to avoid too many vague generalisations that confuse meaning.
Spelling, Expression, Grammar / There were no spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft. Your expression was fluent and enabled the reader to engage with the piece. / There was one spelling or punctuation error in the final draft. Your expression was mostly fluent and enabled the reader to engage with the piece. / There were numerous spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft. There were some errors with fluency which detracted from the readers understanding of the piece. / The final draft had more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors. Expression was awkward and laboured.
Your piece as a whole / Your response successfully integrated textual knowledge, showed a good understanding of the writing style as well as knowledge of the context, to produce a well-sustained piece of writing. / Your response usually integrated textual knowledge, showed an understanding of the writing style as well as knowledge of the context, to produce a generally well-sustained piece of writing. / Your response showed some difficulty in weaving together, text knowledge, knowledge of writing style and a clear response to the prompt. / The piece did not successfully weave together knowledge of text type, context and the texts studied.