Questions & Answers

IFB 6100039821

Mobile Computing Devices & Related Services

# / Question / Answer /
1 / Do you anticipate that the officers will remove the tablets for use away from the vehicle? / Yes, but not at this time.
2 / On Page 17, section II-2 B. Standard Warranty, a one year warranty is required however elsewhere in the document five years is referenced. Excluding the 5 year accidental damage warranty, does PSP want one of five years of warranty coverage? / The IFB, at Section II-2B, has been amended to require a standard five (5) year warranty for manufacturer defects for all tablets and docks, and a standard one (1) year warranty for manufacturer defects for all other Equipment procured under the Contract.
3 / When does PSP expect to take delivery of all equipment solicited? / Delivery is expected within Q1 or Q2 of 2017.
4 / Where will it be shipped to? / The awarded bidder must ship the Equipment to the location specified on the purchase order. The shipment shall be made to a PSP facility within the Harrisburg area.
5 / Does PSP want staggered shipments or all at once? If staggered, please provide details. / PSP has not yet determined whether there will be one shipment for all Equipment or if there will be staggered shipments.
6 / On Page 4, under section I-3 Method of award, does lowest cost for Equipment and Services include optional equipment and services? / No. The award will be made based off of the total cost on the Summary sheet of Appendix B, Cost Matrix.
7 / Who is de-installing the current equipment? / Physical de-installation is not a part of this IFB.
8 / Is the annual lease payment up front or in arrears? / The annual lease payments will be made up-front.
9 / What keyboards have been tested or approved? / Keyboards are not a part of this IFB.
10 / What is the quantity or percentages break down between Ford Interceptors, Ford Utility and Ford Sedan Vehicles? / Approximately 50% Ford Police Interceptor sedan vehicles and 50% Ford Police Interceptor utility vehicles.
11 / On page 20, under section II-4 Service Level Agreements, do incorrect shipment service credits refer to only those items incorrectly shipped or to the entire order? / Incorrect shipment service credits only refer to items that are incorrectly shipped.
12 / Is the mount installation included in this IFB or will installation be separately solicited? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
13 / Is the dock installation included in this IFB or will installation be separately solicited? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
14 / Is the tablet installation included in this IFB? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
15 / Where is the de-installation to be performed, Troop HQ’s, PSP HQ, or other? Please describe. / Physical de-installation is not a part of this IFB.
16 / Since there is are possibly two pieces for installation which are the mount and dock into the vehicles and the tablet into the mount along with testing/confirmation of functionality, more extensive questions around installation are:
A.  How will the installations be scheduled?
B.  Will the vendor have scheduling flexibility?
C.  Where will installations take place? Will they be at the Troop locations in their facilities?
D.  What is the expected timing of installation relative to product delivery?
E.  What time(s) of day is the installation to be performed?
F.  While the IFB states that techs must have the “appropriate manufacturer certifications”, are there any assumed certifications expected from technicians?
G.  Is there security clearance required for either working at a Troop location or simply to work on these vehicles? / A. Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
B. Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
C. Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
D. Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
E. Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
F. No, there are no assumed certifications expected from technicians.
G. This IFB does not require technicians to be on-site.
17 / Will awardee be required to have a facility (or more than one due to geography) to do the vehicle installations at? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
18 / Is Mobile Electronics Certified Professional (MECP) a required certification? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
19 / Page 14 of IFB Document, E. Hard Drive Retention, reads as follows: All hard drives from Equipment which is purchased or leased through the contract resulting from this IFB will be the property of the Commonwealth. Page 19, (iii) De-installation: (3) reads as follows: For leased equipment, the Contractor must provide a complete description of its plan for the removal and recycling of the equipment (tablets), at the end the Lease should the PSP decide not to purchase. The plan must explain: (a) The means by which the hard drive will be cleaned and the equipment will be returned to the originating vendor for leased equipment.
A.  At the end of the 5 year lease term, if PSP decides to purchase the equipment, is the Contractor expected to come on-site and wipe the drives?
B.  At the end of the 5 year lease term, if PSP decides to return the equipment, are the drives to remain with PSP?
i.  If YES, the drives remain with PSP, is the Contractor expected to remove and wipe the drives or will PSP remove the drives prior to equipment pick-up by the Contractor?
ii.  If NO, the drives remain with the equipment, is the Contractor expected to wipe the drives? / A.  No, the Contractor is not expected to come on-site and wipe the drives if PSP decided to purchase the Equipment at the end of the lease term.
B.  Yes, PSP will remove the drives prior to Equipment pick-up by the Contractor.
20 / Appendix B, Cost Matrix, Equipment & Services tab, the second note reads as follows: NOTE – Lease shall be paid in one (1) equal installment on a yearly basis.
A.  If five (5) annual payments are to be made, should all references to “Monthly” or “Months” be changed to “Annual”?
B.  Are the annual payments to be made “in advance” or “in arrears”? Note that annual payments in arrears would be significantly higher than in advance. / A.  Appendix B, Cost Matrix has been updated.
B.  The annual payments will be made in advance.
21 / Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions, Appendix 1, Leasing Terms and Conditions, Page 40, E. Risk of Loss reads as follows: The Contractor shall assume and bear the risk of loss or damage to, or theft of, the Leased Property and all component parts while the Leased Property or parts are in the Lessee's possession…
In light of the Accidental Damage Warranty, which is substantially equivalent to the Risk of Loss requirement, is this cost of Insurance for the Risk of Loss provision required by the Commonwealth or will the Risk of Loss requirement be waived? / The Risk of Loss requirement will not be waived.
22 / There is reference to both 1 year and 5 years of maintenance for the systems. What length of time does PSP wish to have a manufacturer’s warranty on these devices? / The IFB, at Section II-2B, has been amended to require a standard five (5) year warranty for manufacturer defects for all tablets and docks, and a standard one (1) year warranty for manufacturer defects for all other Equipment procured under the Contract.
23 / Does PSP wish to procure a rugged keyboard along with this solution, if so please provide specifications? / Keyboards are not a part of this IFB.
24 / Is the image that will be deployed on the tablets standard across all devices, or will there be variations? / The image will be standard across all devices.
25 / What format is PSP’s current image based upon (e.g. WIM, Ghost, etc.)? / PSP’s current image is based upon WIM.
26 / A.  When does PSP plan to issue a purchase order for this initiative?
B.  Will all devices be procured at once, or on a scheduled roll out? If a roll out, please provide planned schedule and completion date. / A.  PSP will issue a purchase order immediately upon determination of the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder to the IFB.
B.  All of the devices will be procured at once; however, PSP has not yet determined the whether there will be one shipment for all Equipment or if there will be staggered shipments.
27 / Can you provide the specific Vehicle make and models from Ford vehicles? / Ford Police Interceptor sedan and Ford Police Interceptor utility.
28 / Does PSP require mounting of the Tablets to the dashboard indicated by airbag requirements? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
29 / Would PSP entertain any other mounting scenarios? / No, physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
30 / What type of mounting is required (i.e. floor mount, dash mount)? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
31 / Based on the minimum specifications listed for the requested Mobile Rugged tablet and mounts, it appears PSP has already selected a preferred make and model. Can you please provide the specific make and model of the ruggedized tablets and docking stations and mounts? / No. Please refer to the technical requirements listed in Part II, Section II-1B of the IFB.
32 / Is there specific air bag compliance information available by vehicles make and model as well as interior configurations, can you please provide? / The Commonwealth does not have this information. This information should be available from the vehicle manufacturer.
33 / Can PSP provide specifics on what constitutes an "approved air test device”? / Please see Appendix F, Airbag Test Report, which is an example of a previous airbag test.
34 / Who is the governing agency for airbag testing of tablets? / PSP is the governing agency for this procurement. An independent test will be performed by Penn State at the request of PSP.
35 / As long as the minimum connectivity requirements of the IFB are met, would PSP consider a proposal that offers an alternate methodology or carrier for connectivity, rather than that which is currently specified in Section "II - 1 - B.(i).10 - Connectivity"? / No, PSP will utilize the statewide contract for connectivity service.
36 / The specifications calls for Mobile Broadband-Integrated 4G/LTE Wireless WAN Card for Verizon, has the PSP already chosen Verizon to be the sole mobile broadband provider for this deployment? / Yes, PSP will utilize the statewide contract for connectivity service.
37 / What is "Support Assist"? / Part II-2. Section A(i)(3) has been removed.
38 / Will there be any existing devices in vehicles contractors will be expected to "de-Install"? What is the make and model of such devices if any? / Physical de-installation is not a part of this IFB.
39 / In regards to installation of the installation of these devices.
A.  Is the intent to have the selected vendor perform installation of these devices or will PSP install these devices?
B.  Where are the locations for on-site repairs?
C.  How many vehicles per location?
D.  What are the hours the installation/maintenance are expected to occur?
E.  If multiple locations, are installations to occur simultaneously? / A.  Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
B.  Physical installation of Equipment is not part of this IFB.
C.  Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
D.  Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
E.  Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
40 / In regards to asset tagging:
A.  Who is providing the manufacturer's identification tag?
B.  If vendor is required to source asset tag, what is the content of the asset tag? / A.  The OEM/Reseller must provide the asset tag.
B.  The asset tag must include the following:
·  Asset # (to be assigned by PSP)
·  Serial Number / Mac Address
·  Help Desk Telephone number
·  Purchase Order Number
·  Bar Code
41 / What is readability spec for Windows Management Instrumentation (e.g. Code 38, Code 128, etc.)? / The readability spec for Windows Management Instrumentation is Code 128 International Standard.
42 / Would PSP consider using the existing Commonwealth of PA NASPO state contract to procure these devices and services? All these services are currently available in the NASPO contract. / No, the Commonwealth does not wish to utilize the NASPO contract for the Equipment and related services.
43 / In the main IFP document it states “The Contractor must provide all services, supplies, facilities and other support necessary to complete the identified work.” However, in Appendix B - Cost Matrix – Section II-2 – Services – This section does not mention the following topics can you please clarify:
A.  Who, PSP or the selected vendor, is expected to perform the installation of these 1555 leased devices?
B.  What is the expectation of the monthly service charge for connectivity? Will this cost need to be included in the “Leased Equipment and Services”? / A.  Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
B.  Connectivity charges are not a part of this IFB.
44 / When is the expected award date? / The award notification will be posted to the PA eMarketplace website following the review of the bids received in response to this IFB.
45 / When would be the expected installation start date? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
46 / When would the new tablets and their connectivity be expected to be activated and fully deployed? / Delivery and rollout is expected within Q1 or Q2 of 2017. Connectivity is not a part of this IFB.
47 / Would you please consider extending the due date if there is less than a week from the time the answers are provided to the bid due date? / The due date of the IFB has been extended to November 4, 2016 at 1pm.
48 / On page 19, section II-2 D (ii) Installation it goes over imaging but does not mention physically installing the mounts, docks, or tablets. Is that type of installation not to be included in the cost of this IFB? / Physical installation of Equipment is not a part of this IFB.
49 / On page 19, section II-2 D (iii) De-installation for (2) is COPA referring the existing equipment? For (3) is COPA referring to the new equipment and does COPA expect the bidder to provide the cost of removal of the Leased equipment at the end of the lease? / (2) No, physical Installation of Equipment is not part of this IFB.
(3)Yes, this refers to new Equipment; however, the bidder is only required to provide a description of its plan for the removal and recycling of the Equipment at the end of the lease.
50 / Since Part II, Section B i 18 states Tablet must have been tested on the following transit drop, operating drop, blowing rain, blowing dust, blowing sand, vibration, functional shock, humidity, salt fog, altitude, explosive atmosphere, solar radiation, thermal extremes, thermal shock and freeze/thaw which is the specification for MIL-STD-810G, shouldn’t the request be for MIL-STD-810G, as opposed to MIL-STD-910G? / The correct standard is MIL-STD-810G. The IFB has been updated to reflect this change.
51 / In the Q & A the Commonwealth states multiple times that physical De-installation is not a part of this IFB. Will the Commonwealth be removing or editing (2) under De-installation,
(2) The Contractor must de-install and pack the equipment at a Commonwealth designated location to be provided by PSP. / This section has been removed from the IFB.
52 / Since the answers to questions 9 and 23 are both “Keyboards are not a part of this IFB”, does The Commonwealth expect the keyboard mounts to be included with this IFB? / No.

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