Kids Worldwide Need Education

By: Randy Rudy

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” states Nelson Mandela. I believe children around the world deserve regular daily education because it gives children a better chance at succeeding, teaches them how the world works, and prepares them to be the world’s future leaders.

Education gives children a better chance at succeeding in life. Children need basic education to get into college, which improves their chances of getting a good career. With a career, they can provide for their family and live a happy life. Without an education, they could end up homeless and not know what it feels like to be successful. With an education, children can grow up to be successful.

Children learn how the world works with a daily education. It teaches them the fundamentals of math, reading, writing, etc. An education teaches children how everything in the world around them works. For example, they learn how electricity works, how plants grow, and how the world orbits the sun. Children learn communication skills. It teaches children about historical events. A daily education teaches children how the world works.

Education prepares children to become the world’s future leaders. For example, the presidents, athletes, scientists, and teachers all had a regular education. Our world needs future leaders to help the world become a better place and continue what other leaders began. Without new, educated leaders, people wouldn’t know what to do and chaos would happen. The world needs future leaders who are educated.

As you can see, education gives children a better chance to succeed, teaches them how the world works, and prepares them to be our future leaders. Without a daily education, children wouldn’t learn and the world wouldn’t be civilized, nor advance into the next posterity. Like John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said, “A child miseducated is a child lost.”