
Social Forum

3 October 2016

Intervention from the floor: South African Permanent Mission to the UN and other international organisations

Thank you Mr Chairman,

We join others in conveying our congratulations to H.E. Mr. Jorge Lomónaco and Mr. Carl Allan Reaich on being appointed as Co-Chairperson-Rapporteurs to the 2016 Social Forum.

The discussions commencing today is an important reminder of our collective responsibility on the need to promote, protect and fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities and provides us an opportunity to exchange ideas on how best we can collectively improve their lives for the better.It further reaffirms that the United Nations Human Rights System remains a key actor in promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.

The theme identified is befitting as we approach the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Additionally, 2016 has thus far marked a number of activities in celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Right to Development, including the recent creation of a mandate on this important issue.

Indeed, the transformative vision of the Declaration on the Right to Development helped inform the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and will be central to their achievement. The realization of the Right to Development for all requires full inclusion, without discrimination, of all individuals and peoples in development efforts, including persons with disabilities.

There still exists many barriers that persons with disabilities throughout the world face. They often experience multiple forms of discrimination and face barriers to the full enjoyment of their human rights. There is also a growing body of data showing the linkages of persons with disabilities to extreme poverty and social marginalization and thus an imperative need for stronger Government interventions and programmes. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has provided impetus and a unique platform for the advancement of the international disability rights agenda in development and much more is needed to respond to their plight. With its promise to leave no one behind, the implementation of the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is of vital importance. While we understand the challenges faced by persons with disabilities across the world, it is important to also take into account issues of transformational leadership. This lies in the power of education, mentorship, and the promotion and protection of their rights in order to provide persons with disabilitiesthe capacity, and opportunitiesin all spheres of society.


South Africa’s National Development Plan envisages a country by 2030 which has eliminated poverty and has reduced inequality and a “country wherein all citizens have the capabilities to grasp the ever-broadening opportunities available”. South Africa also finalised its White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2015. The White Paper is a crucial step along the journey of improving the lives of persons with disabilities and moves us closer to a fully inclusive society for all as envisioned in the Freedom Charter which unambiguously stated that “South Africa belongs to all who live in it”.

I thank you