University of Wisconsin-Platteville Faculty Senate
Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 4:00 p.m. University Room North, Pioneer Student Center
☒ Melissa Gormley (LAE, 2014) Chair ☒ Charles Cornett (EMS, 2015 at-large) Vice Chair
☒ Regina Pauly (Karrmann Library, 2014) Secretary ☒ Abulkhair Masoom (EMS, 2016 at-large)
☒ Amanda Trewin (BILSA, 2014) ☒ B.J. Reed (Parliamentarian)
☒ Colleen McCabe (LAE, 2014) ☒ Doyle St. John (EMS, 2014)
☒ Irfan Ul-Haq (EMS, 2015) ☒ J. Elmo Rawling (LAE, 2016) Proxy Richard Waugh
☒ Margaret Karsten (BILSA, 2015) ☒ Mary Rose Williams (LAE, 2014 at-large)
☒ Mike Compton (BILSA, 2016) ☒ Michael Penn (EMS, 2016)Proxy Keith Thompson
☒Rosalyn Broussard (LAE, 2015) ☒ Sheryl Wills (EMS, 2015 at-large)
☒ Teresa Burns (LAE, 2016 at-large)
☐ Dennis J. Shields (Chancellor, ex officio) ☒ James Almquist (EMS Ac. Staff Rep, 2016)
☒ Mittie Nimocks Den Herder (Provost, ex officio) ☒ Rob Cramer (Vice-Chancellor, ex officio)
☒ T.A. Sandberg (LAE Ac.Staff Rep, 2015) ☒ Wendy Stankovich (BILSA Ac. Staff Rep, 2014)
☒ Sarah Way (Student Senate Liaison) ☒ Andrea Cool (Academic Senate Liaison)
☒ Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary)
Guests: Jeanne Durr, Mitch Helsel, Barb Barnet, Art Ranney, Jennifer De Coste, Matt Roberts, Sue Traxler, Greg Atnip, Joseph Campbell, David Krugler, Zora Sampson, James Hibbard, John Berg, Joanne Wilson, Dominic Barraclough, Angela Miller, Elmo Rawling
I. Call to Order
Chair Gormley called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
II. Roll Call (sign-up sheet)
III. Approval of Minutes of October 8, 2013
Approving the minutes will take place at the next Faculty Senate meeting due to some possible revisions.
IV. Approval of the Agenda
Karsten motioned to approve the agenda as presented; seconded by McCabe. Agenda approved.
V. Announcements and Reports
1. Email Service Update (M. Roberts)
There was a 23% overall response rate for the email survey that was distributed with staff and students having a lot of the same requests and responses. Open forums will be held next week to gain some feedback from this survey. Next steps will be to invite Google, Microsoft, and Zimbra representatives to the University and set up a test environment to compare products. When deciding if a new email system would be beneficial, we will be looking at the ease of transition, privacy concerns, and the results of the survey.
2. Technology Prioritization Re-Structure (S. Traxler)
We are trying to align with the strategic plan and put some standards in place. The new structure will replace TOPC, PASS, and BI. The executive committee will forward recommendations onto the Chancellor for the final decision. Technology initiative decisions will be made three times a year, but requests are accepted throughout the year. Discussion ensued about having library and student representation on these committees. In hopes to get to know staff better Traxler would like to connect with at least 30 people across campus this year.
3. Report from October Faculty Reps Meeting (M. Gormley)
There was a number of faculty at the Board of Regents meeting in mid-October and the atmosphere was cordial. The Human Resources working group is working on possibly restructuring the faculty payroll calendar in an attempt to simplify and reduce the number of pay events on the system calendar. One suggestion is to pay faculty over ten months versus nine months. The September 1 paycheck would include August hours and the June paycheck would be smaller. Discussion ensued about how this would affect benefits and retirement. This is just the beginning of the discussions. UW system will be conducting a survey of compensation in relationship to workload. Completion date will be by the end of the academic year.
4. Committee Elections (M. Gormley)
George Krueger (BILSA) will replace Carolyn Wang for a two-year term on the Academic Information Technology Commission (AITC).
5. Diversity Goals for the Year (J. De Coste)
Creation of De Coste’s position took place in 2012 and her role will be to represent the Chancellor on the matters of diversity within the University. Working on creating a successful environment for the campus, so there has been some reorganization of some committees. De Coste’s goals will be to establish a campus-wide five-year diversity strategic planning document that is data informed and have it in place by July 2014. On Veteran’s Day, we are opening the center for non-traditional veteran students. English as a second Language (ESL) program will begin in July 2014 and the first group to participate is from Brazil.
She is looking for governance feedback addressing these questions:
· What would you like to see addressed within a diversity strategic plan?
· What is most important to include in the plan and why?
· What do you expect from my division?
· How would you like the plan and any data shared?
Please email De Coste directly or by campus mail with your responses by the middle of November.
6. Library Update (Z. Sampson)
Sampson discussed the need for more librarians; campus used to have thirteen and currently there are only 7.5. Campus has grown but the library has not kept up with the demands; without another librarian, the library will not have enough staff to move forward. They want to hire an Emerging Technology Librarian.
MOTION: Burns moved to have Faculty endorse the hiring of an Emerging Technology Librarian, seconded by Karsten. Motion unanimously approved.
Discussion ensued about the communication between the library and faculty; this will be a topic at a future meeting.
VI. Unfinished Business
5. Compensation Plan : Next Steps (M. Gormley)
There was a suggestion to have URSTPC create a plan that would work on the issue of compression and inversions. URSTPC would present a draft narrative to Faculty Senate for approval at a special meeting in December. MOTION: Broussard moved to recommend URSTPC to review the compression and inversion issues, seconded by Burns. Motion approved.
VII. New Business
7. URSTPC Forms (E. Rawling)
These forms will be helpful to departments when they are developing their plans. The biggest change is reducing the five scale grading system to a three scale grading system. Discussion ensued about having a digital form, but due to privacy issues the University has no secure way to create a digital form at this time. These are not the final forms; system legal still must approve. Discussion ensued about creating these forms digitally, but doing so would require money. This will discussed again at a future meeting. MOTION: Karsten moved to endorse the forms as presented from URSTPC, seconded by Thompson. Motion approved.
8. Proposal to change the membership of APC to Include Representatives from AOC and ASC (M. Gormley)
MOTION: Burns moved to set the charge for the bylaw committee to draft a wording for this change in the bylaws that will be presented to the General Faculty in January for approval, seconded by McCabe. Motion unanimously approved.
VIII. Next meeting date Tuesday, November 12, 2013
IX. Adjournment
Chair Gormley adjourned the meeting at 5:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Regina Pauly, Secretary Lisa Kress, Recording Secretary
The Faculty Senate meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in University North (Markee Pioneer Student Center). The Faculty Senate agenda is composed of items from many sources. If you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer no later than eight days prior to the Senate meeting. The meetings are open to the public and all faculty members are invited to attend. The agenda is distributed to the faculty in advance of the meeting to give faculty members the opportunity to contact members of the Senate to express views on topics being discussed.
October 22, 2013 Minutes Faculty Senate MeetingPage 1