Preble Dance Team Tryout Packet

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to the Preble Dance Team tryouts for the 2011-2012 season. We wish you the best of luck on trying out for the Dance Team. Becoming a Dance Team member is a full-time commitment. It is very important that students and parents read and understand the contents of this letter and the Dance Team Constitution.


The Preble Dance team has been in existence since 1988 and has grown to be a very successful program. We are a non-sanctioned sport, which means we receive no financial support from Preble High School or the Board of Education. We are entirely self-funded. We must raise the money and pay for our travel expenses, uniforms and coaches salary. Even though our status is non-sanctioned, we still must abide by the standards, rules and regulations of the Green Bay School District Athletic Code of Conduct, WIAA, WACPC and Preble High School. Academics take center stage. As Dance Team members, we are recognized as highly visible representatives of Preble High School, and we hold that responsibility in high regard.


The tryouts are just the first phase of a very long season. We are a competition team as well as a team that supports and entertains at school events. Our season starts in June/July, with camps and practices, and goes into fall with football and soccer games. Winter brings basketball games and competitions. Spring is the culmination of all the hard work, with a possible trip to Florida for a national competition. The Preble Dance team competes in the highest division within the Wisconsin Association of Cheer and Pom Coaches, or WACPC. WACPC is the sole facilitator for the Wisconsin Regional and State competitions. Faced with that type of competition and the desire to excel, the team puts in long practice hours after school, evenings, and at times, weekend practices. Hard work and dedication leads to fun and success!

There are many students trying for a limited number of positions on the team. If you lack the dedication or commitment, cannot accept the concept of team and school sprit or question the standard set forth by this organization, please rethink your decision to try out. If you agree to all of these things, we would love to see you at tryouts!

Please read the Dance Team Constitution and understand all of the expectations, and be aware of the rules, regulations, and procedures, before committing yourself and your daughter to this agreement.

Good Luck on making the 2011-2012 Preble Dance team!

The following items are REQUIRED to the coach by Monday May 2, 2011

4 Teacher recommendations

Dance Team application with picture

Preble Dance Team Constitution signed by the student and Parent

Athletic Eligibility form signed by the office

If you have any addition questions, feel free to email Coach Laura at

please read all information carefully



TUESDAY, April 19, 3:30-5:00MONDAY, May 2nd, 3:30-5:30pm

THURSDAY, April 21, 3:30-5:00TUESDAY, May 3rd, 3:30-5:30pm

MONDAY, April 25, 3:30-5:00WEDNESDAY, May 4th, 3:30-5:30pm

WEDNESDAY, April 27 3:30-5:00THURSDAY, May 5th, 3:30-5:30pm

FRIDAY, May 6th: 3:30-5:30


SATURDAY, May 7th: 8:00am-Noon

WHERE: Green Bay Preble High School Commons. Final auditions on Saturday will be held in the auditorium.

ELIGIBILITY: Membership is open to all girls in grades 8-11 who will be attending Preble High School in the 2011-2012 school year. Veteran members must have all expenses from last year paid, and all team-owned items returned. They may not try-out, until they do so.

WHAT TO EXPECT: You will learn a pom routine and a series of various kicks that the team performs.

Candidates will try-out in groups and will be evaluated by a panel of impartial, qualified judges. The coach will not be on this panel, however the coaches decision is FINAL! You will be scored on the routine, kick series, and the following skills: Toe touch, right split leap, left split leap, stationary right leap, c-jump, double pirouette, and right & left split. These skills will be taught/reviewed in the prep classes prior to try-outs and during the try-out clinic. Optional skills will also be taught and can be performed to earn bonus points during your final audition. You will not get points deducted if you choose not to try the optional skills.

CLINIC ATTENDANCE: Clinic attendance is mandatory unless excused by the coach. Do not relay absences to a friend. Contact the coach by email to let me know if you will be missing. This is your responsibility! Work is not an excuse so please schedule appropriately.

If you have a spring sports commitment, that should be your first priority. Please do not jeopardize that team’s practice schedule or game schedule to attend the try out clinic. Your first priority is the commitment you made to that team. If you must miss a day(s) of clinic, then it will be necessary for you to find someone to teach you the routines outside of the scheduled time.

WHAT TO WEAR TO THE TRYOUTS: Non-restrictive and non-revealing clothing that allows you to learn and dance comfortably. Shorts or dance pants are acceptable, as well as tennis shoes or dance shoes. On the day of final auditions please wear dark colored pants (ie: black, dark blue) and a fitted, plain white T-shirt. Dance shoes or tennis shoes are also required. You should also wear some makeup and have your hair nicely pulled back in a ponytail as you will be judged on neatness. Remove all jewelry that could be a hazard.

JUDGING CRITERIA: The following criteria will be considered during judging:

  1. Appearance- neatly and appropriately dressed, including makeup and hair.
  2. Showmanship and Enthusiasm - Do you appear to be having fun?
  3. Dance Ability and Rhythm- able to complete steps, in control, on beat.
  4. Knowledge of Routine- Are you able to perform it confidently with good knowledge?
  5. Strength and Sharpness- sharp movements, full extensions.
  7. All veteran team members that are trying out are required to successfully complete both right and left splits. Any “rookie” trying out for the team does not need to have their splits to make the team however if she is selected, splits are mandatory to perform.

TRYOUT FORMS: A personal questionnaire and Dance Team constitution is included with your application for tryouts. NEW THIS SEASON all students trying out need to have a signed copy of the athletic eligibility form from the office regardless of if you have been on the team in the past or not. Also included are your teacher evaluation forms. It is your responsibility, as a candidate for a position on the Green Bay Preble Dance Team, to submit the teacher evaluation forms to your teachers for their completion. YOU are responsible for ensuring that your teacher has completed the form. You must have a completed form from 3 academic teachers, as well as 1 elective. Please do this so that the teacher has enough time to fill out and return it to the office by the deadline.. All forms are due no later than Monday, May 2nd. Inability to get these forms in on time will reflect poorly on your ability to be a successful team member. Please consider this, and be organized, neat and conscientious as you prepare the forms.

PREP CLASSES: Non-mandatory skill and technique classes will be available to help you prepare for try-outs. Girls who have attended in the past have found them very helpful! If you plan on attending, meet in the Preble commons and come dressed in comfortable clothes and shoes for any or all of the classes.

***If your daughter is selected as a member of the 2011-2012 Preble Dance Team there will be a mandatory parent/dancer meeting on Monday May 9th 2011 at Preble High School. Please be aware that a $100 deposit will be due at this time.

Preble Dance Team Constitution

2011 – 2012

Objective: To promote school spirit, to provide entertainment of half-time performances at football, soccer, and basketball games and compete in local, state and national competitions. Also, to positively represent Preble High School throughout the season while developing responsibility, teamwork and work ethics.


Members of the Preble dance team are highly visible representatives of Preble High School. You are expected to conduct yourself at all times in a way that will reflect positively on the school, the team, and yourself. This is expected whether you are in uniform or not and failure to do so will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Maintaining a positive relationship with your team members, coach, assistants, captains, and parent booster organization are essential. The coach has final ruling.

  1. All members must abide by the Dance Team Constitution, the Green Bay School District Code of Conduct, WIAA rules, and WACPC rules. The team member and her parent(s) are responsible for reading and signing forms where appropriate. Consequences to violations are spelled out in each of the above. Violations of any of these rules is unacceptable and could result in dismissal from the team. The coach has final ruling.

2.All dance team members are expected to maintain a 2.0 grade point average at all times. If a dance team member receives an F on the six week grading period then the dancer is ineligible to participate in games, contests or public events for one week beginning on the Monday* following the posting of the grades and ending on the following Monday* unless a note from the teacher is provided to the coach stating the grade has been raised. If a dance team member fails a class at the end of a semester, she will be placed on probation for 15 days in accordance with the district policy. The 15 school days will begin the Monday following the posting of the grades by the high school office.

Attendance: Practice and Performance

Being a member of the Preble Dance Team is a FULL TIME commitment. Students and parents must be aware and commit to the time involved to produce a successful team. You are a part of a team, and consequently, many other people depend on you to do your best for the success of the entire team. Practice is essential to learn, choreograph and perfect the routines. Some members may need more practice time than others. It is expected that each member practices outside of the team to learn and perfect all skills, steps and routines needed to perform with the team. The coach reserves the right to remove a team member from any performance if she does not know the entire routine and/or is not performing it up to the team/coach’s expectations. It is expected that all members must memorize every routine in its entirety and have the ability to perform it full out with very little to no mistakes. The coach has final ruling.

1.All practices, performances, meetings, team fundraisers, and all other dance activities are mandatory.

  1. A schedule will be available on the Preble Dance Team website. It will include all practice times, performances, competitions, fundraisers and team events. This schedule and practice is subject to change with the needs of the team. All members must be available to practice Monday through Friday after school until 5:30. Mandatory practices during competition week will be until 6:00. Additional practice time on the weekend may be called. If you miss an entire practice for any reason, you may not be allowed to perform at the next game. (Coach’s decision) Additionally, if a member is late to practice for an excused reason (talking to a teacher, going to the trainer, etc.) she must make up the time that was missed at the end of practice.
  1. The coach must approve all missed practices/performances. A note or phone call to the Coach PRIOR to absences is required - call coach’s cell and leave a message. If a team member will be missing or be late to practice, the dancer or her parent must contact the coach, NOT another team member. No shows/ no calls may lead to your dismissal from the team. The first no show/no call you will receive a warning. The second no show/no call you will be pulled from the line up for two weeks. The third no show/no call will result in removal from the team.
  1. The only excused absence will be illness, emergency, or a prescheduled appointment that is okayed with the coach ahead of time. If a dancer has not prearranged an absence with the coach, such as in the event of an illness or emergency, she or a parent must call the coach to make her aware to the reason for the absence. The coach will need to OK all absences and the team member will need to earn her spot back into the lineup. In the event of an excused absence, if a dancer has learned all material that she missed at practice and is up to the team’s performance expectations, she will be allowed to perform with the team. If a team member is not at school the day of a performance, she will not be allowed to perform as attendance is required by the school in order to participate in school events. Work is an unexcused absence and it must be scheduled around team practices, performances and events. The only exception for work will be if a practice or event is scheduled without a minimum two-week notice to the team. Other conflicting schedules or appointments will be excused as well, but should be changed if at all possible. If a member does not discuss a schedule conflict with the coach ahead of time, she is expected to be at practice. If a team member is absent from a team function due to illness, she must be either home resting or seeking medical attention. If a dancer is out sick and not at home or seeking medical attention, the coach will impose an appropriate punishment. Team members will be allowed two excused absences without penalty. If a team member has more than two excused absences, the points system will take effect and the dancer will be penalized with the corresponding number or points and penalties. All excused absences must be approved prior to the absence. The coach has final ruling.

5.Non-performing and/or injured dancers are required to be at all practices.

6.Tardiness is unacceptable. If there is problem with tardiness the coach may pull you from a performance and if behavior continues, you could be dismissed from the team. (coach’s decision)

  1. When a team member is absent, she is required to meet with a teammate and learn all material that was covered in practice. The coach will determine when she is ready to perform.
  1. A practice uniform will be set at the beginning of the season (tank top, pants and shorts) and it must be followed at each practice. Practice uniforms must cover the dancer’s stomach and an appropriate bra, such as a sports bra, should be worn.


1.Your progress and ability to perform will be evaluated and analyzed by the coach prior to each performance. The coach will decide if you are ready to perform. Enthusiasm, hard work and a positive attitude will carry you a long way. The coach may call tryouts for all team members prior to any or all performances or competitions. The coach may announce a tryout in advance or the day of. Tryouts may be formal, with the coach watching dancers in small groups, or informal, with the coach making determinations while watching the whole team. Daily effort, dedication, and attitude will be taken into consideration as the coach makes her decision. Team members who do not perform at any given event are still very important to the team and are required to attend that event. The coach has final ruling.

  1. Attendance is required at all performances whether you are performing, or not. You will be dressed in the team’s warm-up or in uniform (coach’s discretion) and assist the team and coach.
  1. You are expected to wear exactly what the coach asks you to wear. This means, hair, make-up, warm-ups and uniform. Hair and make-up must be done prior to you reporting for the performance, unless notified differently. Uniforms and shoes must be clean. Violation of any part of the dress code could result in not performing that day. The coach has final ruling.
  1. If a dancer is removed from a performance at the last competition prior to Regionals for any reason other than a reason that has been prearranged and preapproved by the coach, she will not be allowed to perform in that routine at Regionals or State as the team does not have time to be changing formations and groups prior to these competitions. This includes, but is not limited to, being removed for not knowing the routine 100%, being unable to perform the routine full out in its entirety with very minimal to no mistakes, and academic ineligibilities. The coach has final ruling.

Uniforms & Equipment: