EKC Committee Meeting held Thursday 3rd October 2013 (held at Clifton Inn)


Ian Boutle, James Hardy, Rob King, Stephen Pring, Gavin Robbins, Michelle Spillar, Deb Wardknott


Helen Johnson, Hannah Welters

The meeting began by going through the actions of the previous meeting on Thursday 4th July 2013.

The previous actions had been completed – see minutes of previous meeting. Michelle had bought new yellow balls and it was suggested that two smaller ball bags should be bought to keep the balls in so that not one person had all the balls and that some could be left at Exeter School. We were still waiting for an insurance certificate from EKA – see action on Rob K.

There was then a discussion on the changes to the South West League structure. In particular the addition of Thunder 4. All of a clubs teams should in theory be named but league rules were unclear on this. It was noted that Exeter had not been notified of the SWKA AGM. Promotion of the winning club from the Second League was a further change at the SWKA AGM. The promotion may not be strictly applied and clubs may opt out if they have sufficient reason. It was discussed that a lag of a year should be used to make such major changes to the league structure.

Next the Selection Committee was discussed. The selection committee will be Rob K, Steve P and Lisa. It was decided that people should respond by Wednesday Midnight, a week and a half before the weekend of the match. This would mean the selection committee would be able to discuss team selection after training on a Thursday. The email with the named teams would then go out on Monday morning by Debs to allow for any possible injuries which might occur that weekend.

A skiing trip which is happening was then talked about and Gav gave the dates as 26th January to 2nd February. A few members from the club would be going skiing. This did clash with a game against Exeter University on the 1st February and so this match might be rearranged.

The committee then gave feedback on the introductory sessions which Rob K had organised. The committee thought that the evening when 4-0 was taught using a cone instead of a post was particularly good and effective and thought that generally the introductory sessions had gone well. It was mentioned how the acoustics in Exeter School hall were particularly bad and we were all encouraged to stand a bit closer to the coach when he is speaking!

Recruitment – Deb suggested that posters could be printed of the existing flyers which Hannah has created. Deb mentioned that she didn't have a colour printer available and the committee thought that printing shouldn't be a cost incurred by individuals. James mentioned that business cards and leaflets could also be made up and mentioned that playing korfball in Exeter city centre on a Saturday could be a good way to attract new players. Gav did mention that a large number of people would be needed for this otherwise it wouldn't look good with just a few people.

Gav then discussed the 3rd team matches against Exeter Uni and these were to be on Tuesday 22nd October, Thursday 14th November and Tuesday 3rd December. Emails needed to be sent out about this and that Gav would deal with emails regarding 3rd team availability and liaising with Exeter Uni. Rob K said that 3rd team matches would be a good way for new referees to practise and develop potential referees.

A date for the Christmas meal had been set as Saturday 14th December. There were three choices; City Gate, Double Locks or Port Royal. It was decided to consider the City Gate first and then Port Royal if City Gate was no longer available. Deb suggested fancy dress and the committee agreed to think of possible themes.

James had recently attended a coaching course in Bristol with the cost approximately £35. Michelle to reimburse.

In AOB, Michelle mentioned that she couldn't find the link on the EKF website affiliation, she was to contact someone who knew where the links were.

Deb requested that Mecca bingo could be a potential social and ten-pin bowling was also mentioned by James.

The next Committee meeting would be in six weeks time.


Rob K:

  1. Obtain EKA insurance certificate


  1. To book Christmas Meal
  2. Organise 3rd team mathches


  1. Buy some new ball bags
  2. Pay James


  1. To follow up about logo (continuation)


  1. To send out email about when selection for the team and when needed responses by.

For All:

1. To think about possible theme for fancy dress at Christmas meal