EastBloomfieldTown Board

RegularTown Board Meeting,July 9, 2012

Present:Supervisor Dorothy N. Huber

Council Person Ronald P. Hawkins

Council Person Thomas Conklin

Council Person William J. Mitchell Jr.

Council Person Michelle T. MacMillan

Highway Superintendent Brian Bernard

Attending the regular town board meeting were Ron Roach, George Fuller and Nancy L. Long.

Pledge of Allegiance

Public welcome and comments

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by Hawkins, to approve the Town Board minutes of July 25, 2012 as amended. Motion was carried.

TOWN CLERK’S REPORT -Motion was made by Conklin, seconded byMacMillan, to approve the town clerk’s report for the month of June. Motion was carried.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’S REPORT-Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by Conklin, to approve the Code Enforcement Officer’s report for the month of June 2012. Motion was carried.

Hall advised the board that the Fire District has been given a temporary Certificate of Occupancy

(C of O) for the new Fire House. They have permission to move the trucks into the building; however, there are some code violations that are still outstanding. Under no circumstances will they be given a C of O until these issues have been addressed. They have 30 days to do so. The temporary C of O will be voided and they will need to obtain another building permit if those issues are not resolved within the 30 days.

Mitchell inquired about the status of the individual who lives in the camper on Stetson Road. Hall advised him that there is no update.

Mitchell also inquired about another camper on Co. Road 39 and Hall confirmed that he is aware of it.

SUPERVISOR’S REPORT - Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by Hawkins,to approve theSupervisor’s report for the month of June. Motion was carried.

Huber provided the board members with an updated Town Attorney’s to do list for their review.

Bernard advised the board that Anderson is currently working on the permanent easement for Cannan Road. We cannot use the blanket easement, as the circumstances are different.

The June Financial Report was distributed to the town board members for their perusal. Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by Conklin, to approve the June Financial Report. Motion was carried.

Motion was made by Mitchell to adopt the Intermunicipal Agreement with the East Bloomfield-Holcomb Fire Districtand waive the reading of the Resolution, seconded by MacMillan. A discussion was held. Hawkins voted Nay because he did not agree with the content of Schedule A. Motion was carried.



WHEREAS, the East Bloomfield-Holcomb Fire District is desirous of sharing certain services

with the town of East Bloomfield from year to year, and

WHEREAS, an Intermunicipal Agreement is the appropriate vehicle within which to accomplish

this, and

WHEREAS, this Town Board has reviewed the Intermunicipal Agreement established to identify this sharing of services and finds it acceptable, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Town Board adopts the said Intermunicipal Agreement with the East Bloomfield-Holcomb Fire District, and be it also

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution with the executed Intermunicipal Agreement to the East Bloomfield-Holcomb Fire District.

GRANTS - No report

CONTRACTS IN PROGRESS - The town received three (3) bids in regard to the interior lighting 14443upgrades for the EastBloomfieldTown Hall and the VeteransPark’s main lodge:

D & J Electric$ 3,429.00 VeteransPark

$ 6,913.50 Town Hall

$ 10,342.50

New Pulse Electric Inc. $ 3,500.00 VeteransPark

$ 7, 600.00 Town Ball


Frank J. Marianacci Inc.$29,866.00 Town Hall & Veterans Park

Huber entertained a motion to award the bid to D & J Electric. Motion was made by Conklinto award the bid to D & J Electric at a cost of $10,342.50 for the interior electrical lightingupgrades for the EastBloomfieldTown Hall and the VeteransPark’scontingent to his review of the specs, seconded by Mitchell. Motion was carried.

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RegularTown Board Meeting, July 9, 2012

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AUDIT - Huber advised the board that Dermody will be auditing Judge Herrington’s books on July 12th.



HIGHWAY - No report.

INSURANCE- No report.

PARKS AND RECREATION -Huber provided the board with an update on the Summer Recreation Program.

Bernard provided the board with an update in regards to the playground equipment. Bear Equipment is in the process of providing Bernard with a price in regards to the removal of the playground equipment, the price of new playground equipment and the pros and cons of moving the equipment. We will wait until we hear from Bear.

Mitchell inquired as to what is the status of Huber’s findings in regards to consumption of alcohol beverages on Town owned property. Huber stated that she will be contacting Russ Kenyon in regards to this matter and will advise the board with the results of her findings

PERSONNEL/TOWN OPERATIONS -The Town Board members were provided with a copy of a Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution to be adopted. Motion was made by Hawkins, seconded by Conklin, to adopt the Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution. Motion was carried.

WATER/SEWER - Glenn Thornton of Thornton Engineering LLP provided the Town BoardMembers with a proposal for Engineering Services for the replacement of the watermains in Water Districts #1, #2, and #2 Ext. #2 for a total estimated project cost of $2,299,000.00. Huber will contact Cindy Newcomb at the USDA and Cheryl Robbins from the Department of Healthin regards to this matter and will provide the board with the results of her findings. Conklin will also contact some of the contractors that he works with for their opinions and will provide the board with the results of his findings.

VILLAGE OF BLOOMFIELD - MacMillan provided the town board members with some insight in regards to her attendance at the Village Board of Trustees’ Meeting. Conklin will attend the next Village Board meeting.

COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED - No Communications were received.

OTHER BUSINESS-Bernard identified for the town board members the projects currently underway at the Highway Department.

Hall will be attending school on July 24, 25, and 26 and then he will be on vacation for a week.

Huber updated the town board members on the hydrofracking RFP jointly undertaken by the County on behalf of a number of other towns.

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RegularTown Board Meeting, July 9, 2012

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TRANSFERS/AMENDMENTS - Motion was made by Conklin, seconded by MacMillan, to approve the following budget amendment. Motion was carried.

Transfer $1,000.00 from DA5140.42, Gravel Pit Contractual, to DA5140.41, Brush and Weeds Contractual.

Motion was carried.

RESOLUTION - PAYMENT OF BILLS - Motion was made by Conklin, seconded Hawkins, to approve payment of the bills with corrections to be made:

General Fund A Abs. #213- Vouchers 280 - 295, 297 - 301 $ 9,714.70

General Fund B Abs. #213- Vouchers 280, 288 $ 429.03

Highway DA Abs. #213 - Vouchers 280, D134 $ 1,848.60

Highway DB Abs. #213 - Vouchers 280, 133, 135 - 138 $ 4,550.34

Sewer Dist. #1 Abs. #213-Voucher 299 $ 6,185.91

Water Dist. #2 Abs. #213- Vouchers 296 $ 9,449.31

Water Dist. #2 Ext. #1 Abs. #213 - Voucher 296 $ 292.25

Carried unanimously.

ADJOURNMENT- Motion byMitchell, seconded by Hawkins, to adjourn at 9:40 PM. Carried unanimously.

April N. Wade

Town Clerk