CIS 151 Introduction to Computers – Online Section
About This Course and Getting Started Online
Instructor - Susan Fuschetto
This class is an online class. We do not meet on campus. The enclosed information is required reading the first day of class. Hopefully it will answer your questions and get you on the right track for successfully completing the course. After reading this document you will need to take the Orientation Quiz in MyITLab. The MyITLab course will be available for enrollment on 8/29.Canvas.Canvas. The quiz must be taken on the first day of class. The first day of class/deadline is:
o September 6thWednesday Section 208462111421114: January 11th31st31st by 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time
o Thursday Section 20850: January12th2372723727: January 31st6thWednesdaJanuary 11th31st by 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time
Other introduction items to note:
· This class is very full with a wait list. Students that do not take the orientation quiz by the above date will be marked as a “no show” and dropped allowing students on the wait list to be moved on to the roster
· Students on the wait list must be patient and wait until the after the first class meeting to find out if they have been added to the class.
Class Website – the class website is located on MyITLab at .
Class Website
The class website is located in Canvas . The web address is . I suggest that you book mark/save to favorites for quick access.
You will log in using your 7-digit student number and your date of birth in the MMDDYYYY format. Before logging in be sure to read all of the messages on the login page. There are important links to support, how to get the Canvas mobile app for your phone, user profile settings, the Canvas Student Guide, and more.
Course Availability:
· The course is usually available about one week before the course starts
· Wait List Students: You will not have access to the course until after you are added to the class. Also, it may take 24 hours to process your add and put you in to the Canvas course.
Canvas Login Page:
Canvas is an online course management system. Instead of going to a physical on campus classroom you will log in to the Cerritos College Canvas site (go to the college) and then on the Dashboard select your class (go to the classroom). You will do all of your work in Canvas.
Getting Started with Canvas
There are many guides for Canvas. Here is the link to the main guide page:
On the left menu you will see the Getting Started with Canvas link. Click it, then click the Canvas Student Getting Started Guide. Use this guide to get familiar with Canvas. More guides and question/answers are on the above page link, select Student Guide.
MyITLab (MyLab and Mastering)
You will be either buying a physical book and access code to MyITLab or an etext book and an MyITLab access code. Not to confuse things, but in Canvas the menu option will say MyLab and Mastering. You will log in to Canvas, select the CIS 101 Intro. To Computers course from the Dashboard, then access MyITLab by clicking the MyLab and Mastering link.
Things you need to know to get started in MyITLab:
1. As stated on the course syllabus you will need books and the MyITLab access code for this course. Please read the course syllabus for buying options.
2. You MUST do the orientation quiz in MyITLab by the first day of class or you will be dropped.
3. 14 day free trial access code: If you are short of funds you may use the free trial option for 2 weeks. You can do your work and then when it expires pay the access fee. Your work will not be lost. It will be visible once you pay the access fee. However…. I will not be able to see your work when your account expires. So I will have to assume you are no longer attending and I will have to drop you. Be sure to pay your access fee right away after the expiration to ensure continuous attendance.
4. As stated above you log in to Canvas and go in to the CIS 101 course and then click the MyLab and Mastering link to access MyITLab. Here are some helpful resources:
5. You will need tomustmustmustmust register/create an account in MyITLab and then enroll in the correct section. The instructions are in the MyITLab Registration document. The document is posted to my website on the Fall 2016 Classes page:
6. Make sure you enroll in the correct section. Check the section number in the title.. If you enroll in the wrong section andalreadyalreadyalreadyalready have a MyLab account with the Pearson publisher, then do your work Iyou The course ID’s are:you may be asked for a course ID. New account registrations will NOT ask for the course ID. The course ID’s are:drop you from the incorrect section and you will have to enroll in the correct section and redo your work. So… please pay careful attention to the section number.
· Once you get in to the course, then be sure to go to the Getting Started page and do the 3 tasks there: setting up MyITLab, user guide and time zone settings. Especially important is setting the time zone. If you forget to setup the time zone, then it may be confusing on due dates and late statuses. No matter what the asked for a course time zone overrides the student settings. The ID. New account registrations will NOT ask for the course time zone is set to Pacific Standard Time.ID. The course ID’s are:
o Wednesday Section 2084621114211142111421114: fuschetto875832084621808: fuschetto99173
o Thursday Section 20850: January12th23727237272372723727: fuschetto13137
· Here is a YouTube video to show you the process:
o Note the example in the video is for another course, not MyITLab. And the price is for that course, not MyITLab. However… the steps are the same.
· Register/create an account PDF handout:
· System requirements:
7. Registering for MyITLab is a one-time only process. After registering you will simply log in to Canvas, enter the course, and then click the MyLab and Mastering link to go to the MyITlab site. The majority of the course work will be done in MyITlab. A few assignments and quizzes may be in the Canvas modules, assignments, and quizzes.
8. All announcements will be in Canvas.
9. The grades in MyITlab will be synced up/copied in to the Canvas Gradebook. That way you will be able to see all of your scores in one Gradebook.
10. MyITLab Student User Guide:
Objectives of this course
· Transferable to CSU
· To become proficient in Excel
· Learn beyond the basics of Excel
· Create macros
· To get an introduction to VBA
Prerequisites and Recommendations
· Prerequisites: technically none
· Be self-disciplined – meaning you need to read and do your assignments weekly and read the announcements and your email everyday
· Be proactive --- it is your job to check the class website on a weekly basis for the class work due each week. Don’t rely on me to remind you/tell you each week what to do. I will send out reminders to get you started. But it is your job to get in to the class website and do the work. Just like an on campus class you must “attend” the class weekly and you do this by doing the work each week.
· What you should know:
o Windows
§ How to name and save files
§ File Explorer – file management: find, save, copy, rename, and delete files, etc.
o Email
§ Compose a simple email
§ Attach a file to the email
o Internet – Web Browsers
§ FireFox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer to access TalonNet and MyITLab class sites
Hardware and Software
You need a computer that has:
· An Internet connection – high speed is preferred such as DSL or Cable
· Windows operating system
· Microsoft Office Professional 2013/Excel 2013 – yes really, please don’t email me asking if you can use the 2003 or 2007 or 2010 version or the Mac version. The lab books and MyITLab match the 2013 version. Also, there are new features you will be using that are not in the older version. You may use the computers on campus. They have Office Professional 2013/Excel 2013.
· A web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox or some other browser
· Microsoft Office Professional 2013 is cheap (around $39) at . Please note that if you order it by mail, then it may take 2 weeks to get the software. So order it ahead of time.
Data files:
· The directions for getting the data files are part of the assignment instructions.
An email account:
· Preferably a Hotmail or Gmail account
· You may use your current email account
· Suggestion – create a new account just for this class
· Important reminder: please be sure to enter your email address in to your MyCerritos student account and in TalonNetMyLabMyLabMyLabMyLab as well. They should match in order for consistent communications from me. The steps in Talonnet: MyWorkspace, Account, Modify Details button, make corrections, and then click the Update Details button.
If you don’t have any of these things or you are having problems with your computer, that’s OK. You can use the computers in:
· The CIS computer lab in the Multi-Purpose building, first floor. Also, there are lab aides and tutors available in the CIS labs that can help you.
· The Learning Center (Library) has computers. Be sure to ask to use the computers that are set up for MyITLab.
· Plan ahead and work ahead if at all possible. If you have problems with your computer you can go to campus and use the computers there. My response to your computer problems will typically be “Use the computers on campus.”
So how’s this online class going to work?
All activities (quizzes, assignments, and trainings, etc.) have due dates. In order to earn 100%/ full points you must submit the assignment on the due date before 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time.
· Late activities will be marked down 10% for each week late.
o Example: You earned 100% of the points, but I am 3 weeks late. The score will be 70%.
o Example: You earned 100% of the points, but I am 10 weeks late. The score will be zero.
o So do not get too far behind. Plus, it really is very hard to catch up if you get too behind.
· Please don’t think you can submit everything on the last week of the term. I need to take attendance from the quiz and lab assignment submittals. Read the attendance policy on the Course Syllabus.
Reading the textbook:
· You will need to read about 1 chapter each week.
· See the Class Schedule section on the Syllabus for which chapter(s) to read each week
· Take a quiz for each chapter from the textbook
· The quiz will be posted to the MyITLab class website
· You get 2 attempts for the quizzes.
· Each quiz will be randomly generated including the second attempted quiz.
Lab Assignments:
· Some weeks you will do 1-2 lab assignments each week.
· The due dates are in MyITLab, Assignments and on the course syllabus.
· Note: In the MyITLab, Assignments you will only see the scheduled/due items. See next bullet point.
· All of the instructions, data files, and other resources for the lab assignments will be in MyITLab, Course Materials and their respective folders. Please be sure to check the Course Materials before you start working on the lab assignment.
· There are a lot of materials available to you in the Course Materials. I “assigned” the resources and graded activities to the Assignment Calendar that you might need. The resources such as eText, PowerPoints, and videos are not graded, but were put there for your convenience. The graded activities are trainings, quizzes, exams, and Grader Projects. Soooo…. Don’t get scared when you see a long list of items on a due date. Also, please note that the Objective videos are mapped to the objectives in your book. They are optional, but may be useful if you are confused by the explanation in the book, training simulation, or need a refresher when doing the Grader Projects.
· Typically, you will do a skills training (video/audio steps).
· Optionally review videos and PowerPoints lectures both with and without audio.
· Then you will do a separate project assignment requiring you to download file(s) from MyITLab; do the assignment using the Office Professional 2013 software on your computer (separate from MyITLab); and then upload and submit the completed project file(s) to MyITLab.
· Grading process --- for the majority of the assignments and trainings you will receive immediate scores/feedback when you submit them in MyITLab. There may be a few assignments that I manually grade. In this case it will be a couple days before you get your score.
o For the MyITLab Projects you will get unlimited chances to submit and improve your grade before the due date
o For the MyITLab Trainings you will get unlimited chances to submit and improve your grade before the due date
· When you submit the Grader Projects MyITLab creates two reports you can use to figure out what you did wrong. There is the Markup report and the Summary report. Please be sure to look at these if you did not earn the 100% score. Be sure to click the red checkmark icons and/or expansion triangle to get the details. For more information on these reports please read the Student User Guide in MyITLab > Course Home > Getting StartedMyITLabMyITLabMyITLabMyITLab Student User Guide: