Organization Name and Region, City/Town / How did the activity meet the objective of civic engagement? / Which groups benefited from the activity? / Amount Approved (number only)Associacao Gwevane - Xinavane District, South of Mozambique / Women represent the largest portion of the population. Most of them are unemployed and are among the most affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. This NGO proposes to tackle the issue of unemployment by promoting series of activities aimed at improving capacities among community leaders, composed of women, as means to lift the community out of poverty and marginalization. The target beneficiary of the training are expected to act as civic activists and will promote activities aimed at raising awareness of other women on a range of issues affected them in the community. / 30 rural civic activities / 5000
Associacao dos Ambiopes de Mocambique -ACAMO - Sofala/Beira - Centre of Mozambique / The beneficiary organization is an association of people with disability ( blindness). Their project included a set of activities to promote inclusion among people with disability in that part of the country, most affected by this type of disease. Activities included actions towards the improvement of self-esteem, participation and awareness campaign on rights of that portion of the population. / People with disability in the province of Sofala / 4500
Accao para o Desenvolvimento Social - Beira -Centre of Mozambique / This association proposes to carry out series of activities aimed at rural women and at tackling a number of specific challenges facing rural women. It proposes to promote awareness campaigns about women rights, girls education and early dropouts, Sex Vs HIV/AIDS among young women. / 100 women, among community leaders in Mwanza district in Sofala province / 4500
Instituto para a Comunicacao Social - MISA - Maputo - South of Mozambique / The MISA project proposes to tackle gender related issues through the official media, including newspaper, television and radio. It's proposal is to provide capacity building to female journalists about gender related issues, in order for them to be able to make in-depth coverage of women affairs in the official media. By doing so, the project proposes to raise awareness and promote civic engagement about gender related issues. / 60 female journalists / 3000
Rede Familia Semente da Humanidade - Inhambane - South of Mozambique / This organizations proposes to carry out series of awareness campaigns for the youth on a number of topics including on dangers of smoking, drinking and other self-destructive behaviors / Young people in Inhambane province / 4500
Associacao dos Naturais e Amigos da Ilha de Inhaca - Inhaca Island - South of Mozambique / This organization proposes to tackle unemployment among the women community, by promoting campaigns aimed at increasing self-esteem, entrepreneurship and participation in decision making processes in the community. / Women community in the island / 4000
Associacao FonG -Forum de ONGs - Gaza- South of Mozambique / This is an umbrella NGO operating in the south of Mozambique with a network of Community Based Organizations(CBO). It proposes to increase capacities among CBOs so they can fully play their role of promoting civic engagement in rural communities. / Gender related CBOs in Gaza province and south of Mozambique / 3000
Associacao Com-Com; Nampula - North of Mozambique / This is an NGOs that has specialized itself in producing messages for the community on a wide range of topics, using all types of supports including filming. It proposes to prepare a documentary film, using vernacular languages, and covering gender related issues to be projected in rural communities. / Rural populations in Nampula and other northern provinces / 3000
Associacao ORAM - Nampula - North of Mozambique / This is an umbrella NGO operating in the North of Mozambique with a network of Community-Based Organizations (CBO). It proposes to increase capacities among CBOs in the North of Moz. so they can be more able to fully play their role of promoting civic engagement in rural communities in the north of Moz. / CBOs of Nampula provinces and surrounding provinces / 3500
Organization Name and Address / How did the activity meet the objective of civic engagement? / Which groups benefited from the activity? / Amount Approved ($US)Associacao Radio Comunitaria Voz Coop
Av. Mocambique. 5829
Maputo / Addressing the issue of food security by sharing best practices in agriculture production as means of raising awareness and obtain civic engagement on this particular issue among rural communities using vernacular languages through community radios / rural communities, small holder agriculture producers, association of smallholders / 5,000
Rua dos Sem Medo, Nr. 3029, Muatala , Nampula / Raise awareness and obtain the community's civic engagement on food security issues and their relation with infant mortality in remote rural district areas in the Nampula Province / rural poor communities in remote district areas of Nampula province / 5,000
Avenue nr. 147
Maputo / support and promote good practices in agriculture through the dissemination of information about methods and techniques of production among rural communities using radios and other cost-effective rural Communications / Rural communities in 4 districts in Maputo Province / 5,000
AJDR - Associacao da Juventude para o Desenvolvimento Rural. Av. Trabalho Nr. 83, Nampula / Tackle the issue of food security among young girls and pregnant women on nutrition issue as preventive measures to infant mortality by dissemination of information and awareness raising among that section of the population in periurdban areas / periurban populations of the outskirts of Maputo / 5,000
Av, Karl Marx, 1456
Maputo / Support rural communities in issues related to Agriculture and food security through promotion of best practices using local forms of communications including community radios, popular plays, songs, among others / Rural districts in Maputo / 5,000
Association Centro Multimedia de Xinavane
Xinavane, rua da acucareira
Maputo / Promote debates among members of the Xinavane district community on a variety of development issues. The local community radio to play the central role in hosting and broadcasting the content of such debates in local languages / Rural communities of Xinavane and surroundings / 3,500
Associacao Telecentro da Manhica
EN1, Manhica Sede. / Use of the community radio waves to share information and raise awareness on different issues of concern to the community with particular attention to food security and nutrition / Rural communities of Manhica district and surroundings / 5,000
Associacao sociocultural AKATEMBE
Bairro Chali, Rua E. Nr. 97, Catembe / Promote rural communications and sharing of best practices on agriculture, fishing and nutrition using local communications tools such as street theatre, songs, dancing and other forms of cultural expressions in order to raise awareness and promote civic engagement among the population / Rural populations of Catembe district / 1,500
TOTAL / 35,000
Organization Name and Address / How did the activity meet the objective of civic engagement? / Which groups benefited from the activity? / Amount Approved ($US)RNOMCD
Rede Nacional de ONG’s Mocambicanas Contra Droga
Av. Agostinho Neto, 1884/Cave. Tel.: 258 824786010 / We supported initiatives aimed at raising awareness using different forms of expression such as popular plays and cultural events to pass messages on the linkage between the use of drugs and HIV/AIDs. We beleive that the use of cultural expressions to convey important massages for and with the communities are an example of awareness and civic engagement on the part of this organization. / The project worked with schools and communities as target audiences. Students aged from 14 to 20 and mostly from basic and secondary education in Maputo area were among the target group. / 4,458
HelpAge Mozambique
HelpAge International Mozambique
Rua Valentim Siti, 410
Tel: +258 21 415816
Fax: +258 21 416435
Mozambique / We supported the organization of a National Conference on Age in Mozambique that helped to raise awareness among different stakeholders including Civil Society, Government, donors on the new trends affecting elders in Mozambique. / Elders countrywide / 7,750
YWCA- Mozambique-
Christian Association of Women
Av. Eduardo Mondlane, 1304
1r Andar Unico
Tel.: (258) 82963139 / We supported series of activities to discuss the role of women in Mozambican society today in the context of the new women law. Focus of this awareness campaign has been the domestic violence. / Women in the provinces of Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane and Zambeze. / 6,527
GCR da Maxaquene
Bairro da Maxaquene, Rua Nr.6
Tel. (258) 845871100 / We supported a vast awareness campaign that made use of culture, dance, poems, essays against HIV/AIDS among young people. / Students aged from 14 to 20 with focus on gender issues and girl awareness. This project worked with schools and communities as target audiences / 2,000
Grupo Teatral Hundzucane
Rua da Malhangalene, 1004. Cave.
Tel.: (258)822828360 / We supported youth civic engagement by sharing best practices, success stories among the youth on the challenges facing them including the use of drugs, alcohol, unemployment, among many others. / Rural areas in Gaza province, North of the Capital. Target people 14 to 25. / 2,000
Rua Milagre Mabote, 1002
Tel.: (258)822746661 / We supported an awareness raising campaign consisting on the organization of a national conference for and about people with disabilities. We beleive this helped to raise awareness among different stakeholders including Civil Society, Government, donors on the challenges facing people with disabilities. / Disabled people with countrywide coverage / 7,465
APAI -Assoc. para Apoio ao Idoso
Rua Sem Saida, Telefax: (258)216456
Nampula / Awareness and sensitization to the role of elders in the face of their new responsibilities due to the spread of HIV/AIDS at community level in the North of Mozambique. / Elders and Community leaders and by extension the rural communities in Nampula / 3,800
TOTAL / 34,000
Organization Name and Address / How did the activity meet the objective of civic engagement? (Please refer to the definition of civic engagement above) / Which groups benefited from the activity? / Amount Approved ($US)KINDLIMUKA / Since information and Knowledge is power, Kindlimuka is among the most active NGOs which empowers people through knowledge, information sharing and counseling about HIV/AIDS and ways of prevention. Rational:Given the ever growing rate of infection of HIV/AIDS and since it ceased to be considered a mere health issue, the WB is supporting sexual behavior changing through prevention campaign at the core of its MAP projects. / Knindlimuka trained 30 trainers/activists in different districts and provinces of the country in HIV/AIDS prevention, counselling for people living with the disease; counseling on diet and services existing among other activities / 7,000
AJODEMO - Associacao de Jovens Deficientes de Mocambique. Ave Milagre Mabote No. 1002, Maputo / AJODEMO proposed to tackle poverty among a particularly marginalized and vulnerable group : the disabled through a project that would be executed by them and would benefit them as a mean to empower this particular group. Rational: In Mozambique there is an impressive number of physically disabled caused by the war but also by diseases as well as an increasing number of mentally handicapped as an effect of poverty in general. On the other side, there is no functional public service to deal with it. / A well known painting artist/teacher has been hired to train 15 disabled people that had showed promising qualities in painting. The training was in painting technics. The beneficiaries are members of the association who would revert the benefit of their future work to help other disabled. / 4,000
APROSSOJ - Associacao de Progresso Social dos Jovens. Adress : Ruas Francisco Manjate Nr. 27,1o esq Maputo / As way to reverse the high rate of school dropout among the youth in general and young ladies in particular and the high rate of drug use, this association proposed to interact with the public sector by organizing series of activities with public schools in the form of theater, debates as means to raise awareness among young people about the perils of drug use and the effect of dropouts the life of the students / Hundreds of students and young people in more than 12 schools throughout Maputo / 5,000
OJCD - Organizacao Juvenil Contra a Droga. Adress:Ave. Agostinho Neto, 1884/Cave Maputo / This is another organization very activie in the fight against AIDS and drug use among the youth. Very active in producing information materials of different kind tailored for the youth by the youth as a form of spreading the messages of the perils of the disease and promote social inclusion of young people in finding solutions to their own problems / The proposed project was to organize a series of meetings with the purpose of presentation/discussion of their strategic and operational plan of activity with the aim of leveraging funds and partnership with other organizations including international agencies / 3,000
MPUNDZU - Association of musiciens/ Adress: Rua Joao de Barros 550, Maputo / Music as instrument to raise awareness, provoke behavior change and promote understanding of development challenges. This Association promotes engaged musicians that sing themes related to development. / The donated funds were used organize a series of workshops for development-engaged musicians. The workshop would comprise discussion sessions on burning themes of development and would include promotion of CDs produced by the artists / 1,000
TOTAL / 19,000