Q&A 2nd Call project summary.
1. Section ‘Basic programme requirements’.
Who defines the auditor for each project partner?2012-08-30 / Each project partner/applicant identifies the Audit Company/Auditor on its own respecting requirements set in the Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.
Should the Pre-Feasibility Study include the specification of equipment/goods to be purchased?
2012-08-30 / Technical parameters for equipment/materials/etc. should be specified in Pre-Feasibility study. However, naming brands and/or models of equipment/materials/etc. is unacceptable.
Why to consult with information managers during preparation of the Full Application Form?
2012-08-30 / Due to ensuring visibility of the project implies certain actions/products and costs, it is advisable to consult with the Programme Information Manager in case of any questions concerning this component of the project proposal.
Should we bind the whole application into one pile? If the application is too big, can it be split into several parts?
2012-08-30 / The application pack consists of Full Application Form and supporting documents, which should be stitched together into a single pack. Only technical documentation may not be stitched to the main application pack.
Does the 10% restriction include expenditure in adjoining territories?
2012-08-29 / Pursuant to Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants 10% of the total eligible costs of the project can be allocated to activities outside the Programme area. Therefore, this rule is not applied to Programme adjoining area.
Will there be the template for the statement of salaries in organisations?
2012-08-29 / There is no pre-set template for the Salary Statement. The project partners/applicants are free to opt for any format as far as it includes the following information: (1) average salary applied to position similar to that of Project Manager, Financial Manager, Assistant, Specialist, and everyone engaged within the project implementation; (2) social security taxes applied to salary by national legislation.
What to do if the Associates are more than 5. In the FAF it is possible to describe only 5 Associates.
2012-08-29 / The extended FAF, which includes a larger amount of Associates, is available upon individual request by the Applicant. The request should be submitted on to , and the requested document would be sent as soon as it is possible.
What to do if the full title used in the CN do not fit in the field for title in the FAF?
2012-08-29 / It is possible to use abbreviations and/or to reduce the full title to fit the FAF limits. Yet, it should be explained in Worksheet I Description that the initial title was reduced. IMPORTANT! The reduced title must be unambiguous and stick to its initial version as much as possible.
Is there a financial distribution between priorities?
2012-08-29 / Selection of the project proposals is based on criteria set in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants, p. 32. For more information on Programme Priorities, Measures and Indicators, please, see Programme Document of the ESTLATRUS CBC Programme within ENPI 2007-2013 available on the Programme website.
Can associates be added to the project while preparing the Full Application Form? /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / Yes, associated partners can be added in the course of preparation of the Full Application Form.
Is it possible to change the location of the project? /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / No, it is not possible.
Is it possible to change the Priority/Measure of the project? /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / No, it is not possible.
How it is possible to influence the partnership?
2012-08-13 / Partnership Agreement is the legal document that regulates and should stipulate issues among partners. Partners may inform JTS and the Lead partner.
Is it possible to add/drop partners proposed in the Concept Note? /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / Such changes in the partnership are not allowed.
Do You accept the project's concept note applied by Riga City Council Housing and Environment department? It was Priority II, Measure 2.1 (There were three co-partners with us - Daugavpils, Rezekne, Kingisepp). Thank you.
2012-07-18 / Dear Ilona,
All applicants have received official letters with the results of the evaluation of the Concept Notes submitted under the 2nd Call for Proposals.
Are rules of origin and nationalities applicable for Russian public entities?
2012-05-24 / The Russian public entities carrying out procurement procedures on the territory of the Russian Federation under the national legislation of the Russian Federation, can apply national rules of origin and nationality, as long as goods, works or service providers of the Russian origin do not prevail over those goods coming from a foreign state and services/works performed by foreign natural and legal persons
What is the difference between beneficiary and target group?
2012-02- / It is recommended to make clear distinction between Beneficiary in the capacity of the project's lead partner as above AND Beneficiaries (PRAG)- Are those who benefit in whatever way from the implementation of the project. Distinction may be made between: (a) Target group(s): the group/entity who will be immediately positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level; (b) Final beneficiaries: those who benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large, e.g. “children” due to improved agricultural production and marketing.
What documents must to be prepared for the Full Application Form?
2012-02-06 / The Joint Monitoring Committee determines what documents should be submitted with the Full Application Form.
What is understood by target group?
2012-02-06 / The groups/entities that will be directly positively affected by the project at the purpose level.
Must both partners have equal benefits?
2012-02-06 / Programme’s strategic objective is to promote joint development activities for the improvement of the region’s competitiveness. So project must provide joint development of all partners, participating in the project. Partners must be equal, bilateral wish to cooperate to tackle common problems.
Is it necessary to check if local or/and regional (policy) planning documents are in line with Programme : 1) to avoid overlapping of proposal with already contracted grants from the 1st call 2) to avoid overlapping with other CBC Programmes?
2012-02-06 / When preparing Concept Notes applicants should take into consideration planning documents of the respective region. One must make sure that there is no double financing of project activities with contracted grants from the 1st Call, as well as other EU programmes.
Can our organization apply for a grant and be a leading partner if we have a legal address in Riga, but we have a representation office in Seda and all activities will be coordinated from the office in Seda?
2012-02-06 / Yes, Riga is programme adjoining territory the same as Tallinn and lead partner can be from these cities. Project applicants at this stage do not have to take into consideration the 20% rule, nevertheless project applicants have to rememeber that not more 10% of the budget can be spent outside the programme area and programme adjoining area.
Is Full Application Form available?
2012-02-06 / It is available on the web-page of the Programme
How old should be NGOs and SMEs to be eligible?
2012-02-06 / They should be founded at least a month before the launch of the 2nd call for proposals.
How many days will be given for the preparation of the Full Application Form?
2012-02-06 / At least 45 days.
Is the main emphasis put on the central parts of the countries or those closer to the border?
2012-02-06 / The aim of the Programme is to promote regional development. There is a tangible lack of projects for support of entrepreneurship in these areas. Nevertheless, it should be taken into consideration that a SME cannot be the only partner from a country in the project; it also cannot be lead partner. The co-financing rate for SMEs is 50%, de minimis rule applies to SMEs and its activities within the project cannot be of a profit gaining character.
Should there obligatory be partners from all the three countries? Should they already be indicated in the Concept Note? Should the financial resources be divided proportionally among the partners?
2012-02-06 / The minimum is 2 partners in the project (one of which from Russia), having a partner from every country will not be considered an advantage that gives extra credit at evaluation of Concept Notes. Partners must be indicated in the Concept Note, as well as their share of financing within the project. The division of financial resources does not have to be equal but it should be proportionate, it depends on the activities that each partner is going to carry out and the amount of money the activities require.
Do applicants from Programme area and Programme adjoining have different requirements? What are they?
2012-02-06 / The requirements are the same.
What is meant with Measure 1.2 "Transport, logistics and communication solutions"?
2012-02-06 / Measure 1.2 Transport, logistics and communication solutions
The Programme area is covered by a dense network of roads and railways. However, their poor condition and lack of border crossing facilities as well as public transport connection across the border hinders mobility of the population of the region and smooth flow of cargos across the area. The use of waterways and air connections within the Programme area is underdeveloped and needs further improvements in connections and services. The measure includes directions of support aimed and development of transport corridors, related infrastructure and public transportation routes as well as information infrastructure that would contribute to improvement of accessibility of the region. Both investments and soft projects shall be eligible.
Directions of support:
- Development of transport corridors and small-scale infrastructure (improvement of road, rail, water and air networks and services)
- Planning and development of border–related infrastructure (parking areas, facilities for various services of interest for travelers both - tourists and truck drivers, recreation areas etc.)
- Development of new cross-border public transportation routes and services
- Development of information infrastructure and services, creation of joint information facilities.
According to the Programme, 20% of the projects' budget can be spent in the adjoining areas. Do these 20% refer to each project or the whole Programme?
2012-02-06 / According to GLfGA Section 1.4. The Programme funding may up to a limit of 20% be used for financing of expenditure incurred by the project partner(s) from adjoining areas in Estonia and Latvia. Please note that participation of the project partners from adjoining areas should bring a clear benefit to the border regions of the Programme.
According to GLfGA Section Up to 20% of the Programme funding may be used for financing of expenditure incurred by the project partners from adjoining territories in the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Latvia. Please note that participation of the project partners from adjoining areas should bring a clear benefit to the border regions of the Programme.
What are the priorities for co-operation within the Estonia - Latvia - Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme?
2012-02-06 / According to GLfGA Section 1.3. the following three priorities have been defined for the Programme:
1 Priority: Socio-economic development
Priority is dedicated to strategic development of border region’s competitiveness through support to business and labour market development, improvements in communication networks and exploring region’s potential for tourism as well as maintaining efficient and safe borders.
2 Priority: Common challenges
Priority aims at addressing common problems and initiating and continuing joint actions in the areas of common interest on both sides of the border.
3 Priority: Promotion of people to people cooperation
Priority is focusing on small scale activities for improving the cooperation of the border region supporting wide range of activities to be performed by regional and local municipalities and various actors of the society, which have been identified as being of crucial importance to a more integrated region.
When JTS plans to organize seminar for project auditors?
2012-01-27 / In first quarter of the year 2012.
2. Section ‘Partnership’.
If the co-financing for Latvian partner consist from 5% state budget contribution, 2% contribution in cash and 3% of contribution in kind, what should be written in the Partnership statement paragraph 15 "...to provide minimum EUR<...> as total partner co-financing to the budget of the project"Do we have to write in any case 10% co-financing, or just contribution in cash 2%?
Also, if partner's contribution in kind is 10%, what they have to write in Partnership statement paragraph 15, to provide 0.00 EUR or 10% from their budget?
Thanks in advance!
2012-08-19 / Dear Sanita,
Total partner co-financing to the budget of the project provided in the point 15 of the Partership Statement should cover all applicable sources of partner´s co-financing, incl. contribution in cash, contribution in-kind and state budget contribution.
Should each proposed partner submit legal entity sheet? /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / Each partner has to submit the documents indicated in the letter of the Joint Managing Authority sent to the Applicants.
Is it possible to change partners of the project? /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / Changes in the partnership are not allowed. The proposed partnership for the implementation of the project was evaluated by the Joint Selection Committee and approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee and cannot be changed.
Concerning the project partnership - is experience of cooperation valued?
2012-02-06 / Experience of partnership as well as each individual partner's experience in the definite field will be taken into consideration.
Does JTS assist in partner search?
2012-02-06 / JTS assists in partner search as far as the section in the homepage goes, it is also possible to find some partners during seminars organized by JTS.
3. Section ‘Eligibility’.
Is VAT eligibile for Russian beneficiaries and partners?2012-11-29 / Pursuant to provisions set forth in the letter Nr. DEVCO/F/MC/pn(2012)1380769 of 22 November 2012 to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Value Added Tax (VAT) is deemed eligible for Russian Beneficiaries and Partners of the ENPI CBC Programmes on condition that it cannot be recovered, and the project Beneficiary/Partner provides legal evidences of that.
Date of registration - should there be a date when the changes of juridical person have taken place or the date of establishment of the organisation as such? In the Legal Entity Sheet field - "Type of any company" - should there be Legal status as 'suggested' in Guidelines or more specific characterisation is required?
2012-09-04 / Section 2.2.5 of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants and the letter to the shortlisted applicants, provided by the JMA in July 2012, stipulate that the project partner organisation submits its Registration Certificate indicating when it was actually established. If since that time the organisation got through several changes, e.g. name, it is recommended to supplement the registration certificates with relevant evidences demonstrating the link between the initially established organisation and its current position.
IMPORTANT: in case the changes refer to the legal status of organisation, the organisation applies the Programme rules relevant to its current legal status.
The Legal status of organisation should also be confirmed by the “Legal Entity Sheet”, where the organisation indicates its legal status in accordance with the registration certificate/other foundation documents.
If there is a state project (the RF) already supporting the office, is it possible to plan Administrative Costs for the project under ESTLATRUS?
2012-08-30 / The Administrative costs only cover expenditures directly related to implementation of the project, and therefore they are not supposed to overlap with the state operational grant.
It is important to ensure that no double financing – when the same project activities are financed by EU funds, though it may come through project partner/applicant contribution, - is incurred during implementation of the project.
Are travel costs eligible only within the Programme area or they can cover (daily allowance, in particular) travel to Conference outside the Programme area?
2012-08-30 / It is foreseen that 10% of the total eligible costs of the project can be allocated to activities outside the Programme area (Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants). This option is foreseen under Budget Heading 2 “Travel Costs” and Budget Heading 5 “Other costs and external services”. However, such expenditures should demonstrate the clear benefit for the project and respectively for the Programme area.
What if we are not supposed to provide External Audit Report?
2012-08-30 / In case the provision of External Audit Report is not foreseen by the national legislation, the project partner/applicant submits the letter that it is exempt from carrying out the External Audit Report and indicates the references to national legislation.
Are costs for technical expertise of construction works eligible?
2012-08-29 / The costs of technical expertise are eligible within the project implementation if it is foreseen by the national legislation and inseparable part of construction works.
Is it eligible to cover travel costs (trips, accommodations, meals, daily allowances) for the participants of the events which are not from Programme territory (e.g. lecturer from Germany?)
2012-08-29 / Travel costs of participants from the outside of the Programme area are eligible if the following conditions are respected: (1) participation should be justified and relevant to project implementation; (2) the total amount of the project budget spent for project activities outside the Programme area should not exceed 10% of total eligible costs of the project, as per Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.
Is it eligible if the legal address of the applicant is in the adjoining territory of the Programme?
2012-08-29 / In order to verify the eligibility of partners, please, refer to Sections 1.4 and 2.1.1 of Guidelines for Grant Applicants. However, participation of the project partners from the adjoining areas should bring a clear benefit to the border regions of the Programme.
Should the duration of the project be decreased in the Full Application Form if it was initially planned to be 24 months. /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / The maximum duration of the project may not exceed 24 months, but the project has to en on 31 December 2014 the latest. Considering previous experience in the clarification and negotiation process before the contracting, some changes in the project duration might be required. To be on the safe side it is recommended top consider the duration of the project.
If external audit report is not required by the national legislation for a project partner, what documents and in what language have to be submitted? /submission of FAF under the 2nd Call for Proposals/
2012-08-13 / The partner organization/institution submits its own statement in English that the report is not required by national legislation with a reference to corresponding legal act.
Is Rosprofsport organization eligible to be a partner or not? Organization is a labor union, consisting on 48 territorial organizations in all the Russia, so NGO.
Organization has its official legal adress in Moscow, but two official representation offices are in Moscow and in Saint-Petersburg.
2012-02-10 / NGOs and other non-profit making bodies are eligible for grant (see GfGA section 2.1.1). However, in addition to the requirements set in this section the applicant and the project partner(s) must be located (have their legal address) in the Programme area.
Only international organizations may act as the Beneficiaries or the project partners if they have the local representation office in the Programme participating country and work directly for the Programme area and on the condition it is this local representation office which will implement the Project activities.
Since when are the costs eligible?
2012-02-06 / To be eligible, costs must be incurred by the Beneficiary or its partner(s) during the implementation of the project, i.e. after the starting date of the project stipulated in the Grant Contract.
Can equipment be used for commercial/profit purposes after the project?
2012-02-06 / GLfGA state that the equipment acquired during the project has to owned by the beneficiary or project partner(s) for 7 years after the end of the project.
Are equipment costs eligible?
2012-02-06 / They are eligible if the equipment is necessary for carrying out project activities.
Are educational institutions eligible?
2012-02-06 / Yes, but they should pay very close attention to their legal status - whether they are public institutions or SMEs.
Is Tallinn part of the adjoining Programme area?
2012-02-06 / According to GLfGA Section 1.4. Tallinn and Põhja-Eesti (North Estonia) is adjoining Programme area. The Programme funding may up to a limit of 20% be used for financing of expenditure incurred by the project partner(s) from adjoining areas in Estonia and Latvia. Please note that participation of the project partners from adjoining areas should bring a clear benefit to the border regions of the Programme.
Are feasibility studies eligible under Priority III measure 3.2?
2012-01-30 / According to the Programme document (European Commission on 17 December 2008, decision No C(2008)8332) Article 4 both
investments and soft projects shall be eligible for the Priority III. However the directions of support should be also respected while planning the particular project activities.
4. Section ‘Filling in and submission of the Concept Note’.