Creating a Website using Dreamweaver

A. How to set up your Gatorlink to Host a Website

1.  Go to

2.  Select “modify” your account

3.  Login using your Gatorlink identification

4.  Select “Webpage” on the left column menu and follow the instructions to set up your Gatorlink web space.

B. How to Organize and setup files for your Website

1.  Create a directory on your desktop (so you know where it is) named “mywebsite”

2.  Inside that directory create another directory named “images”

3.  Drag any images you want to use in your website into that “images” directory.

C. How to Start a New Website in Dreamweaver

1.  Open the program Dreamweaver

2.  From the dropdown menu at the top of your screen, select “Site” and then “New Site…”

3.  A dialog box will pop up. In this dialog box, select the “Advanced” tab at the top. (see below)

D. Filling out the Site Definition for your Local Website

1.  Be sure you have selected the “Advanced” tab at the top of the site definition box.

2.  Be sure you have selected “Local Info” from the left column.

3.  Fill in the site name as “My Portfolio” Really, this name can be whatever will help you remember which website you are working on. Right now let’s all call it the same thing.

4.  Click on the folder beside the “Local Root Folder” space and select the folder that you put on your desktop called “mywebsite”

E. Selecting the Remote Information in the Site Definition Box

1.  Click on “Remote Info” in the left column of the Site Definition Box. You will be telling Dreamweaver how you want to talk to the remote server – that is the server that will host your information for the Web as opposed to the Local information that resides on your computer.

2.  In the drop down menu beside the word “Access” select FTP. This stands for file transfer protocol and is the method you will be using to communicate with your plaza account.

F. Filling out the Remote Information in the Site Definition Box

1.  Ftp host =

2.  Host directory = leave blank

3.  Login = Gatorlink name

4.  Password = Gatorlink password

5.  Once everything is filled in, click on the test button.

6.  If you have successful connection to your remote server space you will see this message below. If you do not see this message you need to double-check your login and password.

7.  Click OK if you connected successfully.

8.  Click Ok at the bottom of the Site Definition Box.

9.  You should now see the Site Manager.

G. Tips on Using the Site Manager

1.  When changing a file’s name always do so through the site manager.

2.  When moving files from one directory to another, always do it through the site manager and the links will be retained.

3.  Name your first file for your website index.html

4.  Decide and then be consistent to name all your files with the same extension – either .html or .htm

5.  Do not use spaces or uppercase in naming files. Use letters, numerals, and underscore in file names.


Creating a Website using Dreamweaver
Dr. Judy Robinson