1.  Attendees

Kim Vance, Jonathan Louis, Ian Jeffray, Joyce Morrison, June Keddie

2.  Apologies for Absence

Graeme Hedger

3.  Approval of December minutes

KV approved, JL seconded with one minor amendment.

4.  Treasurers report

Balance as of 18/03/2014 : £14848.98

Viewing platform yet to be paid out

5.  WLAA information.

Alison from WLAA presented information to MEG about the club’s activities and future plans.

6.  Actions completed or carried forward from last months’ minutes

Completed –

Artwork – JM met Camille Archer. Two public art funds available. Application to be before April 1st for ‘Public R&D application” – produce a brief for artists.

Carried Forward –

Artwork – Application won’t be done by April 1st – carry fwd.

Green Park Flag Scheme – JL / GH to produce Park Management Plan for meeting after next

Fire pit / stone bench– discussed half-circle fire pit, two blocks high – carry fwd

Benches / bins – to be installed on site, then painted – carry fwd

Storage container – carry fwd

Paws For Thought -- Underway. Big push to Facebook & Website next month

7.  Project managers update (new projects, planning & volunteer days)

Wildflower turf changed to seeding => Bumblebee mix, Marginal Pond Mix and Woodland Mix.

Tree planting day on Saturday £201+P&P approved for trees now not required as Woodland Trust supplied trees for free. Start at 9.30am. Scouts will attend.

April 13th big planting day. JL to liaise with Graeme Hedger re pump. KV to contact Ross contracts / Graham Bennie about operation of pump over 2-3 days w/c 7th April. JL to buy burgers & buns etc. Portaloo deemed too expensive and would need to be insured – direct to CClub/Station if required. Wooden boards required. Boat required – in hand. Plants to be split w/c 7th April.

8.  Funding Update


ARISE application not done yet.

9.  Fish in the classroom

JL & JM went in to school with Jo. 40 or so fish released to Murieston Water by 51 children across 2 classes. Seemed a very worthwhile exercise. Still may be asked to contribute £100

10.  AOB

Grow Wild free seeds – several MEG people applied

LSBGN – public event on 15th March was attended by over 45 people.

Request for more members / volunteers – suggest ‘kick off’ at AGM.

Items to purchase – Printer, High visibility vests, torches, gloves, Kicksample kits. Approved.

11.  Date of next meeting – 13th April 2014 at/after pond planting day.

12.  Meeting closed at 9.15pm

Minutes produced by Ian Jeffray ( )