Spring 2015
Box Office Return Form
VenuePerformance / Venue / Date
Number of tickets available for the event: ……………….
Total number of people attending: ……………….
Ticket prices: ……………….
Box Office Income:
Gross Box Office Income (total amount taken): ……………….
How many of your tickets sold were concessions: ……………….
Gross Other Income* (e.g. refreshments): ……………….
*This information will only be used for reports to funders. It does not affect the Guarantee Against Loss.
How many people do you think were:
Under 5 ………………. 20 - 24 ……………….
5 - 11 ………………. 25 – 64 ……………….
12 - 19 ………………. 65+ ……………….
Spot On recognises and values volunteers and contributions in kind:
What was the value of the venue for this event? ……………….
(Please put down how much you paid for the hire, or if your group used it for free, what it would have cost)
How many people were involved in promoting the event, either in the planning or on the night?
Roughly, how much time did each person contribute?
(Please include planning time, time on the night, time putting out posters, meetings etc, other people’s contributions)
(e.g. 1@3hrs or 5@2hrs)
Were there any contributions? (e.g. bar, food, publicity)
Did you earn enough money to pay the fee? Yes / No
If not, how much does Spot On owe you? ……………….
We can provide payment via BACS or cheque (we would prefer BACS, it’s much quicker!):
BACS details
Sort code: ………………………Account Number: ……………….……………….
Cheque details
Who should we make the cheque out to? ……………….……………….
Where should we send it? ……………….…………………………….………
If you made more than the fee, well done! Please tell us what you will spend it on. (This helps us show the added value of Spot On events to our funders)
Guarantee Against Loss (GAL)
We are maintaining the current GAL system until we are clearer on our future funding situation within Lancashire County Council. We expect to know this by Spring 2015. This will then inform any future changes.
Thank you for completing this form. The information helps Spot On to raise funds for the network and helps show how much communities give to the arts in rural areas. Last year promoters contributed 40% of the value of the whole service for free.
Return to: Spot On, The Barn, 61A Manor Road, Blackburn, BB2 6LX