1:1 Tuition in Essex: Spring Update

Business Administrators / Lead Consultant (Primary/Generic) / Lead Consultant(Secondary/Generic)
Jacquie Pirrie - Primary

Carolyn Kerr – Secondary
/ Marilyn Edwards / Matthew Cooke

Tuition Is Continuing

We are delighted to announce that funding for one-to-one tuition will be continuing next year. Essex County Council has received similar levels of funding for the new financial year and we will be notifying schools about allocation in the near future.

Securing Your Funding

Over 10,000 of the 15,735 places awarded to Essex have been registered. Please remember to register your places on the DFE and Essex One-to-One Tracker to ensure that the funding makes it way to your school. Attached to this update is a document explaining the administrative steps you need to take.


Funding for this year’s tuition places ends on 31 August and Essex County Council is operating a redistribution policy to ensure that all places are used. A reminder of the timeline for redistribution is attached to this newsletter. If you are intending to use places during the summer holidays, please let Jacquie Pirrie know how many places you need by emailing .This will protect those places from potential redistribution.

Tuition Research – What makes a successful tuition session?

Thank you to all those tuition leads who are entering their impact data on the Essex One-to-One Tracker site. Over 2,000 student’s results have been studied and the impact of the 10 hours has been analysed. The table below shows the average levels of progress made by each year group.

Y3 / Y4 / Y5 / Y6 / Y7 / Y8 / Y9
.82 / .59 / .33 / .40 / .44 / .43 / .47

What impact is tuition making in your school? Attached to this Newsletter is a DFE document illustrating the characteristics of schools that have high impact tuition. Please feel free to use this for monitoring or training purposes

Further Literacy Themed Tutor Training

Following the success of our previous English Themed Tutor training, we have developed a new event - Further Literacy Themed Tutor Training – to give tutors new strategies for supporting pupils with literacy:

The course will explore:

·  engaging pupils with writing through reading graphic novels, using film and exploring story structures

·  using Mindset techniques to raise pupils aspirations and achievements

As well as gaining new ideas for tutoring you will get the opportunity to network with other tutors and the Lead Consultant will be available to answer any questions