BIS insight submission form - 1st draft comments

  • For both forms: The introduction, which provides background and submission requirements, is missing from both forms[SAB1][RJ2].
  • For both forms: Can you please remove the red asterisk from ‘Name of Submitter’?
  • Also, remove the red asterisks from each box that you are required to type in? The yellow reminder message and asterisks at each question should be sufficient[SAB3].
  • For both forms: Please add more space between the Yes and No radio buttons[SAB4].
  • For both forms: Can you add above ‘Name of Submitter’ that the red star indicates required responses[SAB5][RJ6]?
  • On both forms for the question, ‘Has all content been approved for publication through your business unit / function?’
  • Can you please replace ‘Carrier Transicold’ with ‘Refrigeration’ in the business unit dropdown[SAB7][RJ8]
  • On both forms for question, ‘Has all content been approved for publication through[SAB9][RJ10]
  • … your business unit Communications contact?
  • … Legal contact?
  • … each individual?
  • Can you please add in a box where the submitter can type in a name?
  • For Channeled Form: In ‘Body’ section, please change the following[SAB11]:
  • The section name from ‘Body’ to ‘Link to article’
  • The description to “Please paste the URL or the contents of your article below.”
  • For Original Form: In ‘Body’ section, please change the following[SAB12]:
  • Please remove ‘Link to article’ and change description to “Please paste the contents of your article below, or attach a Microsoft Word file using the Attachments section.”
  • For both forms: For URL for story assets: Please change description to “Please click here for Large File Sharing, and paste link in box below[SAB13].”
  • For both forms: Attachments: How can we add the ability to attach documents or other files here[SAB14][RJ15]?
  • For both forms: Are you able to remove the duplicate messages at the bottom of the form which indicate, ‘The control is not available because you do not have the correct permissions[RJ16][SAB17]’?
  • For both forms, can you please add at the very bottom: ‘If you have any questions, please email [SAB18].’

[SAB1]Please provide us more details for this point.

[RJ2]There are 2 paragraph texts in the workd file. That has to be rendered on the form as it is. It’s the instructions for the submitter to render on the form. This is expected for this point. Refer the requirement doc marked in the SD ticket as attachment.

[SAB3]This is done

[SAB4]This is done

[SAB5]Please provide us more details.


[SAB7]The dropdown values are coming from BusinessUnits list of root site. So, shall we change ‘Carrier Transicold’ with ‘Refrigeration’ in list itself?

[RJ8]Yes, change the master list and convey that in the Comments for this point that you have changed the master list for this change.

[SAB9]Is user want option buttons for these three approvers.

[RJ10]Need to ask to user. Draft a question after resolving all the resolutions mentioned here.

[SAB11]This is done

[SAB12]This is done

[SAB13]This is done

[SAB14]Please provide us more details

[RJ15]Provide instructions for using the File attach functionality.

[RJ16]Need to ask to user. Draft a question after resolving all the resolutions mentioned here.

[SAB17]Please provide scenario, how users are getting this message.

[SAB18]This is done