Bethel Church

Bethel Church

Owatonna, Minnesota

Constitution andBylaws

Adopted 12-7-2003

Revised 12-2006

Revised 10-2009

Revised 7-2016

Revision Record

Date / Description of Changes
April 15, 1954 / Original— Two Board Structure (Deacon and Trustee)
1968 / Added Christian Education Board. All Boards and Church Officers met together as the Church Board.
1980 / Added Deaconess and Missions boards.
1988 / Single 12 member Elder Board Structure with Task Forces representing major ministry areas.
2003 / Current Revision— 7 member Elder Board, major rewrite with most details in Bylaws
December 2006 / Changed Fiscal Year to October 1; changed Elder terms to maximum of three 3-year terms.
October 2009 / Numerous updates—Board/Staff relationships; Treasurer position removed; Board duties defined.
July2016 / Changed Bylaws only. Added Deacons and Ministry Teams; Restored Senior Pastor as Elder; added Treasurer and Church Clerk; clarified role of Elders, Elimination of Nominating Committee.

Table of Contents


A.1Article 1 Name and Affiliation



A.2Article 2 Directors

A.3Article 3 Officers

A.4Article 4 Government

A.5Article 5 Membership

A.1.1Qualifications for Membership

A.1.2Voting Rights

A.6Article 6 Disposition of Church Property




A.7Article 7 - Amendments to the Constitution






B.4.1Leadership and Organization: Overview







B.6.2Attendance and Participation

B.6.3Elder Board Meetings




B.7.3Voting Procedures

B.7.4Persons Elected

B.7.5Terms of Office

B.7.6Removal or Dismissal of an Officer


B.8.1All Church Leaders

B.8.2Members of the Elder Board




B.10.1Conduct of Business Meetings

B.10.2Annual Business Meeting

B.10.3Special Business Meeting

B.10.4Meeting Announcement

B.10.5Eligibility to Vote


B.10.7Majority needed for passage


B.11.1Senior Pastor

B.11.2Ministry Staff

B.11.3Support Staff





B.12.4Membership Definitions

B.12.5Church Discipline





A.1Article 1 Name and Affiliation


ThefullnameofthiscorporationshallbeBethelBaptistChurchofOwatonna,Minnesota. Thefullnamemayalsobeabbreviatedto"Bethel". TheorganizationwasincorporatedApril15,1954.


This church shall maintainaffiliation with the Minnesota Baptist Conferenceand the Baptist General Conference.

A.2Article 2 Directors

The directors of the corporation shall be the members of the Elder Board.

A.3Article 3 Officers

The number, term, and qualifications of corporate officers shall be as provided in the Bylaws.

A.4Article 4 Government

RecognizingJesusChristastheonlyheadoftheChurch,thiscongregationshallseektoascertainandtoobeythewillof JesusChristinallmattersoffaithandpractice.Thegovernmentofthischurchisvestedinthebodyofitsmembers,whoshallhavethefinalauthorityfordecisions.

A.5Article 5 Membership

A.1.1Qualifications for Membership

A person desiring to unite with this church shall meet the qualifications for membership by:

  1. A profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and evidence of a desire to live a Christian life;
  2. Baptism by immersion;
  3. Agreeing with the Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. (pages C 1-2; D-1)

Completion of the membership procedure as prescribed in the Bylaws. (pageB-6)

Following fulfillment of these qualifications, church membership shall be granted as prescribed in the bylaws.

A.1.2Voting Rights

Each Active Resident Member (B.10.4.2) shall have voting rights as specified in the Bylaws.

A.6Article 6 Disposition of Church Property


In case of a division of the Church, the property of this Church shall belong to the group representing the largest portion of the Church membership which is loyal to the Constitution and Bylaws. Should any controversy arise as to whether such loyalty exists, the question shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota Baptist Conference, and its decision shall be final.


Should conditions arise when for any reason the church work cannot continue, the church property, subject to debt repayment, shall be transferred to the Minnesota Baptist Conference if then in existence, otherwise tothe Baptist General Conference.


Should conditions arise where a consolidation with another church seems advisable,upon approval of the church membership, the Elder Board shall be authorized to negotiate the terms of such a consolidation. A report setting forth the terms of the proposed consolidation shall be submitted to the church membership for approval.

A.7Article 7 - Amendments to the Constitution

The Constitution may be amended at a business meeting of the church by at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those eligible church members in attendance and voting. For the purpose of amending the Constitution, a quorum shall consist of a minimum of 15% of the Active Resident Members of legal age (18). Notice of the pending vote on such amendment shall have been published at least four (4) weeks prior to the business meeting with a copy of the proposed amendment posted in a conspicuous place. A verbal noticeshall be given during the regularly scheduled services on two successive Sundays immediately proceeding the date of the meeting.


The operation of Bethel shall be governed by the provisions contained in these Bylaws and policies adopted by the Elder Board.


The Elders shall review the mission and vision statement of Bethel Church annually.


The fiscal year of the church shall begin on the first day of Januaryand close on the last day of December.


The elective year of the church shall begin on the first day of Januaryand close on the last day of December.


B.4.1Leadership and Organization: Overview

  1. Under the authority of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, the congregation of the church is the final authority within this local church. This authority is normally exercised through the election of officers to govern the church. However, the vote of the membership of this church at a properly called meeting, as provided in the Bylaws, shall be required to effect the following actions:
  2. Accept members into the church;
  3. Elect officers of the church;
  4. Discipline members by dismissing them and discipline officers by removing them from office (B.12.5);
  5. Approve annual budgets of the church and authorize any non-budgeted expenditures of the funds in excess of 5% of the annual budget;
  6. Accept, reject or otherwise dispose of any matter submitted to the membership of the church by the Elder Board;
  7. Adopt, amend, or repeal the Constitution or Bylaws of this church;
  8. Approve the call and job description of the Senior Pastor;
  9. The officers of the church shall be Elders and Deacons. The purpose of the officers of the church is to lovingly govern, care for, and equip the membership to do the work of the ministry.
  10. The leadership of the church shall be vested in the Elder Board who is responsible for directing the church, teaching the Word, and tending the flock of God in this church and perform the duties as listed in B.6 The Elders shall be equal in authority but specialized in function
  11. Deacons shall assist the Elder Board by performing services of advice, administration and implementation.


Under the authority of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, the congregation of the church governs the church ministries through the Board of Elders (Elder Board). While the congregation retains final authority, it delegates the members of the Elder Board the authority to make all policy decisions not specifically limited by these Bylaws. In addition, our church recognizes the administrative positions under this constitution of Treasurer and Clerk. All officers must meet the qualifications of LEADERSHIP QUALIFICATIONSbefore assuming their responsibilities.

The Senior Pastor will be a member of the Elder Board in addition to a maximum of 8 elected (B. 7.4) or appointed (B.6.1.20) male members holding the following positions:

  1. Board Chair
  2. Board Vice Chair
  3. Members at-large (maximum of 6)
  4. Senior Pastor
B.4.2.1Board Chair

The Board Chair Shall:

1. Preside at all business meetings of the church and all meetings of the Elder Board.

2. Work with the Elders to establish agendas for Business and Elder Board meetings.

3. Represent the Board to outside parties in announcing board-stated positions.

4. Perform other tasks agreed upon by the Elder Board.

B.4.2.2Board Vice Chair

The Board Vice Chair shall:

1. Perform the duties assigned to the Board Chair during absence of the Board Chair.

2. Perform other tasks agreed upon by the Board Chair or the Elder Board.

B.4.2.3Board Secretary

The Board Secretary shall:

  1. Record minutes of Elder Board meetings.
B.4.2.4Members At-large

The Members at-large shall:

1. Help shape strategic direction for the church.

2. Perform other specific tasks agreed upon by the Board Chair or the Elder Board.

Elder Board - 2015
Oversight Roles
  • Strategic Planning
  • Finance
  • Legal and contractual matters
  • Senior Pastor
/ Structure
  • Board Chair
  • Board Vice Chair
  • At-Large Members (up to 6)
  • Senior Pastor

Table 1. Elder Board Structure


The office of deacon is described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:1-7. The Elder Board shall recognize, interview, and investigate candidates for deacon.

Candidates for the role of Deacon will be brought before the congregation for election at an annual business meeting or at a scheduled business meeting in accordance with section B.10.2 and B.10.3. Interim candidates may be selected by the Elder Board to fill vacant positions.

The church shall voteon candidates nominated by the Elder Board for the positions of Treasurer and Church Clerk at the annual meeting or next business meeting. They shall be recognized as Deacons and serve two-year terms, renewable as long as they are nominated for reappointment by the Elder Board.


The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the church and shall provide oversight and accountability over the financial processes of the church. The Treasurer shall help insure sound accounting practices are used in recording transactions and shall review the accuracy of financial reports.

More specific duties of the treasurer may include but are not limited to:

  1. Recommend financial and accounting policy changes.
  2. Oversee financial recordkeeping and reporting functions.
  3. Perform an internal review each year of the church’s existing financial processes
  4. Ensure that financial reports are available for the Elder Board and appropriate financial information is accessible to the church.
  5. Act as a check signer.
  6. Monitor the cash position of the congregation and may invest available funds in accordance with church investment policies with the approval of the Elder Board.
  7. Is empowered to borrow funds as directed by the Elder Board.
  8. Assists in the preparation of the annual church budget
  9. Serves as an advisor to the Pastors and Elders in financial matters when necessary


The Church Clerk shall be nominated by the Elder Board and shall keep an accurate recording of church business meetings and a current record of all members. The Clerk shall give a statistical membership report at the annual meeting which will be used as a basis forcalculating aquorum. The Clerk shall assess the status of inactive members and keep an accurate roll of membership. In the absence of the Church Clerk, the Secretary of the Elder Board shall perform such duties.



The Elder Board shall be the central governing body of the church. The congregation governs the church ministries through the Elder Board. While the congregation retains final authority, it delegates to the Elder Board the authority to make all policy decisions not specifically limited by these Bylaws. Any action taken by the Elder Board can be reviewed by the congregation at a congregational business meeting and changed by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, provided a quorum is present and voting.

All Elders are servants of Christ and the church and should look upon their tasks as spiritual ministries of the Lord. Members of the Elder Board shall manage and shepherd the church by:

  1. Teaching biblical truth. (Titus 1:9)
  2. Modeling Christ-like behavior. (1 Tim. 3:2)
  3. Maintaining doctrinal purity. (Acts 20:29-30)
  4. Disciplining unruly believers. (Gal. 6:1)
  5. Praying for those who are ill. (James 5:13-15)
  6. Providing redemptive care and supervision to the Senior Pastor.
  7. Assisting the pastoral staff with the spiritual, physical, material, and social needs of the congregation.
  8. Intentionally developing future spiritual leaders. (2 Tim. 2:2)
  9. Promoting missions.
  10. Seeking to discern the will of God with respect to vision, direction and long-range planning.
  11. Overseeing financial matters (Acts 11:30).

Subject to the will of the congregation, the Elders shall oversee the ministry and resources of the church. In keeping with the principles set forth in Acts 6:1-6 and 1 Peter 5:1-4, the Elders shall devote their time to prayer, to the ministry of the Word (by teaching and encouraging sound doctrine), and to shepherding God’s flock. The Elders shall take particular responsibility to oversee the work of the deacons, appoint church agents and ministry teams, administer the ordinances of baptism and communion, equip the membership to do the work of the ministry, encourage sound doctrine and practice, admonish and correct error, oversee the process of church discipline, coordinate and promote the ministries of the church, and mobilize the church for world missions. The Elders are further to ensure that all who minister the Word to the congregation, including outside speakers, share our fundamental convictions.

B.6.1.1Other specific responsibilities of the Elders include:
B. Planning.

The Elders shall:

1.Clarify the mission of the church and ensure it is carried out.

2.Approve written governing policies that address each area of the organization.

3.Assess and strengthen the spiritual dimension of the church.

4.Systematically monitor both the performance of Bethel Churchandthe Senior Pastor.

5.Approve all major legal transactions, such as acquisition and disposition of assets. The matter shall be put to a vote of the church membership if the acquisition of property or buildings will require financing. (B.10.5) A vote is also required if the acquisition does not require financing but exceeds 5% of the approved budget for the current fiscal year.

6.Review the Constitution and Bylaws in light of the church's changing needs. Consider proposed changes suggested by any church member or organization. Recommend any needed changes, as appropriate to the church. Such review is suggested a minimum of every three years.

7.Clarify the interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws when needed.

B. Management

8.Review the proposed budget to assure that it does not deviate materially from the Board's priorities or risk financial jeopardy. The budget will be presented for approval of the membership at the annual business meeting.

9.Recommend church members as Financial Secretaries to receive and record all receipts of the church. Two or more Financial Secretaries shall be present at all times when money is counted. The recommendation shall be affirmed by a majority vote at a church business meeting.

10. At least annually monitor a review of Bethel's financial records.

11.Approve non-budget requests not to exceed 5% of the approved budget for the current fiscal year. A non-budget request approved by the church membershipshall not be included in this annual limit.


12.Representthechurchinlegalmattersandexecuteany contracts,deeds,mortgages,notes,andsuch otherdocumentsasauthorized. Anytwochurchofficersshallexecutesuchdocuments.Such commitments or obligations shall be signed only after proper authorization by the Elder Board.


13. Reviewandmakerecommendationsonmatterstobebroughtbeforethechurch.

14. Hearsuggestionsandconcernsfromchurch memberswhorequestanappearance.

15. OverseethesearchtofilltheSeniorPastorposition.

16. Actinmattersofchurchdisciplineas discussedinBylawssectionB. Against the Senior Pastorandsection B.12.5.1Personal Grievances.

17. Appointthe Elder BoardChairandElder Board Vice-Chair.


19. Call specialchurchbusinessmeetingsasnecessary.

20. Make appointments to fill all vacancies in elected and appointed positions untilthenext annual meeting.

21. Approve all candidates for lay Elder and Deacon.

B.6.2Attendance and Participation

All members of the Elder Board shall attend its meetings and participate actively in the functioning of the Elder Board. In the event of absences consisting of three (3) or more consecutive meetings, and/or 25% of the total elective year meetings, the Elder Board may declare the office vacant.

B.6.3Elder Board Meetings

Elder board meetings:

  1. Frequency
  2. A regular schedule set up by the board with additional meetings as needed
  1. Who can attend
  2. Open to Bethel members who check with board chair ahead of time.
  3. The Elders have right to close meetings if discussion is confidential in nature.

A quorum for a meeting of the Elders is defined as ½ of the Elders. Actions by the Elder Board shall requiresupport of a majority of the Elders present.



An annual election of Elder Board members shall be held at the Annual Business Meeting.


B.7.2.1Slate of Candidates

The Elder Board shall publish a written ballot of nominees for the positions of Elders, and Deacons and post the ballot in the church building for review by the congregation two weeks in advance of the annual meeting.

B.7.2.2Nominations from the Congregation

It shall be the privilege of any member qualified to vote to nominate any eligible person for any office. The nominations must be presented to the Elder Board for their consideration at least eight weeks prior to the election meeting. Members of the Elder Board shall recognize, interview and investigate candidates for (lay) elder and deacon. In no instance shall any individual be considered a nominee without that nominee’s consent. In cases where the Elder Board concludes that a nominee is not qualified for office they shall so inform the nominee stating the reasons for this conclusion.

B.7.3Voting Procedures

Voting shall be by written ballot. The ballot shall clearly indicate the term of office for which each nomination has been made.

Members who are unable to attend a meeting may cast an absentee ballotin any election by sealing and giving it to the Board Chair prior to the election. Absentee ballots given to the Board Chair must be reported at the meeting. Any member present can challenge the validity of the set of absentee ballots and call for a vote not to accept them.

B.7.4Persons Elected

The following positions shall be elected by the church membership:

  1. Elder Board members (excluding the Senior Pastor).
  2. Deacons at large (includingTreasurer, Clerk)

Elder Board candidates and Deacons must receive a two-thirds vote of votes cast. No open position will be filled by any candidate that has not received a two-thirds of the votes cast.

B.7.5Terms of Office

B.7.5.1Elder Board Members

The term of office for Elder Board Members excluding the Senior Pastor shall be three (3) years. A maximum number of three (3) terms (not reaching ten (10) years) as anofficer can be served consecutively. There shall be a lapse of at least one (1) year before the member can again serve as an Elder. More than one year constitutes one term in cases of serving an unexpired term.