EQUAL Community Initiative


Social Economy Network Development

Code ETCIM 4347 (2 round)

Thematic Work Groups

Guide lines

(Action 5)


In order to carry out action 5, three work groups on specific themes will be organised. The specific issues and aims of each work group was selected during the inception meeting as follow:

1)  Support to social enterprises employing (mainly disadvantage group) responsible DP 2 – Partnerstwo Muflon (Poland)

Main tasks:

·  “Translate costs in benefits” (often for social enterprises employ disadvantage people is perceived only as a cost)

·  Comparative study of experiences in supporting these kind of enterprises (mainly find good practices referred to the sustainability of social enterprises in the market) and capitalization of experienced people working in this field in each DP’s area.

·  Organization of an event giving an opportunity to this skilled people for working together on critical points in this matter.

2)  Management of social enterprises methods and competences responsible DP 3 – Krikos (Crete, Greece)

Main tasks:

·  Qualification systems for social managers

·  Analysis of competences requested by a “non protected environment”

·  Design of a support training module for managers

·  Finding good practices- case history (on the field)

3)  Partnership between public sector, private enterprises an social enterprises responsible DP 4 – Social Amphictyony (Volos, Greece)

Main topics:

·  Analysis and improvement of the legal framework (starting from a national comparative)

·  Social responsibility as tool facilitating cooperation between the private and social enterprises

Main examples:

·  Using social enterprises for exploitation of new basins for employment

·  Involvement of few actors at local level

Attended results:

·  Guide about partnership building

·  Finding good experiences on the field


Each work group will have to realize a collective study related to its specific topic and based on the following objectives:

- definition of a common language and identification of a common glossary (e.g what is Quality in the social sector).

- realisation of a transnational research or comparison of different national researches to analyse the existing situations of third market, social co-operatives and approaches adopted in different contexts to deal with similar problems.

- exchange of tools adopted at national level or jointly creation of tools to realise the surveys (e.g. common development of a structured questionnaire with common areas).

- selection and analysis of good practises selected through a set of (co-defined) criteria.

General organization

Each DP participate in all work groups with 2 persons who are committed in attending workshops and collaborating in distance work, they will be people who work in territorial experimentations so that immediate transferability of models, practices and methodologies from and to the competent national project is assured.


Each group has a coordinator named by the DP in charge of the group (can be also an external consultant expert in groups managing, coaching and opened mind-good relationship, she/he should be helped by an assistant assuring exchange of communication/information among participants) who has the responsibility for the work:

- definition of work programme for each meeting (in the transnational workshops);

- collecting, processing and sharing material/information among participants before and after the meetings;

- preparation of draft of reports and hand book.

The work of each group will be developed in three phases:

1)  Development of a first study aimed to share knowledge related to the wg’s topic through the first two workshops and distance work;

2)  Each wg has in charge to project a Transnational Learning Experience open to members and other beneficiaries

3)  Finalization of an hand book through distance work and the third final workshop.

From the point of view of the activities each work group will have two different work modalities:

collective work during 3 workshops of two days (Activity 6); the role of this work will be, from one side to have a dialog in order to share different contribution collected and to develop common outputs, from the other side to fix group and participants specific tasks and commitments;

-  distance work in which each participant will develop its work as agreed (this kind of work will be also assured through the web platform realised by DP4).


Each workgroup has to produce following products:

- two intermediate reports (one after each first two workshops);

- to prepare the operational plan of a transnational learning experience (workshop, study visit, seminar etc.) addressed to intermediate and/or final beneficiaries;

- to prepare a final hand-book.

Work organization