Name ______Date ______Time ______

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #1

1. Write 5 numbers greater than 78 but less than 102. / 2. Write 5 even and 5 odd numbers in the chart below,
Even / Odd
Describe EVEN numbers.
Describe ODD numbers.
1.  Solve.
7 + 13 = ______
5 + ______= 10
______+ 8 = 20
19 + ______= 20
11 + ______= 15
______+ 9 = 16
14 + 6 = ______/ 4. Complete the number lines.

107 109 113

74 84 114

97 98 101

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #2

1. Draw a collection of 8 coins that equal 84 cents.
Write the total amount using correct symbols.
______/ 2. Sara’s mother serves dinner at fifteen minutes past seven each night. Draw the hands on the analog clock to show what time Sara’s family eats dinner. Write the digital time on the clock below.

Student’s Favorite Day
Saturday /
Friday /
Wednesday /
Monday /
Each means 3 students.
3. Mrs. Smith asked her students to name their favorite day of the week. The graph shows the number of students who chose each day.
How many more students chose Saturday as their favorite day than Monday? / 4. Write 48 in words, draw a picture (strips and singles) and write an equation to represent the number.

10 + 10 + 1

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #3

1.  Draw a graph using the data in the chart below.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavors
Vanilla / Chocolate / Strawberry
8 / 12 / 7
2. Solve the problems below.
27 + 10 = _____
77 – 10 = _____
37 + 10 = _____
67 – 10 = _____
47 + 20 = _____
57 – 20 = _____ / 3. Write the digital time to match the analog clock.
What would you be doing at this time if it were ______p.m.?

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #4

1. Jake and Zach were playing a game on their Game Cube. Jake had 41 points and Zach had 45. How many points did the two boys have altogether? Solve the problem and write a number sentence to show your answer. / 2. Write five numbers greater than 56 that are even.
3. Jackson had the following coins in his pocket.
Draw a representation to show the same amount of money in a different way. Write the total amount using symbols.

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #5

1. Look at the data about students who ride the school bus.
How many students in Ms. Wilson’s and Mr. Rand’s class ride the school bus?
How many more students ride the school bus in Ms. Wilson’s room than in Mrs. Smith’s room?
2. Jeff’s Boy Scout Pack sold popcorn. The table shows how many packages each boy sold.
Boy Scouts / Popcorn Sold
Jeff / 62
Denny / 28
Jorge / 59
Denzel / 47
How many more packages did Jeff sell than Denzel? / 3. Read the thermometer below. What is the temperature? ______
What would the temperature be if it was 40° warmer?

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #6

1. Some of the students in third grade at Oaks Elementary School voted for their favorite ice cream flavor. The graph shows the number of students who voted for each flavor.

Which two flavors of ice cream have 22 votes altogether?
2. Solve.
1 + ______= 10
______+ 8 = 10
3 + 7 = ______
4 + ______= 10
_____ + 5 = 10
6 + 4 = ______
7 + ______= 10
2 + 8 = ______
______+ 1 = 10 / 3. Solve.
10 + ______= 100
______+ 80 = 100
30 + 70 = ______
40 + ______= 100
_____ + 50 = 100
60 + 40 = ______
70 + ______= 100
20 + 80 = ______
______+ 10 = 100

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #7

1. The following graph shows the number of students in art, music, and P.E. The number of students in computer is missing.
Number of Students in Classes
Art /
Music /
P.E. /

Each = 4 students
If the class has 8 fewer students in computer than in Art, which row correctly completes the graph?
Computer /

Computer /

Computer /

2. Matthew drove to Target and parked in a row in the parking lot. His car has 4 wheels. The other cars in his row have 4 wheels also. How many wheels are in the same row if there are 8 cars?
Cars / Wheels
1 / 4
2 / 8
/ 3. Beatriz purchased a candy bar for 58¢, a pack of gum for 22¢ and a lollipop for 17¢. Did she spend more than one dollar?
How much did Beatriz spend?
If she paid with one dollar does she get any change? If so, how much?

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #8

1. Create a pictograph or bar graph to represent the information in the table.
Color / Number of Socks
Red / 8
Blue / 15
Green / 11
White / 10
2. Mrs. Eldred drew a graph of the types of flowers at her house.

Which list shows the same data as the bar graph?
A)  Lily 7 B) Lily 18 C) Lily 18
Sunflower 10 Sunflower 10 Sunflower 10
Rose 18 Rose 7 Rose 13
Carnation 12 Carnation 13 Carnation 7

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #9

1. Mrs. Reyes the following 7 coins in her pocket.

Show another way to make the same amount using less coins.
Write the amount using the appropriate symbols.
______/ 2. Look at the counting strips. Determine the pattern and count forward or backward as necessary. Look at each column (going down) to find the pattern.
97 / 52 / 77
87 / 57 / 79
77 / 62 /
Write what kind of pattern each column is on the lines.
3. Jaclyn did her homework at the time shown on the clock below. It took her one hour to complete her homework. Write the time Jaclyn finished her homework below.
Write the time in words:
______/ 4. Compare the following numbers. Use <, > or = to complete.
69 ______50 + 10
25 + 10 ______30
76 ______67
20 + 25 ______30 + 15
50 + 25 ______76
38 ______20 + 10 + 8
15 ______51

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #10

1. Use the clues to guess my number.
75 80 85 90 95 100
My number is less than 90.
My number is greater than 75.
My number is odd.
My number is a multiple of five.
What is my number? ______
What counting pattern is seen on the number line? / 2. Write your answers in equation and/OR written form. For example: How many nickels are in a quarter? 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25, OR 5 nickels in a quarter
How many nickels are in a dollar?
How many dimes are in a dollar?
How many quarters are in a dollar?
How many pennies are in a dollar? (written form only.)
3. The table below shows the number of apples, oranges, and bananas in the fruit bowl. Represent the information in the pictograph below.
Fruit / Number of Pieces
Apples / 8
Oranges / 4
Bananas / 2
Each______= ______

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #11

1. Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Shop scooped 48 ice cream cones during the first hour they were open Saturday. The next hour, they scooped 37 ice cream cones. How many cones did Baskin Robbins scoop during the first two hours they were open Saturday? / 2. Rosario was recording information she figured out when looking at pattern blocks. Rosario determined that 1 hexagon = 3 rhombuses. Complete the table to show how many rhombuses equal 6 hexagons.

Hexagons / Rhombuses
1 / 3
3 / 9
5 / 15
3. Hal completed a survey of his class to find out their favorite color. The results are in the tally chart below.
Favorite Colors
0 5 10 15 20
Using the bar graph fill in the table with the correct data.
Color / Data

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #12

1. The third grade classes return from lunch at the time shown below on the analog clock. Write the time on the digital clock below.

Is this time a.m. or p.m.? / 2. Caroline had a dentist appointment at the time shown on the clock below. Her mom was going to pick her up from school 25 minutes before her appointment. What time will her mom pick her up?

Write the time her mom will pick her up on the digital clock below.
3. There are 48 markers in one container and the same amount in another. How many markers are in both containers? / 4. Solve.
9 + 5 = ______
3 + ______= 12
______+ 7 = 15
4 + 8 = ______
6 + 5 = ______
______+ 4 = 11
5 + ______= 13
9 + ______= 17

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #13

1. What does the picture below represent?
______/ 2. Jasmine made a pictograph about the favorite subject of some of her classmates. In the pictograph, = 10 students. The row for math had these symbols: . How many students chose math as their favorite subject? Write an equation or expression to show how you solved this situation.
3. The time on Clock A shows when Josh’s dad tells him he has one hour until bedtime. Show Josh’s bedtime on Clock B. Then write the digital time and label it with a.m. or p.m.

Clock A Clock B

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #14

1. Write the number that is 30 less than 52. Write an equation to represent how you solved this.
Write the number that is 30 more than 59. Write an equation to represent how you solved this. / 2. Solve.
6 + 6 = ______
3 + 3 = ______
8 + 8 =______
5 + 5 = ______
9 + 9 = ______
4 + 4 = ______
10 + 10 = ______
2 + 2 = ______
What kind of combinations are these?
3. Barrett was selling ice cream tickets. He had 95 tickets to sell. He sold 66 tickets in week one and 28 tickets in week two. Did Ben sell all of his tickets? If not, how many did he have left? / 4. Look at the coins. Which is NOT a correct way to describe the collection of coins?

A. seventy-three cents
B. $0.73
C. 73¢
D. $7.3

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #15

1. Solve.
7 + 6 = ______
3 + 4 = ______
9 + 8 =______
6 + 5 = ______
9 + 10 = ______
5 + 4 = ______
6 + 7 = ______
2 + 3 = ______
What kind of combinations are these?
What strategy do you use to solve? / 2. Sean is playing Collect $2.00 and keeps forgetting to trade his coins. He has 12 dimes and 42 pennies. How much money does he have? ______How much money does he need to get to $2.00? ______
3. The Yankees baseball team kept track of hits. They recorded all the doubles and homeruns in a chart.
Player / Doubles / Homeruns
Max / 3 / 3
Tommy / 4 / 1
Hayden / 2 / 6
Dan / 2 / 5
Player / Doubles and Homeruns the Yankee’s Players
Max /
Tommy /
Hayden /
Dan /
Each = ?
Which key correctly completes the graph?
A. Each = 2 C. Each = 3

B. Each = 5 D. Each = 10

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #16

1. When playing Capture 5, Jasmin’s game piece is on 28. She wants to capture a chip on 64. Can Jasmin capture the chip with the following Change Cards?

If yes, write the equation below.
If no, write the equation below and explain what number you landed on.
______/ 2. There are 24 crayons in one box. How many crayons would be in two boxes? Write an equation and solve.
3. Show 326 in words and expanded form. (how many hundreds, tens and ones?) / 4. The clock below shows the time that Chase left for work.

What time did Chase leave for work?
A. 8:40
B. twenty minutes past eight o’clock
C. twenty minutes past nine o’clock
D. 9:15

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #17

1. Karen is making a graph to show the number of flowers picked by each of four students.
Flowers Picked by Students
0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28
Number of Flowers
Roberto picked 6 more flowers than Meredith. Which bar can be used to complete the bar graph for Roberto?
F / Roberto
0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28
G / Roberto
0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28
H / Roberto
0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28
J / Roberto
0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #18

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #19

1. Tanya, Dezzi and Meghan were packing a suitcase for vacation. Tanya packed 36 items, Dezz packed 12 items and Logan packed 24 items. They couldn’t fit all of their items in the suitcase so they removed 26 items. How many items did they put in the suitcase? / 2. Use the numbers 2, 0, and 6. Write the three largest numbers that can be made and place the numbers in order from greatest to least.
3. Jack was playing Guess My Number. He thought of a number. He added 10 to his number, then subtracted 35. He ended with 40 as his number. What number did Jack start with?

+ 10 – 35 = 40 / 4. Jen, Gina, and Christine sold cups of lemonade to raise money for charity. The chart below shows how much different size cups of lemonade cost.
Size / Cost
Small / $0.20
Medium / $0.45
Large / $0.50
In one hour they sold 2 large cups, 2 medium cups, and 1 small cup. How much money did they make during one hour?

3rd Grade Daily Reinforcer #20