Carmelite Charism: from Community to the Family

Third International Congress of the Carmelite Laity in Asia-Australia-Oceana

February 15 – 20, 2017

Vung Tau, Vietnam

Lay Carmelites gathered at the retreat house of the Nhà Thờ Bãi Dâu church inVũng Tàu, Vietnam from Wednesday, February 15 – Monday, February 20 for the Third International Congress of Lay Carmelites from the Asia – Australia - Oceania region of the Order to spend some time together reflecting upon the theme of the gathering – From Community to Family, How Lay Carmelites live their Charism in the daily life. More than 170 people gathered.

Fr. Fernando Millan Romeral, the Prior General of the Order gave the main presentation. In his talk, he reminded all that family and home are in the DNA of Carmel. He noted that Carmelite Spirituality is very rich. However, perseverance in prayer is necessary. He reminded all that a contemplative person is not always one who is always looking up to heaven. The contemplative person looks around and tires to see the presence of God in the world around them.

He said that as Lay Carmelites all gathered have a very important role since Asia is a huge continent where the Carmelite family is growing fast and sound. He challenged all to develop Carmelite spirituality in Asiatic cultural frames and in Asiatic cultural languages.

Fr Benny Phang, O.Carm. the General Councilor for the Asian Region spoke on “Building the Theotokos Families”. He challenged all to bring God to all, especially their families. Prayer is essential if we want to build a “Theotokos Family”. Prayer enables us to bring God to others. He reminded all that a family who prays together, stays together.

He also mentioned that “Joy” is essential in all families. Pope Francis wrote on this in his Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” which was written after the General Assembly of Bishops in 2015 which focused on family and evangelization.

Fr Michael Kissane, O.Carm., the Prior Provincial of the St Elias Province focused his talk mainly on the document “Amoris Laetitia” and offered some practical ways that Lay Carmelites can live the Carmelite Charism in the family. He talked of the importance of patience, listening, being of service to others, forgiveness and celebrating the good in others.

He demonstrated how Blessed Titus Brandsma and the family life of St Therese of Lisieux can offer us a guide as to how to live the Carmelite charism in the family.

Other speakers included Mrs Lormita Lacanilao of the Philippines who spoke on the topic of Community – Living the Carmelite Chrism in Families and Homes. She spoke of the importance of nurturing our families and homes through prayers and the experience of God’s love. She also mentioned that it is important to prophetically educate children as a way to nurture Christian life.

Mrs. Agnes Weis from Indonesia spoke on “Prayer and Contemplation in the Family”. She shared her journey growing up and how Carmelite spirituality helped her through many challenges. She mentioned how she shared with her children the lives of the Carmelite saints. Most importantly she introduced meditation to them and the importance of taking time out each day for quiet reflection.

Gabrielle Fogarty from Australia spoke on “Chastity and Social Justice in the Family”. She shared her personal journey and how social justice issues, especially care for the environment became important to her. She mentioned that Pope Francis in his 2017 World Day of Peace message said that the sense of love and peace founded upon truth, justice, freedom have not lost any of its urgency

Bishop Emmanuel Nguyễn Hồng Sơn of the diocese of Ma Ria celebrated the closing liturgy. He spoke about the spirituality of the Carmelites and invited all to continue to spread the Carmelite charism in their countries. He mentioned that although the Carmelites have been in Vietnam for many years, he was not familiar with them. He encouraged all to be evangelizers and help to spread the gospel throughout the world.

During the Congress, there was plenty of time for discussion in language groups. Perhaps most important was the time at meals and unscheduled time when Lay Carmelites from the many areas of Asia could get to know one another. The Congress helped to build relationships that crossed ethnic boundaries and showed that the Carmelite Charism is alive and well in Asia. The Lay Carmelites, like the friars, nuns and sisters in Carmel will continue to grow in Asia. The future is bright.

A special thanks is extended to the organizers of the Congress, especially the moderators, speakers and facilitators. Thanks also to the Donum Dei students and family and the students of St Therese house for providing entertainment, serving the meals, and taking care of all the “behind the scenes” details. May the spirit of Carmel continue to grow in Asia.

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