Minutes of ameetingheld at 7.45 pm on Monday April 11th 2016
Present; Mr Dick Latham (Chairman), Mr Iain Stowe (Secretary), Mrs June Thomas (Treasurer) Mrs Margaret Mooney (Executive Officer), Mrs Phyllis Wilson, Mrs Gill Edwards, Mrs Leslie Ward,Mrs Sue Latham,Mrs Melanie James,Mrs Liz Noble, Mr P Bragg & Mr J Dillon.
Apologies; Mr D James.
Minutes; The minutes of the previous meeting held on January 18th 2016 were read to the meeting. Adopted unanimously and the Chairman then signed them.
Matters arising; None.
Chairman;The lock to the brick shed has been changed and keys are in the hands of the Executive Officers. A lock has been fitted to the Cleaning materials cupboard in the Kitchen. Painting of the Kitchen & Lobby now completed.
Secretary; Agreed to distribute the new Committee list by email. Members attention was drawn to the link details on the Agenda that showed how to view the Charity's registration with the Commission on their website.
Treasurer; Balance in the bank stands at £8443.81 of which £493 is ring fenced to Theatre events.
Expenditures of Rent £150, Boiler Service etc £70, Green Bin £16.50.
Hall floor;Condition satisfactory. No further comment required and will be removed from future Agenda's.
Any other business;Trestle tables to be loaned for the Queens 90th birthday on July 12th.The Treasurer & Gill Edwards have reviewed the charges made for the Hall and their proposal that they be held the same, with discretion given to them to make reductions for regular long term users, was agreed.
A proposal for the installation of a sound system consisting of four speakers and associated equipment costingapprox. £600 installed was put forward. It was agreed Dick Latham, Paul Bragg & Melanie James would review the details and possibly hold a meeting with the provider. Reception of the proposal was favourable. Gill Edwards reported Mrs Sofia Exarchou had asked if the Committee would consider taking joint responsibility for meditation classes she proposed holding in the Hall. This was not felt to be a good idea and it was agreed normal hire terms were more appropriate.
Next meeting; Arranged for 7.30 pm Tuesday July 19th 2016.
There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.55 pm.