Ir. H. Bezemer

Name / Henri Bezemer /

E-mail /
Linked in / http: //
Date of birth / March 18, 1969
Citizenship / Netherlands


Aconceptual and creativethinker, who easily switches back and forth between the abstract overview and the concrete details. A senior architect and systems development engineer, with many years of experience in Java-based Internet solutions, Enterprise Application Integration and Service Oriented Architectures.

Started an consultancy practice in 2009 that specializes in open source ESB projects.

Also experienced as a team manager, project manager and coach. Has strong verbal and written communication skills.


2007 – 2009 / Team leader Competence Center Functional Design at Robeco
Responsibilities: / Hands on (50%):
  • Writing Functional Designs for projects.
  • Conductingimpactanalysis andmakingestimatesof effort (FPA).
Management (50%):
  • Coordinate Prince2 workpackages.
  • Coach and train employees.
  • Optimize ICT processes (CMMi).

Results: /
  • Contribute to successful projects as a team and as an individual, including strategic projects (replacement of back and midoffice applications of asset management department, outsourcing of banking account administration).
  • Standardized processes and deliverables.
  • Introduced Function Point Analysis.
  • Centralized management of ICT artifacts.

2002 – 2007 / Team leader Competence Center Middleware / Java / WebDevelopment at Robeco
Responsibilities: / Hands on (50%)
  • Createand maintain a Java/JEE development architecture.
  • Develop Java/JEE solutions for projects.
  • Write Project Start Architecture (PSA) for projects.
  • Member of Robeco’s Architecture Board, responsible for the governance of architecture.
Management (50%):
  • Managing (migration)projects.
  • Coach and train employees.

Results: /
  • A solid JAVA/JEE development architecture and excellent level of skills within the team. Productivity has been benchmarked by Gartner in 2006 en 2007 and was found exceeding market average.
  • Designed a highly flexible enterprise wide service oriented architecture and implemented this with JEE technology.
  • Successful project management of Tuxedo to BEA WebLogic migration, upgrade of BEA WebLogic, upgrade of IBM AIX, upgrade of IBM MQSeries in addition to two innovative development projects (budget EUR 500.000andEUR 450.000)

1998 – 2002 / Internet and IntegrationArchitect at Robeco (freelance)
Responsibilities: / Develop technical, application andinformation architecture for Internet and integration.
Results: /
  • First rolloutof the Internet sales channel for retail customers (1999).
  • First rollout of transactionsin mutual funds via an interactive voice response (IVR) system (2000).
  • Implementation of Siebel CRM in thecallcenterand integration with the Internet sales channel(2002).

1989 – 1998 / (Lead) Software Engineer and System Engineer (freelance)
Responsibilities: / Design and build software / infrastructure solutions.
Results: / (non exhaustive)
  • Migration from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 (desktop), Migrationfrom Novell Netware to Windows NT. Implementation of Citrix Winframe (MetaFrame) as externalemployee portal. Implementation of Lotus Notes as email and collaboration platform. Implementation of a secure connection between the LAN and the Internet (Robeco 1996-1998).
  • Build collaborative application basedon Lotus Notes ( 1995).
  • Build consumer software, including a graphical tool (1994).
  • Redesign and port theaccounting software package E-Account from MS-DOS to Windows 3 (Exact Automatisering 1991-1993).
  • Build modules (including a flexible reportgenerator and a generic conversion tool) for a CRM package (1989-1991).


1993-present / Certification:
  • TOGAF 9 Foundation (2009)
  • Sun Certified Java Programmer – SCJP(2007)
  • Prince2 Foundation (2006)
  • Krauthammer Management Skills
  • Influencing, presentations, coaching, absence control, recruitment.
  • DyA (Dynamische Architectuur, Sogeti)

1987-1993 / Delft University of Technology
Computer Science
1981-1987 / Erasmiaans Gymnasium (Rotterdam)


A selection of achievements in the past 10 years.

2009 /
Mycompany website and blog.ZienIT specializes in open source ESB projects, and shares knowledge via its blog:OpenESB, JBoss ESB, Apache ServiceMix, Java, EJB 3.0, JBI, WSDL, XML Schema, SOAP, WS-BPEL, WS-Policy, WS-Security (incl. PKI), WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging.
Tools (for building the website): WordPress, PHP, Kompozer, Inkscape, Gimp, Subversion
Platforms: Linux, Wintel, XAMPP
2009 / Design Repository
This repository is designed to centrally manage the lifecycle of ICT related documentation.This initiative started as a small pilot using simple office productivity software and is now permanently in use. The document repository is integrated with BEA ALER (arepositoryfor SOA artifacts) using web services.
Tools: MS Word VBA macro’s, MS Excel VBA macro’s, MS Access, BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Repository (ALER), BEA WebLogic.
Platforms: Wintel, AIX.
2009 / FPA & requirements gathering modeling technique
This modeling technique visualizes the building blocks of FPA (system boundaries, inputsoutputs, etc.) to both the designer and the end user. The models proved to be valuable in gathering and understanding user requirements.
Tools: MS Visio
Methods: FPA
2008 / Governance of the CMDB
The CMDB (containing servers, desktops, software, telephones etc.) wasinsufficiently governed. I rewrote procedures in cooperation with stakeholders and assigned responsibilities and KPI’s.
Tools: HP Openview
Methods: ITIL, ASL, BiSL
Platforms: Wintel, AIX.
2008 / FPA training and tooling
A training was written for both managers andICT employees, to give them an understanding of the FPA (NESMA) method and to explain how the method is embedded and practiced within the organization.
Tools: MS Powerpoint, MS Excel
2007 / Information flows in EMC Documentum & BEA ALSB(architectureand design)
Concernsthe exchange of (XML) documentsbetween (research institute) IRIS andthe various business units of Robeco.
Tools: Java/JEE
Methods: DyA, RUP
Platforms: BEA AquaLogic Service Bus (ALSB), EMC Documentum
2007 / Investment advice on Internet(architecture, design and project management)
This highly interactive Adobe Flex applicationgives adviceon investment transactions to retail customersand is embedded in aTridion/JEE/Siebel CRM basedwebsite ( en communicates witha JEE backend.
Tools: Java/J2EE, Spring, Tridion, Adobe Flex 2.0
Methods:DyA, RUP, Prince2/SCRUM
Platforms: BEA WebLogic, Wintel, AIX.
2006 / Productselector(architecture, design and project management)
This highly interactive Adobe Flex applicationprovides detailed information oncomplex Robeco professional investment products in a very user-friendly fashion, andis embedded in aTridion/JEE website ( The architecture includes a crucial cache component (implemented as a Java RMI Server), positioned betweenthe Flex application and the Oracle datamart, which allows the application to download over 1 MB of data over the Internet within three seconds, in the end user’s language and specifically configured per distribution channel.
Tools: Java/J2EE, Spring, Tridion, Adobe Flex 1.1
Methods: DyA, RUP, Prince2/SCRUM
Platforms: BEA WebLogic, Wintel, AIX.
2005 / Investment advice Module(architecture, design and parts of the software)
This service uses artificial intelligence techniques (rules, forward- & backward chaining) to derive an optimal investment advice taking into account the investment profile and the current portfolio of the retail customer, based on the IRIS-advice for specific funds and stock, sectors and regions.I wrote and tested the Java code for the AI rulesengine and the portfolio models.
Tools: Java/J2EE
Methods: RUP
Platforms: BEA WebLogic, Wintel, AIX.
2004 / Redesign Customer Content Manager (architecture, design)
This service collects required information from a variety of systems, then formats and finally prints informationon paper on behalf of end customers. The redesign encompassed a migrationfrom the Tuxedo/C++ platform to Java/JEE and XSLT.
Tools: Java/J2EE, XSLT (Apache Xalan).
Methods: RUP
Platforms: BEA WebLogic, Wintel, AIX, AIA ITP.
2004 / Java Development Architectuur (JaDA)
A development architecture comprising tools, coding standards, guiding principles and best practices for Java/JEE application development.
Tools: Java/J2EE, Eclipse, Ant(later: Maven), CVS (later:Subversion), JUnit, JTest, Clover, Wiki, XMetal
Methods: XP (test-driven development, continuous integration etc.)
Platforms: BEA WebLogic, Wintel, AIX.
2001– 2004 / Transaction Manager(architecture, design andlarge parts of the software)
A very flexiblemediation & façade type EAI component, a liaison between front- en backoffice. The application’s architectureclosely resembles that of current ESB products. I implemented the following Java code:
  • Adapter forthe IBM mainframe Cobol application via IBM MQSeries (JMS, MDB).
  • Adapter for the (Rabobank) Tandem Cobol application via RSC protocol (JNI, RMI).
  • Adapter for Siebel CRM packages via SOAP protocol (Apache Xerces parser).
  • Virtual Back Office, the logical integration of Robeco’s and Rabobank’s backends into one unified backoffice for investment transactions and banking account management.
Tools: Java/J2EE, C++, XML, SOAP, XML-Schema
Methods: RUP
Platforms: BEA WebLogic, Wintel, AIX, IBM mainframe, Oracle RDBMS, Redwood JCS, Sun One Directory Server (LDAP)
1998– 2001 / Online Beleggen (architecture, design and large parts of the software)
A large interactive website which provides online investment functionality to Robeco’s 500.000+ retail customers.
Tools: Java, C++, PL/SQL
Methods: RUP
Platforms: Wintel, AIX, Netscape Application Server, Wintel, Oracle RDBMS, FileNet


Methods / techniques / concepts / Programming languages & tools / Infrastructure
RUP (Rational Unified Process) / WS-BPEL / BEA WebLogic
ITIL / ASL / BiSL / Java (incl. J2EE, Spring, Struts, JUnit, Eclipse, NetBeans, Ant, Maven) / BEA AquaLogic
Agile Projects / SCRUM / XP (Extreme Programming) / JavaScript (incl. HTML, CSS) / BEA Enterprise Repository
CMMi / C/C++ / Apache Geronimo
Function Punt Analysis (NESMA) / Microsoft Visual Basic / VBA (Word, Excel) / ASP / JBoss
Internet Architecture / Portals / Web 2.0 / SQL (Oracle PL/SQL, MS Transact-SQL) / Sun GlassFish & GlassFish ESB
EAI / SOA / EDA / Webservices (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) / Lotus Notes / Oracle RDBMS / Microsoft SQL Server
UML (Unified Modeling Language) / PHP / IBM MQSeries (Websphere MQ)
Security standards / LDAP
User Interface Design / TCPIP / Firewalls
XML standards (Schema, XSLT, XSL-FO, SVG) / Windows / Citrix

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