May 19, 2015
10:30 – 12:00 p.m.
- Order of Business
Request was made to move 4.3 Policies for approval to 4.1 to ensure there was enough time to review/approve the Policies.
- Confirmation of Minutes of April 14th, 2015 (e-attachment)
Motion: To accept the minutes as amended
Moved by Butt, seconded bySilva, carried
3.Outstanding Business
3.1 N/A
4.New Business
4.1 Policies for Approval
3.2.5 Travel & Expense Claims
Dianne spoke to the revisions of this policy and explained the revisions were mostly housekeeping. A couple of minor edits included optional use of College credit cards for travel by members of President’s Council and the reimbursement of one (1) alcoholic drink consumed at the evening meal only.
Motion: To approve Policy 3.2.5 Travel & Expense Claims as presented.
Moved by Bethune, seconded by Bowron, carried
3.2.2 Coordinated Purchasing System
There was some discussion around when purchases should have to go to formal tender, i.e. should this be dictated by dollar amount (greater than $20,000), as well as when the college has an ongoing working relationship with a firm – can they just be invited to supply? At what level of responsibility should this decision be made?
Dianne will revisit some of the wording and resubmit the policy in the fall.
6.2.1 Acquisition and Withdrawal of Learning Resources
6.2.2 Circulation of Library Materials
Some discussion around updates to the two Policies and the question was raised if the two Policies could be combined into one Policy. Some suggestions for consideration were:
- Community borrowers/users (define who they are and what their level of access is/should be. Use consistent wording/description throughout
- Food for fines event – should this be listed in Policy, does it encourage delinquency?
- Clearly define appeal process for overdue fines
- Overdue fines – maximum fine should be equivalent to replacement cost
- What is the process for input regarding acquisition of Library materials to ensure relevant, current material?
- Ensure formatting of Policies follows Policy template
Shahida will update Policies after requesting input from stakeholders’ including Faculty and submit updated versions to EdCo in September.
College of the Rockies Photo Identification Policy
This is a new Policy brought forward and raised some questions around ownership of Policy. Is this a Student Policy, an HR Policy, a Library policy or does it span across all three areas?
Shahida, Sheila and Doris will meet to discuss next steps.
4.2Sub Committee Reporting
Due to time constraints, the committees did not have time to report. Suggestion was made to schedule a two hour meeting in the fall to allow time to complete the Agenda and set the pace for moving forward.
Group 1- Gap analysis (legal, vulnerability, risk assessment)- Darrell, Ildi
See attached Draft 2 – Ildi will forward electronic copy to be sent to committee and provide further updates at next meeting
Group 2, Education (all policies around education) - Jonathan, Leslie, Avery
See attached – electronic copy will be forwarded to committee
Group 3 – Students - Doris, Paul, Nolin
Group 4 – Matching (matching preexisting committees with current policies)
Group 5 – EZ Button – Leah, (will ask Sheila or Pat)
All Committees will provide an updated report at the next meeting.
5.1 Policies currently being worked on (All)
Several policies are being reviewed at different levels. An updated Table of Contents is currently being updated.
6.Next Regular Meeting – June 16, 2015
Meeting adjourned 12:05pm
CPC Members:
Stan Chung (Chair)David Walls (ex officio)Dianne Teslak
Darrell BethuneSheila McDonaldAllan Knibbs
Doris SilvaLeah BradishIldi Walkley
Leslie Molnar (Faculty)Pam Catsirelis (CUPE)Nolin Hoodicoff (Student)
Pat BowronJonathan ButtPaul Lowe Wai Chung (student sitting in for Nolin)Nolin
Avery Hulbert (EdCo)