Meeting Minutes

September 23rd, 2014

Ben Miller, MDA called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m.Members and visitors included: David Read, Heidi Kassenborg, Bethany Stave, Bob Patton, Doug Lueders, Sara Mortimore, Patti Barth, Jennifer Stephes, Katherine Waters, Rebecca Gallup, Chris VenTwuywver, Cyrus Irani, Lisa Wetzel, Alison Behling, Joe Scimeca, and Jenny Pierquet

  1. Links, Dates, & Attachments


  • NCAFDO Conference, October 21-23rd, 2014, Cleveland, OH
  • Food Safety and Defense Task Force Meeting, November 4th, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Freeman Building
  • NCFPD Food and Agriculture Sector Cargo Theft: A Growing National Problem, October 10th at 10 AM
  • Task Force Sponsored FSMA Webinar on Sanitary Transportation Rule, Oct 7th at 1:30 PM CST
  • MDA/MDH Food Code Meeting, November 25, 2014


  • Results Based Accountability
  • Food Policy Research Center at the University of Minnesota
  • IFT Fundamentals of Food Traceability for Small/Medium Firms Webinar –FREE -
  • - Food Safety Education Videos from Iowa’s Food Defense Task Force
  • FDA’s Food Defense Plan Builder Release of New Training Videos


  • Food Policy Research CenterNEW Policy Briefs
  • Results Based Accountability Summary and Slidesfrom September meeting
  • NCAFDO Conference Registration Information
  • Food Defense Training Cartoons

Survey Monkey Sub-Committee Sign-Up – Please select your sub-committee of choice:

Sub-Committees are based on the priorities identified by the members of the Task Force for YR 2 of our 5 YR grant.

2. The minutes from the last meeting were approved.

  1. Summation: Around the room
  2. No updates were done due to the Results Based Accountability exercise
  1. Results Based Accountability Exercise
  2. The summary findings are attached to this email from the exercise. The Task Force attendees split into groups to work on their response to seven questions. Allen Sommerfeld, Senior Communications Officergave a presentation on results based accountability and facilitated the group work. Dr. Heidi Kassenborg, Director, Dairy Food Inspection Division, gave a presentation on current data being collected on food inspections. The group identified some ways in which the Task Force can improve Minnesota’s food safety system.
  1. Task Force Updates– Jenny Pierquet
  • Vice-Chair Elected, Congratulations to Ruth Petran of EcoLab on her new position with the Task Force
  • Appointed Members will receive a spreadsheet to update their contact information from Jenny
  • YR 2 FDA funding approved!! We can start moving ahead on our priorities
  • Sign-Up issued for sub-committees. Time will be set aside during Task Force meetings for committees to meet and work on their projects. Jenny will create some formal governing guidelines for the committees.
  1. Just a Reminder - Task Force Goals –

Currently, the Task Force is putting effort into each of these goals based upon our current priorities.

Goal #1 - Develop an effective mechanism for the sharing of MN state-level events and activities that fall under the scope of the TF

  • Discussed a calendar to be posted on the TF website
  • Preferred approach was to re-structure meeting agenda and subsequent minutes to highlight these events

Goal #3 - Increase sharing of FS and defense information through use of a TF website

  • Consider capability to respond to public inquiries

Goal #4 - Seek to prompt FDA efforts to foster trans-TF info sharing

Goal #5 - Review data to identify training/education needs in the state of MN, especially for small and medium facilities

  • Possible sub-committee on education/training

Goal #6 - Communicate efforts of Task Force more broadly

  • Collect, share and distribute information
  • Get website running

Goal #7 - Return to being an Advisory Committee (Goal #2 Enhanced advisory role by advising MDA/MDH on proposed regulatory program initiatives)

  • Select one or two focus areas: create an annual report full of information

Next meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 @ Minnesota Department of Agriculture

2015 Task Force Meeting Schedule

January 27th, 2015

March 17, 2015

May 19th, 2015

July 21st, 2015

September 15, 2015

November 17, 2015