// Illustrate structure of a class, including instance variables

public class DateFirstTry


// Note that these instance variables are public

public String month; // always 3 letters long, as in Jan, Feb, etc.

public int day;

public int year; // a four digit number.

public void writeOutput( )


System.out.println(month + " " + day + ", " + year);



// Show how above class would be used, illustrating how data members aren’t protected

public class DateFirstTryDemo


public static void main(String[] args)


// Declare existance of date1 and date2

DateFirstTry date1, date2;

// Now allocate memory for them

date1 = new DateFirstTry( );

date2 = new DateFirstTry( );

// The above 2 steps could be combined, as in

//DateFirstTry date1 = new DateFirstTry( );

// Set the values for date1, and display the result

date1.month = "Dec";

date1.day = 31;

date1.year = 2006;


date1.writeOutput( );

// Set the values for date2, and display the result

date2.month = "Julio";// Oops, it's in Spanish, and too long

date2.day = 32;// Error, too large a value

date2.year = 20987;// I doubt this program will be around then


// date2.writeOutput( );// rather than call the method, we can use:

System.out.println(month + " " + day + ", " + year);



import java.io.BufferedReader;// These lines will not always be shown

import java.io.InputStreamReader;// in subsequent examples, though you

import java.io.IOException;// would always need to have them.

import java.util.Scanner; // For input

// Rather than explicitly setting values of variables, let user enter them.

public class DateSecondTry


private String month; //always 3 letters long, as in Jan, Feb, etc.

private int day;

private int year;// a four digit number.

public void writeOutput( )


System.out.println(month + " " + day + ", " + year);


public void readInput( )


Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in);

System.out.println("Enter month, day, and year on three lines:");

month = keyboard.next();

day = keyboard.nextInt();

year = keyboard.nextInt();


public int getDay( )


return day;


public int getYear( )


return year;


public int getMonth( )


if (month.equals("Jan"))

return 1;

else if (month.equals("Feb"))

return 2;

else if (month.equals("Mar"))

return 3;

else if (month.equals("Apr"))

return 4;

else if (month.equals("May"))

return 5;

else if (month.equals("Jun"))

return 6;

else if (month.equals("Jul"))

return 7;

else if (month.equals("Aug"))

return 8;

else if (month.equals("Sep"))

return 9;

else if (month.equals("Oct"))

return 10;

else if (month.equals("Nov"))

return 11;

else if (month.equals("Dec"))

return 12;



System.out.println("Fatal Error");


return 0; //Needed to keep the compiler happy




// When a class has private data members, they must be accessed using a class method

public class DateSecondTryDemo


public static void main(String[] args)


DateSecondTry date1, date2;

date1 = new DateSecondTry( );

date2 = new DateSecondTry( );

// date1.month = "Dec";// generates an error since month is private



date1.writeOutput( );

date2.getInput();// Can still enter invalid values


// The following would generate an error, since the data members

// are private

// System.out.println(month + " " + day + ", " + year);

// Instead, we can access them using a method:

System.out.println(date2.getMonth() + " " + date2.getDay() +
", " + date2.getYear() );



// Illustrate how parameters can be used to initialize values for a date

public class DateThirdTry


private String month; //always 3 letters long, as in Jan, Feb, etc.

private int day;

private int year;// a four digit number.

public void setDate( int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)


month = monthString( newMonth);

day = newDay;

year = newYear;


public String monthString( int monthNumber)


switch ( monthNumber)


case 1: return "Jan"; break;

case 2: return "Feb"; break;

// ...



// display all days up until the given day

public void displayDays( day)


int i;

System.out.print("Days passed in the month are: ");

for (i=1; i<= day; i++) {

System.out.print(i + " ");




// the rest of the methods are the same as in previous version


// Passing values as parameters to initialize the values for a date

public class DateThirdTryDemo


public static void main(String[] args)


DateThirdTry date = new DateThirdTry( );

int year = 1882;

date.setDate( 6, 17, year);




// Implementing methods equals() and toString(), which could be used elsewhere in Java

public class DateFourthTry


private String month; //always 3 letters long, as in Jan, Feb, etc.

private int day;

private int year; //a four digit number.

public boolean equals(DateFourthTry otherDate)


return ( (this.month.equals(otherDate.month)) &

(this.day == otherDate.day) &

(this.year == otherDate.year)



public String toString( )


return (month + " " + day + ", " + year);


//... More methods...

} // end class DateFourthTry

// Illustrate how Encapsulation and Information hiding allow enforcing values used

public class DateFifthTry


private String month; //always 3 letters long, as in Jan, Feb, etc.

private int day;

private int year; //a four digit number.

// ...

public void readInput( ) throws IOException


boolean tryAgain = true;

BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader(

new InputStreamReader(System.in));

while (tryAgain)



"Enter month, day, and year on three lines.");


"Enter month, day, and year as three integers.");

int monthInput = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine( ));

int dayInput = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine( ));

int yearInput = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine( ));

if (dateOK(monthInput, dayInput, yearInput) )


setDate(monthInput, dayInput, yearInput);

tryAgain = false;



System.out.println("Illegal date. Reenter input.");



public void setDate(int month, int day, int year)


if (dateOK(month, day, year))


this.month = monthString(month);

this.day = day;

this.year = year;




System.out.println("Fatal Error");




private boolean dateOK(int monthInt, int dayInt, int yearInt)


return ( (monthInt >= 1) & (monthInt <= 12) &

(dayInt >= 1) & (dayInt <= 31) &

(yearInt >= 1000) & (yearInt <= 9999) );


// ... other methods

} // end class DateFifthTry

public class DateSixthTry// Illustrate method overloading


private String month; //always 3 letters long, as in Jan, Feb, etc.

private int day;

private int year; //a four digit number.

public void setDate(int monthInt, int day, int year)


if (dateOK(monthInt, day, year))


this.month = monthString(monthInt);

this.day = day;

this.year = year;




System.out.println("Fatal Error");




public void setDate(String monthString, int day, int year)


if (dateOK(monthString, day, year))


this.month = monthString;

this.day = day;

this.year = year;




System.out.println("Fatal Error");




public void setDate(int year)


setDate(1, 1, year);


private boolean dateOK(int monthInt, int dayInt, int yearInt)


return ( (monthInt >= 1) & (monthInt <= 12) &

(dayInt >= 1) & (dayInt <= 31) &

(yearInt >= 1000) & (yearInt <= 9999) );


private boolean dateOK(String monthString, int dayInt, int yearInt)


return ( monthOK(monthString) &

(dayInt >= 1) & (dayInt <= 31) &

(yearInt >= 1000) & (yearInt <= 9999) );


private boolean monthOK(String month)


return (month.equals("Jan") || month.equals("Feb") ||

month.equals("Mar") || month.equals("Apr") ||

month.equals("May") || month.equals("Jun") ||

month.equals("Jul") || month.equals("Aug") ||

month.equals("Sep") || month.equals("Oct") ||

month.equals("Nov") || month.equals("Dec") );


// ...other methods

}//End class DateSixthTry

// Use the above DateSixthTry class to illustrate method overloading

public class OverloadingDemo


public static void main(String[] args)


DateSixthTry date1 = new DateSixthTry( ),

date2 = new DateSixthTry( ),

date3 = new DateSixthTry( );

// Note the different formats for setting a date

date1.setDate(1, 2, 2007);

date2.setDate("Feb", 2, 2007);







// Illustrate Accessor (get) and Mutator (set) methods

public class Square


private int size;

private int xPosition;

private int yPosition;

private String color;

private boolean isVisible;

private String label;

// ...

public String getColor()


return color;


public void setColor(String newColor)


color = newColor;



// ...


// Illustrate the use of constructors

public class Date


private String month; //always 3 letters long, as in Jan, Feb, etc.

private int day;

private int year; //a four digit number.

// default constructor

public Date( )


month = "Jan";

day = 1;

year = 1000;


public Date(int monthInt, int day, int year)


setDate(monthInt, day, year);


public Date(String monthString, int day, int year)


setDate(monthString, day, year);


public Date(int year)


setDate(1, 1, year);


public Date(Date aDate)


if (aDate == null)//Not a real date.


System.out.println("Fatal Error.");



month = aDate.month;

day = aDate.day;

year = aDate.year;
