Science –Pre-AP Physics

Unit of Study: TAKS Review, Preparationand Testing

orIndependent Research for Students who have already mastered the TAKS

Fourth Grading Period – Weeks 1-4 (17 Days)CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Enduring Understandings (Big Idea) / Unit Rationale
Students must pass the 11th grade (Exit Level) TAKS to graduate from high school. The TEKS assessed on this test are from Biology and IPC. While some of these concepts are also taught through Chemistry and Physics, a thorough review of the testable Biology and IPC TEKS in the weeks prior to the TAKS will help students meet expectations on this state assessment.
For 12th graders who have already mastered the Exit Level TAKS, an independent research project is included. / Biology TEKS are addressed at 9th grade, while IPC TEKS are addressed in 10th and 11th grade through an IPC course, or a combination of Chemistry and Physics. To provide students with a timely review of TAKS assessed concepts, the 3 weeks prior to the TAKS are used for re-teaching or reviewing Biology and IPC concepts.
While the 11th grade and 12th grade non-masters are preparing for the TAKS, 12 graders who have already successfully mastered the 11th grade TAKS assessment can be assigned a suggested independent research project.
Essential Questions / Guiding Questions
See Essential Questions from each grading period for the Biology and IPC Curriculum Guides. / What are the critical Biology concepts that will be assessed on the 11th grade TAKS and what depth of understanding is needed?
What are the critical IPC concepts that will be assessed on the 11th grade TAKS and what depth of understanding is needed
TEKS (Standards) / TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
Concepts / All Biology TEKSthat are common to the old and new state standards
All IPC TEKS that are commons to the old and new state standards / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I can:
  • Understand the Biology and IPC concepts assessed by the state and meet the expectations for passing the 11th grade TAKS
  • Conduct independent research on a recognized scientist in the world of physics and prepare a written report documenting that scientists discoveries

Skills / IPC TEKS 1The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts laboratory and field investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices. The student is expected to:
(A)demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations; and
(B)demonstrate an understanding of the use and conservation of resources and the proper disposal or recycling of materials.
IPC TEKS 2 The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is expected to
(B)plan and implement investigative procedures, including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology;
(C)collect data and make measurements with precision;
(D)organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and
(E)communicate valid conclusions. /
  • conduct science investigations safely (1A)
  • show the correct procedures for disposing of excess resources (1B)
  • plan investigations to study science concepts (2B)
  • make measurements and collect data (2C)
  • evaluate data when presented in charts and graphs (2D)
  • identify a valid conclusion based upon data (2E)
  • make accurate conclusions using advertisement (3C)

IPC TEKS3 The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to
(C)draw inferences based on data related to promotional materials for products and services;
(E)describe connections between physics and chemistry and future careers;
(F)research and describe the history of physics and chemistry and contributions of scientists
ELPS Student Expectations / ELPS Specificity - Intended Outcome
ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English
ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions
ELPS 3c – share information in cooperative learning interactions
ELPS 5b – write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary /
  • Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social vocabulary related to the biology and IPC content and science process skills (1A,,2C)
  • Expresses and shares opinions, ideas, feelings, and information with others individually or in small groups using appropriate vocabulary (3C)
  • Journal experiences using complete sentences and newly acquired vocabulary (5B)
  • Use a variety of strategies such as learning Logs to assist in pre-reading activities to gain new vocabulary (1A)
  • Create and use labeled illustration to enhance learning of key concepts and vocabulary (5B)

College Readiness Student Expectations / College Readiness - Intended Outcome
Science Standards
  • Various science content strands from the College Readiness Standards
  • Incorporate the college readiness standards in the review of Biology and IPC content and science process skills

Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment)
  1. Given a TAKS released question from a testable Biology or IPC TEKS, students can answer the question 80% of the time correctly.
  2. Given a scientist from the world of physics, students who have already mastered the exit level TAKS can conduct independent research and prepare a written report documenting that scientist’s discoveries and their impact on the world.

Science – Pre-AP Physics

Unit of Study: TAKS Review and Preparation

orIndependent Research for Students who have already mastered the TAKS

Weeks 1-2 – Lesson 1 – Biology TEKS Review (9 days)CURRICULUM GUIDE

Guiding Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
  • What are the critical Biology concepts that will be assessed on the 11th grade TAKS and what depth of understanding is needed?
  • Students should have learned all the Biology concepts assessed on the TAKS in 9th grade.

The Teaching and Learning Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will… / So students can…
  • Review Biology testable TEKS based upon historical areas of weakness and using hands-on lessons that are focused on the testable concepts
  • Consider an independent research report for those 12th grade students who have mastered the 11th grade (Exit Level) TAKS.
  • Some scientists and topics to consider would be:
Robert Millikan–Elementary Charge of Electricity
Enrico Fermi – Nuclear Interactions
Werner Heisenberg – Quantum Mechanics
Albert Einstein – Photoelectric Effect
- Special or General Relativity
Marie Currie – Radiation
Neils Bohr – Structure of Atoms
  • Or use the web site “Nobel Prize Winners in Physics” to select another scientist and his discovery
  • The report should address the nature of the scientist’s discovery and the impact of that discovery on the world today.
What do you do for students who need additional support?
Use the video clips from the Biology curriculum guides to make real world connections with the TEKS science concepts. The videos are located in the Science Toolkit (a tab at the top of the curriculum guide page).
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly?
Work with 12 graders who have mastered the Exit Level TAKS to complete their research reports on one of the fundamental discoveries in Physics and the scientist who made the discovery.
√Check for student understanding /
  • Read and understand a TAKS formatted question on Biology content or process skills and answer the question correctly by applying content knowledge and process skills
  • Answer TAKS formatted questions for TEKS from Objectives 1, 2, and 3
  • Discuss the Biology concepts addressed in Objectives 2 and 3
  • Work in cooperative groups to apply the tools of science and the scientific approach to investigations as defined in Objective 1
  • Research a physicist and his/her major area of work
  • Organize and write a report on the findings and impact of that physicists investigation
  • Present the results of this research report in an organized and easily understandable way

Use the vocabulary words from the Biology TEKS including the verbs in the TEKS that describe the level of understanding and assessment. / Teacher Resources:
SAISD Science TAKS Preparation Manual
Sections for TAKS Objectives 1, 2 & 3
Holt Science TAKS Practice Workbook
Sections for TAKS Objectives 1, 2 & 3
pp. 18-52, 55-210
TAKS Dailies
pp. 4-54
Biology TAKS Study Cards
District Developed Accordion file lessons
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
ELPS Language Objectives
ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English
ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions / ELPS Stems
Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social vocabulary related to the biology and IPC content and science process skills.
Evidence of Learning
Additional TAKS Released Questions

Science – Pre-AP Physics

Unit of Study: TAKS Review and Preparation

orIndependent Research for Students who have already mastered the TAKS

Weeks3-4 – Lesson 2 – IPC TEKS Review (8 days)CURRICULUM GUIDE

Guiding Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
  • What are the critical IPC concepts that will be assessed on the 11th grade TAKS and what depth of understanding is needed
  • Students should have learned all the IPC concepts assessed on the TAKS in IPC or a combination of chemistry and physics.

The Teaching and Learning Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will… / So students can…
  • Review IPC testable TEKS based upon historical areas of weakness and using hands-on lessons that are focused on the testable concepts
  • 12thgraders who have mastered the 11th grade TAKS can continue work on their independent research report
What do you do for students who need additional support?
Use the video clips from the IPC, Chemistry and Physics curriculum guides to make real world connections with the TEKS science concepts. The videos are located in the Science Toolkit (a tab at the top of the curriculum guide page).
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly?
Continue working with 12 graders who have mastered the Exit Level TAKS to complete their research reports on one of the fundamental discoveries in Physics and the scientist who made the discovery.
√Check for student understanding /
  • Read and understand a TAKS formatted question on IPC content or process skills and answer the question correctly by applying content knowledge and process skills
  • Answer TAKS formatted questions for TEKS from Objectives 1, 4, and 5
  • Discuss the concepts of Chemistry and Physics addressed in Objectives 4 and 5
  • Work in cooperative groups to apply the tools of science and the scientific approach to investigations as defined in Objective 1
  • Research a physicist and his/her major area of work
  • Organize and write a report on the findings and impact of that physicists investigation
  • Present the results of this research report in an organized and easily understandable way

Use the vocabulary words from the IPCTEKS including the verbs in the TEKS that describe the level of understanding and assessment. / Teacher Resources:
SAISD Science TAKS Preparation Manual
Sections for TAKS Objectives 1, 4 & 5
Holt Science TAKS Practice Workbook
Sections for TAKS Objectives 1, 4 & 5
pp. 18-52, 212-312
TAKS Dailies
pp. 4-26, and 56-104
Chemistry and Physics TAKS Study Cards
District developed accordion file lessons
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
ELPS Language Objectives
ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English
ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions / ELPS Stems
Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social vocabulary related to the biology and IPC content and science process skills
Evidence of Learning
Additional TAKSReleased Questions

Science – Pre-AP Physics

Unit of Study: TAKS Review and Preparation

or Independent Research for Students who have already mastered the TAKS

Week 5 – TAKS Assessment for 10th and 11th Grade Science CURRICULUM GUIDE

Guiding Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
  • What are the critical IPC concepts that will be assessed on the 11th grade TAKS and what depth of understanding is needed
  • Students should have learned all the IPC concepts assessed on the TAKS in IPC or a combination of chemistry and physics.

The Teaching and Learning Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will… / So students can…
  • Review IPC testable TEKS based upon historical areas of weakness and using hands-on lessons that are focused on the testable concepts
  • 12th graders who have mastered the 11th grade TAKS can continue work on their independent research report
What do you do for students who need additional support?
Use the video clips from the IPC, Chemistry and Physics curriculum guides to make real world connections with the TEKS science concepts. The videos are located in the Science Toolkit (a tab at the top of the curriculum guide page).
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly?
Continue working with 12 graders who have mastered the Exit Level TAKS to complete their research reports on one of the fundamental discoveries in Physics and the scientist who made the discovery. /
  • Read and understand a TAKS formatted question on IPC content or process skills and answer the question correctly by applying content knowledge and process skills
  • Answer TAKS formatted questions for TEKS from Objectives 1, 4, and 5
  • Discuss the concepts of Chemistry and Physics addressed in Objectives 4 and 5
  • Apply the tools of science and the scientific approach to investigations as defined in Objective 1
  • Research a physicist and his/her major area of work
  • Organize and write a report on the findings and impact of that physicists investigation
  • Present the results of this research report in an organized and easily understandable way

Use the vocabulary words from the IPC TEKS including the verbs in the TEKS that describe the level of understanding and assessment. / Teacher Resources:
SAISD Science TAKS Preparation Manual
Sections for TAKS Objectives 1, 4 & 5
Holt Science TAKS Practice Workbook
Sections for TAKS Objectives 1, 4 & 5
pp. 18-52, 212-312
TAKS Dailies
pp. 4-26, and 56-104
Chemistry and Physics TAKS Study Cards
District developed accordion file lessons
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
ELPS Language Objectives
ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English
ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions / ELPS Stems
Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social vocabulary related to the biology and IPC content and science process skills
Evidence of Learning
Additional TAKS Released Questions

Science –Pre-AP Physics

Unit of Study: Quantum Physics and Light Spectra

Fourth Grading Period – Week 6 - 7 (8 Days)CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Enduring Understandings (Big Idea) / Unit Rationale
While light is considered to be a wave, it can also exist in discrete packets of energy called photons. The energy of photons occur in fixed quantities so it is considered to be quantized. While great debate occurred between scientists for many years about the true nature of light, Albert Einstein proved that light can be a particle as well as a wave in his Photoelectric Effect experiments. / Physicists today are exploring the atomic particles at the subatomic level to further explain the nature of atoms and the origin of matter. Quantum physics provides the methods for conducting this research on objects and particles that make up the atom and the light spectra that specific atoms give off.
Essential Questions / Guiding Questions
How can light be both a particle and a wave at the same time?
What evidence do scientists have that light acts like a wave sometimes and like a particle other times? / What does “quantized” mean and why do photons of light only come in “quantized” packets of energy?
When does light behave like a particle and when does it behave like a wave?
TEKS (Standards) / TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
Concepts / (8)Science concepts. The student knows simple examples of atomic, nuclear, and quantum phenomena. The student is expected to:
(A)describe the photoelectric effect and the dual nature of light;
(B)compare and explain the emission spectra produced by various atoms; / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I can:
  • Explain how the photoelectric effect works and give examples of how it is used in real world situations (8A)
  • Describe why different elements give off different and distinct line spectra that identifies that particular element (8B)
  • Describe the dual nature or light that allows light to behave like wave and like particles (8A)

Skills / Physics TEKS 2 The student uses a systematic approach to answer scientific laboratory and field investigative questions. The student is expected to:
(E)design and implement investigative procedures, including making observations, asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, identifying variables, selecting appropriate equipment and technology, and evaluating numerical answers for reasonableness;
(F)demonstrate the use of course apparatus, equipment, techniques, and procedures,
Physics TEKS 3 The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom. The student is expected to:
(F)express and interpret relationships symbolically in accordance with accepted theories to make predictions and solve problems mathematically, including problems requiring proportional reasoning and graphical vector addition /
  • apply technology to explore waves and their motion (2E)
  • plan and implement investigations into wave motion and wave characteristics (2E)
  • conduct investigations in a safe manner (2E)
  • manipulate equations to find a specific quantity (3F)

ELPS Student Expectations / ELPS Specificity - Intended Outcome
ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English
ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions
ELPS 3c – share information in cooperative learning interactions
ELPS 5b – write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary /
  • Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social vocabulary related to the concept of quantized particles and emission of light spectra from different gases (1A,,2C)
  • Expresses and shares opinions, ideas, feelings, and information with others individually or in small groups using appropriate vocabulary (3C)
  • Journal experiences using complete sentences and newly acquired vocabulary (5B)
  • Use a variety of strategies such as learning Logs to assist in pre-reading activities to gain new vocabulary (1A)
  • Create and use labeled illustration to enhance learning of key concepts and vocabulary (5B)

College Readiness Student Expectations / College Readiness - Intended Outcome
Science Standards
  • VIII – J2: Understand the wave/particle duality of light.
  • Identify how light can behave as a wave and how light can behave as a particle.

Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment)
  1. Given a description of the photoelectric effect, students can identify how electrons move from one plate to the other at the threshold frequency 80% of the time correctly.
  2. Given a light emission spectra, students can identify how it defines a specific gas or element 80% of the time correctly.

Science – Pre-AP Physics