The Ymca Academy

The Tech Department

Name: Date:

Culminating Activity - TPJ3M

Part 4

Part 4- Possible Health Care careers:

In this section of the culminating activity I would like you to explore potential health care related careers. This is an exploration and meant to expose you to various opportunities. Please keep an open mind…..

Part 4.1 Job Criteria

When thinking about work what are your main search criteria?

(ex: Interest, Money, Location, Work life, Educational requirements)

Rank your criteria and be ready to base your career search on this ranking:


Part 4.2 Choose possible careers

Using the handout “Health Science Centre Pathways” Choose ONE career option in each of the 15 areas that could be of interest to you:, user: guidance, pwd: blue

Table / Pathway / Occupation / Education required / Job outlook in 2012 / Average earnings / Reason for choice
3.3 / Dental
3.4 / EMS
3.5 / Medical
3.6 / Medical Speciaties
3.7 / Mental and Social Services
3.8 / Mortuary
Pathway / Occupation / Education required / Job outlook in 2012 / Average earnings / Reason for choice
3.9 / Nursing
3.10 / Nutrition
3.11 / Veterinary
3.12 / Vision
3.13 / Therapeutic Services
3.14 / Diagnostic Services
3.15 / Health Informatics
3.16 / Support Services
3.17 / Biotech research

Part 4.3 Of the list of careers generated.

Choose ONE to continue to do post secondary school research on….


The Ymca Academy

The Tech Department

Name: Date:

Culminating Activity - TPJ3M

Part 4

4.4 Predict your future

4.4a) When do you expect to graduate high school?

4.4b) When do you hope to attend college?

4.5 Visit the Ontario Colleges Website and complete the table below.

Go to the site:

Program Title / College / Campus / Availability / Program Length / Start Date / Website address

4.6 Your program of choice

4.6a) What is the “url” for the program description: ______

4.6b) Copy the first line of the program description into the box below……