AP Environmental Science Class Expectations
Landstown High School
Governor’s STEM & Technology Academy
Mrs. Kasi Daniel, 2014-2015
www.kldaniel.pbworks.com (website)
648-5500 ext. 59463
My Schedule:
1A: Room 201 - APES 1B: Science Office
2A: Room 201 - APES 2B: Room 202 - APES
3A: Science Office 3B: Room 201 - Biology/4th Lunch
4A: Room 201 - Biology 4B: Room 204 - Studyblock
What is APES?Advanced Placement Environmental Science is a course of study designed to encourage the student to examine two entities normally taken for granted—life and our planet earth. It focuses on how the earth works and the effect of life on it. It further focuses on the impact of man on this planet. This course encourages students to think critically about the effects of human actions such as pollution, habitat degradation, and overpopulation on the overall quality of life for all. Students will be presented with case studies, current events, multi-tiered math problems, opportunities to conduct research and analysis of such environmental problems in an effort to develop possible solutions. It is my hope that the student who completes this course will develop a greater appreciation for all life and the planet on which we live. / Course Content:
This is a college-level course and the content is dictated by the college board. In an effort to save paper (hey, it is environmental science!), please visit the website, www.apcentral.collegeboard.com and click on “The Courses” to navigate through the site to the “Course Description”. There is a wealth of information available to you on this particular site and I strongly encourage you to take the time to peruse it.
*All students enrolled in the course will have the opportunity to take the AP exam on Monday, MAY 4th, 2015 (mark your calendars now!).
Grading Procedures:
Tests & Quizzes / 40 - 100 points
Classwork &
Homework / 10 - 30 points
Labs / 20 - 100 points
Projects / 50 - 100 points
Note: You can expect at least one project per 9 weeks. / Grade Determination:
Your total accumulated points x 100
Total possible number of points
Grades will be updated every two weeks and will be available on the “Parent Portal.” To access the “Parent Portal,” go to the Landstown High School web site and click on the Parent Portal link. / Grading Scale:
A 93-100 / C- 70-72
A- 90-92 / D+ 67-69
B+ 87-89 / D 64-69
B 83-86 / E Below 64
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
Class Materials:
· 3 ring binder with loose-leaf paper & dividers (one for each of the 11 units)
· Pens & pencils
· Highlighters
· Review book for AP Exam (optional)
· Textbook: Living in the Environment, 16th Edition($127.46 to replace)
Extra Help:
I will be available for extra help & make-up work on Tuesdays after school in room 201/202 from 2:15 until 3:15. Other times are available by appointment. / Homework:
· Homework must be copied from the board into your planner at the beginning of each class. You can expect HW on a daily basis!
· THERE IS NO LATE HOMEWORK, except for excused absences!
· Please turn homework into the appropriate homework bin at the start of each block for it to be counted.
· Labs may be accepted late, with one letter grade deduction per class, up until they have been graded and returned!
Make-Up Work:
· It is the student’s responsibility to determine what work needs to be made up.
· Assignments that were due on the day absent will be due immediately upon student’s return.
· All missed assignments due to an EXCUSED absence are due within one week.
· For an UNEXCUSED absence or OSS, a maximum of ½ credit can be earned for missed assignments.
LHS BYOD Policy:
In accordance with the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) VBCPS School Board Policy 5-36.8, students may be allowed to utilize personal portable communication devices in class/studyblock for instructional purposes only when directed by the instructor. The instructor will provide appropriate guidelines for the use of the device. Violations of the guidelines will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and school rules.
How to succeed:
Students will come to class prepared to learn and act with dignity and maturity. I expect no less from students of this caliber. Students should have an understanding that this is a college-level course and that it will be rigorous and demanding at times. We will move at a quick pace and students will be required to do a great deal of work outside of the 90 minutes in class every other day. I expect students to be actively involved (I invite classroom discussions, this should not be a one-way conversation each day!) in their learning and to take responsibility for their own education. / Classroom Procedures:
1. Be ON TIME & prepared to learn...make sure you have your notebook, textbook, pen/pencil and any other materials specified ahead of time.
2. Turn in any homework and/or labs due when entering & begin warm-up promptly.
3. If entering tardy, please simply take a seat and minimize disruption to the class.
1st tardy – verbal warning
2nd tardy – teacher detention & parent contact
3rd tardy – referral
4. We will follow the 5X5 rule….no passes the first or last 5 minutes of class – please do not ask!
5. Stay seated and quiet until class is dismissed…I dismiss class, not the bell.
Student Conduct:
· Students must obey all rules listed in Student Handbook & policies set forth by VBCPS School Board.
· FOOD & DRINKS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN CLASS. (Bottled water is allowed.)
· RESTROOM PASSES ARE LIMITED TO EMERGENCIES ONLY…must present planner to leave room without exception.
· Do not work on assignments from other classes!
· Horseplay or socializing in labs is not permitted for safety purposes.
· Please be aware of the CELL PHONE POLICY in effect – we will follow the school-wide policy.
· Cheating on an assignment will result in a ZERO on that assignment for all parties involved. This includes, but is not limited to, copying labs, homework, plagiarizing, etc. All work must be a product of one's own effort!
Note: Any class disruption or any form of disrespect will warrant a detention, referral, and/or parent phone call depending upon the type and extent of the infraction.
***************************************************************************************************************************************************I have read these classroom expectations thoroughly and agree to abide by them to ensure my success safety in APES during the 2014-2015 school-year.
Student Name (PLEASE PRINT!): ______
Student Signature:______
Parent Signature:______