The Warwickshire Cricket League Match Result 2017

DATE / Division Team
Result / Toss Won By
Home/Away / Home Side points / Away Side points
Home Side Score / Runs / Wickets / Overs / Away Side Score / Runs / Wickets / Overs
Time 1st inns started / Time 1st inns ended / Time 2nd inns started / Time 2nd inns ended
Home Captain
Name Signed / Away Captain
Name Signed
Umpires marks (to be completed by Home and Away Captains working together)
out of 10, 10 being excellent, and a mark of less than 6 needs a report, if the captain disagree on the marks report both marks and give an explanation of why
Umpire 's Name / Umpire 's Name
Home / Away / Home / Away
Preparation and Administration / Preparation and Administration
Performance / Performance
Further comments on the performance of the Umpires in this match
Preparation and Administration.
Consider if the umpire arrived in a timely manner, 45 minutes before the start time, did they communicate effectively before the match clearly explaining the captains’ responsibilities including the laws, regulations, ECB directives, the spirit of cricket and the league code of conduct. Did the umpire complete their duties at the end of the game and make themselves available for a post-match discussion. Did they set the correct environment for a good game of cricket? Performance
Did the umpire demonstrate knowledge of the laws and playing conditions, applying them accurately and consistently? Did the umpire demonstrate fairness and integrity in their decision making? In all instances Umpires should not be marked down on decisions they make that are based upon opinion e.g. would the ball have hit the wicket? , did the ball carry to the fielder? , but we would expect the Umpire to take all necessary steps to ensure they have made a reasonable decision.
Agreement between captains
In some cases captain may differ in their assessment. In such cases please report both marks and enter the reason for disagreement in the comments box, noting every attempt to come to a consensus should be made.
Ground marks (to be completed by Away Captain
Pitch / Outfield / Please mark as follows 1st column for standard of pitch and 2nd column for appearance of outfield out of 10. 9/10 Excellent, 7/8 Good, 5/6 Satisfactory, 3/4 Not up to division standard, 1/2 Not to league Standard
Any Captain marking a pitch / outfield less than 5 must submit a written report to the General Manager within 7 days of the completion of the match
Away Captain

DO NOT POST THIS FORM – The home captain to enter all the details online

To do this go to or - Cricket Menu - Captains report immediately after the match to enter the result it will then appear in the league tables.

To enter the timing of the innings and marks go to select Cricket and Captains Report on your PC or mobile device and input these by Thursday. Contact Graham Seal 02476 615124 if you have issues or problems doing this. – We will help you if needed – it is import all marks are submitted.