MINUTES of the MEETING of the BETCHWORTH PARISH COUNCIL held on MONDAY 6th DECEMBER 2010 at 8pm in the Hamilton Room.

Present: Councillors Wilson, Higgins, Chalker, Hurman, Stimpson and the Clerk along with County Councillor Helyn Clack, District Councillor Paul Potter, Sheena Boyce (Clerk to Buckland Parish Council) and Martin Clipperton. Also present part time were Mike Moore, Paul Charman, and residents Phil Yarnall, Rod Smith, June Butler and Gill Sperring.


(363)  Apologies were received from Councillors Hardy and Tanner.


(364)  The Minutes for 1st November 2010 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.


(365)  Clerk reported that following discussion with Helyn Clack he had responded to the Local Government Boundary Review of Surrey. Agreed to circulate this to Councillors for information. Noted that many of the problems were at Parish level i.e. the responsibility of MVDC, and that SCC considered the review inappropriate at this time. Action: Clerk, to circulate response

(366)  Chairman and Clerk along with both District Councillors had met with representatives of the Goulburn Estate that morning. The main subject of discussion had been the provision of a car park for the North Downs School, Betchworth Village. This was likely to be a smaller scheme with less traffic in “Cow Lane” and should solve the problem of school parking in the entrance to The Walled Garden. It was recommended that the residents of The Walled Garden should be consulted at an early stage (Contact Hilary Edwards at No 29). Action: Goulburn Estate


(367)  There were no police in attendance. In their absence mention was made of the REED Day when some 150 motorists had been prosecuted locally for speeding, seatbelts and mobile phone problems on the A25. This was possibly in response to residents/PC complaints earlier in the year.

(368)  It was noted that a theft had occurred at the Post Office during the weekend of the 27th/28th November. PCSO Ivor Williams had dealt with the matter.

(369)  It was agreed to re-launch Speedwatch in the village with a meeting in the Hamilton Room on 14th February. Volunteers from Village Plan returns were to be invited. Action: Clerk


(370)  Agreed to take two Agenda Items out of order at this juncture.

(371)  Brockham Park to Strood Green Pathway Mr Yarnall expressed his thanks to the Council for its help in resolving this problem. He was pleased to report that the Goulburn Estate had agreed to the re-establishment of a private footpath through the woodland strip to the north of Brockham Park. He expected work to produce a suitable surface to be completed by the end of January 2011.

(372)  Barley Mow Site Chairman welcomed Mike Moore to the parish and the meeting, and invited him and his architect Paul Charman to outline their plans for the Barley Mow area. Mr Charman explained that the Moores had purchased the site and the Happy Eater from Polbond. A plan was tabled showing ownership of the area, but the ownership did not include the land immediately north of the east/west screening bund. They had secured and made safe the Happy Eater, retained any bona fide storage tenants of the Barley Mow site, removed the junk and resurfaced the whole area. They were now operating only in the consented area and were looking for new tenants. The operation would be more valuable now as it would provide respectable secure storage with a gateman and low level lighting.

(373)  Gill Sperrin welcomed the changes which had transformed the situation for the residents of Barley Mow Court, and it was confirmed that access to the site was now gated off from the footpath near to the VW depot. Chairman enquired about the future access from the A25 and Mr Charman said that they were in discussions with MVDC regarding this and other related matters such as gassing. They had located (with difficulty in the snow) 4/5 wells in Barley Mow Court and were monitoring these. Stilwell’s had been engaged to advise on Highways matters and the A25 access, and a survey of endangered species on site initiated.

(374)  The Happy Eater was now considered by MVDC to be an “abandoned building” with no planning status. The new owners were looking to provide an alternative building (shed) on the land in the South West corner. They would also apply for a gatehouse/storage unit at the proposed access onto the A25. Stilwell’s were opening a dialogue with SCC Highways on this matter. The Moore’s were expecting to make two Planning Applications, one for additional commercial facilities and one for the development of the Old Barley Mow Pub site into nine flats. They would cite very special circumstances i.e. the segregation of HGV’s away from domestic traffic and away from the narrow Old Reigate Road, thereby avoid HGV vehicles turning at the Arkle Manor swept back junction.

(375)  Polbond still own the Old Barley Mow Pub site but the Moore’s have a legal agreement for its purchase dependant on the granting of Planning Permission for nine flats. The cost of the alternative access was to be offset against moneys from the development of the flats. Parking was a problem for the residents of Barley Mow Court, and there was a possibility of improving this in due course. Councillor Higgins asked what would happen if less than nine flats were approved. Since the flats were being put forward as enabling development (i.e. something contrary to policy that would fund work of public benefit elsewhere) a financial justification should be included in the planning application demonstrating why a smaller number of units would not generate the sufficient funds. Councillor Clack asked what kind of flats were planned, and was advised that seven two bed, and two one bed flats were expected. They would not be suitable for the elderly or as affordable housing.

(376)  Chairman thanked Messrs Moore and Charman for their openness and for spending time outlining their plans to the Parish Council. He noted that the residents of Barley Mow Court were very appreciative of the improvements to date and were already welcoming the revised plans in general terms.

New Applications and Appeals

(377)  MO/2010/1305/TFC Gadbrook House, 2, Rykens Lane, Betchworth. Reduce crown of one oak tree by 25%. The tree was actually in the next door garden at South Lodge. Concern expressed that only 3 limbs were to be trimmed back whereas best practice required a balanced crown reduction of the whole tree.

Action: Clerk, letter

(378)  MO/2010/1405/PLAH Grange House, The Street, Betchworth. Erection of two storey side extension. Councillor Hurman declared an interest as a next door neighbour. The property is in the green belt outside of the Betchworth conservation area, but within the permitted infill area as controlled by RUD1. Councillors were concerned at the 50% increase in the overall size of the property resulting in the loss of a more affordable sized property from the village.

(379)  The extension overlooked the rear gardens of Morden Grange Cottages and could impact the privacy of nearby residents. Councillors drew attention to an anomaly in the drawings as the en suite window overlooking Morden Grange Cottages was not shown on the drawing of the west elevation. They wished to be assured that this would use obscured glass, or be below the sight line of the garage pitched roof. Windows needed to be matched throughout and not a mixture of leaded lights and plain glass. Council voted to object to this application on grounds of lack of privacy, affordability and unsympathetic design. It was suggested that an extension to the rear of the property would be more acceptable. Action: Clerk, letter

(380)  MO/2010/1425/LBC The Dolphin Inn (PH), The Street, Betchworth. Alterations to existing first floor rooms to form new staff bed-sit accommodation. Councillors noted that the disused area of the second floor would remain blocked off but had no objection to the opening up of the first floor to provide a staff flat. No objection.


(381)  MO/2010/0981/PLA Something Special, Station Road, Betchworth. Erection of single storey rear extension. Withdrawn

(382)  MO/2010/1274/PLAH Groat House, 10, Oakley Gardens, Betchworth. Erection of single storey glazed extension at rear. Approved with Conditions

Other Matters

(383)  Betchworth Quarry Nothing to report.

(384)  Barley Mow Site See Minutes 372-376 above.

(385)  Hartsfield Manor Signage now in place, but at very high level.

(386)  Reigate Road Quarry Restoration drawings for the main quarry were much improved and further comments had been passed to SCC. Modified Conditions for work in Common Field were still not acceptable and SCC had been requested to convene a local meeting to discuss these in detail locally. Action: Clerk

(387)  Mineral Plan Revisions to the various documents are being received from the Inspector and passed to David Evans for information. Action: Clerk

(388)  Buckland Sand Pits Nothing to report.

(389)  Public Review of SCC Countryside Service Clerk regretted that he had run out of time to respond to this review.

(390)  EDF Problems Clerk had written complaining about a number of unfinished projects around the Parish. Letter and photographs tabled.


(391)  The monthly financial summary had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk commented that expenditure was currently some £5000 under budget and firm commitments needed to be made now. The 2010 budget was reviewed and a similar conclusion reached. The Finance Sub Committee was recommending that the renovation of the whole of the School Footpath should be undertaken before the end of the financial year. Clerk explained that £5400 was available by budget re-allocation for this in the current year. Helen Clack was asked to contribute the further £3000 required to complete the work this year and to take advantage of the £2000 saving in the overall cost by renovating in just one stage. She was only able to offer £1500 at this stage of the year, but Councillor Chalker was determined to benefit from this significant saving. He proposed that the £1500 shortfall could come from Reserves. Councillor Higgins was assured that this would not jeopardize work on the footpath to Brockham and the resolution was put to the meeting. Council approved unanimously an expenditure of up to £10,000 on the School Path this year, subject only to tender prices being obtained.

(392)  Clerk advised that the North Downs School, (Betchworth Village) had written requesting help with providing lighting on the School Path at the entrance to the School. Agreed to seek firm estimates from the School in time for discussion at the next meeting. Action: Clerk/School

(393)  The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques duly signed: -

i.)  D Ellott (Grnds Mtce Oct) £743.00

ii.)  Viking Direct (Stationery) £130.56 (incl’g £22.84 VAT)

iii.)  B Hawkins (Expenses EIP) £39.36

(394)  Councillor Chalker introduced the proposed Budget for 2011/2. An increase of 5% was recommended overall, and this included provision for work on the path to Brockham, contribution for a portable VAS, Jubilee Supplies on Goulburn Green, tidying “nettle corner”, purchase of grit, and binding of Council Minutes. Councillor Chalker proposed and Councillor Wilson seconded the approval of the Budget. This was carried unanimously.

(395)  Clerk explained that he wished to transfer the Council’s bank accounts to HSBC to take advantage of their superior on line banking facility, which would allow him to better monitor and control cashflow. Council agreed unanimously to transfer the account to HSBC, maintaining any two of eight to sign, with the one exception that safe custody transactions could be operated by the Clerk alone.

Action: ALL to sign new mandate and identify themselves to HSBC

(396)  The renewal of the Annual Grounds Maintenance Contract was in hand

Action: Clerk


(397)  A new date for a website meeting was needed in the New Year. A preliminary meeting with Andy Thornhill had been arranged for Monday 20th December. Action: Chairman & Clerk

(398)  The updating of the Betchworth Booklet would be take place in parallel and it was hoped to republish it in January/February 2011. Anything else for inclusion should be sent to the Clerk before Christmas. Action: Clerk & Karen Wilson


(399)  Chairman agreed to circulate the Draft Housing Survey Report from Mona Johansson. She would be attending the January 2011 Parish Council Meeting on 5th January 2011. Action: Chairman


(400)  Footpath to Brockham Corinna, The Lady Hamilton and Graeme Manton had confirmed at that morning’s meeting that they were now happy with the proposals for the footpath to Brockham. Two grant applications had been requested and hopefully the outcome would be known just after Christmas.

(401)  School Path Already discussed at length (see minute 391 above). Work now to proceed in one phase in the New Year. Formal quotes to be obtained. Action: Clerk

(402)  Brockham Park to Strood Green Pathway Resolved satisfactorily (see Minute 371 above).

(403)  Betchworth Station Parking District Councillor Potter was pursuing the matter with First Great Western who are still advertising car parking facilities. Suggested that alternative parking could be arranged with Nionisle in the Betchworth Quarry. Action: Cllr Potter

(404)  Winter Precautions Chairman thanked the Clerk and the Buckland Clerk for the immense amount of work put in over the last few weeks on this problem. He congratulated Bernard Hawkins on getting Kiln Lane and Old Reigate Road upgraded to Priority 2 now that SCC knew it was a bus route! Willing Farmers in the area had been identified to SCC Highways, but had yet to be contacted. Martin Clipperton explained that he had only been contacted by the Police who wanted to commandeer his 4X4. Councillor Clack was under the impression that farmers were expected to volunteer, although no indication of this had been circulated.

(405)  Highway Complaints, General Noted that work on repairs to Wellhouse Lane had been noticed under forthcoming closures in the Dorking Advertiser. CHO had advised that this amounted to £70,000 of work, but the budget was limited to £20,000. This work was the responsibility of Carillion ahead of the change of highway contractor due at the end of April.