Monthly Progress Report no.5Page 1

Project Ref No / 14400/2005/005-2006/066 – CS 1
Acronym / X-DIS/XBRL
Full Title / X-DIS/XBRL Pilot Project
Reporting Period / 1st of August2006 – 31stof August 2006
Code name / QM05 / Date of issue / 06/09/2006
Project Officer from Eurostat / Name: Giuseppe Sindoni
Institution/Company: Eurostat
Address: BECH A3/143 Jean Monnet-Building, L-2920 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Phone: +352 43 0137291
Public project web site:
Project Officer from Software AG España / Name: Pedro J. Jiménez
Institution/Company: Software AG
Address: Ronda de la Luna, 22 – Tres Cantos (Madrid) zip 28660 Spain
Phone: + 34 91 8079778
Public project web site:

Table of Contents


1.1Statement of progress______

1.2Project Meetings______


2.1Issues or Problems______

2.2Red Flags______

2.3Deviations from Plan______




4.1Status and schedule of Deliverables______

4.2Cumulative Resources______

5.Plan for the next Period

X-DIS/XBRL XBRL Pilot ProjectContract Number:14400/2005/005-2006/066 –CS1

Monthly Progress Report no.5Page 1


1.1Statement of progress

The following table indicates the activities and achievements in the current period, during August 2006:

Task / Achievements
T31 / Documentation on X-DIS IFRS Taxonomy according Standards
Visit of Eurostat and Software AG team to The Nederlands
T32 / First release of XBRL European Statistics Taxonomy for PWD discussion
PM / First Interim Report revision by Eurostat project staff / See Red flag
Task / Delayed / Note
PM / Interim Report issued by Software AG / See Note 2.1
Task / In Progress / Note
T3 / X-DIS IFRS Taxonomy must be extended to cover the SBS Anexes of Credit Institutions, Pension Funds and Insurance / See Note 2.1
T38 / Test Phase on INE / See Note 2.3

1.2Project Meetings

The following Consortium meetings have been held in this period:

Date / Issue / Place / Description
23/08/2006 / NSI of the Netherlands visit / Dutch NSI venue at Herleen / Visit of Eurosta team to The Netherlands.
24/08/2006 / Progress Meeting / Eurostat Venue at Luxembourg / Progress Report meeting
31/08/2006 / Spanish NSI Test Phase meeting / INE at Madrid / Meeting with INE IT department to prepare the Test Phase.


2.1Issues or Problems

Task / Issue description / Action Items
PM / The Interim Report done by contractor (Software AG) is not acceptable. / The Software AG Team has accepted the remarks done by Eurostat and they had started to re-do this work. A new version mut be delivered before of the deadline of September, 17
T3 / X-DIS IFRS Taxonomy must be extended to cover the SBS Annexes on Credit Institutions, Pension Funds and Insurance / The Software AG Team have started to work in this task. Team expect to finish this work during the month of September

2.2Red Flags

The Interim Report issued by Software AG Team has not been accepted by Eurostat staff reviewers. The correct conclusion of this task is fundamental for the continuity of the contract. Software AG has accepted the terms and remarks expressed by Eurostat in its not acceptance letter of August 18th . Software AG is working on a new version of the Interim report.

2.3Deviations from Plan

Task / Issue description / Action Items
T38 / Test phase at INE / A new period is extended to work with INE in the Test phase


During the month of August part of the Team has enjoyed days of vacation. The detail on these vacations of summer appears in the following table:

Member / Start date / End date
Pedro J. Jiménez / 01.08.2006 / 17.08.2006
Adolfo Rodríguez Miguélez / 21.08.2006 / 25.08.2006

Statbel has sent to Eurostat a request for support in the Test Phase. This request for support could include software development by Project Team. Eurostat has demanded a study of efforts based on Mr. Goodeeris request and further related conversations.


The following table indicates the total effort per Partner and Work-Package in the reporting period:

Project effort for the reporting period (in Hours)
Month 5 (August - 22 working days[1]154h.), Year 2006
short name / Task 31 / Task 32 / Task 52 / Task 56 / Task 38 / TOTAL
Pedro J. Jimenez / 24 h / 59 h / 14 h / 97 h
Pablo Navarro
Adolfo Rodríguez / 28 h / 28 h / 63 h / 119 h
TOTAL / 28 h / 28 h / 24 h / 122 h / 14 h / 216 h


4.1Status and schedule of Deliverables

The deliverables initially scheduled for this period and their current state are:

Status of deliverables
Deliverable / Current status / On schedule / Original completion date / Actual/planned completion date
T12 / Proposed mapping between IFRS framework and SBS characteristics / 28/07/2006 / Accepted
T32 / Release of PWD for discussion / 09/08/2006 / Accepted for the Annex 1-4
Interim Report / Not Accepted / 15/09/2006 / 27/07/2006 / 15/09/2006

4.2Cumulative Resources

Plan for the next Period

Task / Plan for the Next Period
T3 / X-DIS IFRS Taxonomy works to cover the SBS Annexes of Credit Institutions, Pension Funds and Insurance
T38 / Test Phase on INE
T39 / Reports on test results
PM / New Version of Interim Report
T48 / Several documents on learned lessons, conclusions and recommendations for future work

X-DIS/XBRL XBRL Pilot ProjectContract Number:14400/2005/005-2006/066 –CS1

[1] During the summer period the timetable at Spain is based on 7 hours journey.