Funded by the Neighbourhood Investment Facility


The EBRD’s FINTECC (Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change) programme is part of a global drive towards climate technology[1] transfer for developing countries and countries in transition. The FINTECC Ukraine programme is created to promote climate technology transfer into Ukrainian markets, developing specific measures to enable local environment for technology transfer, addressing policy, institutional, financial, and technical barriers, and to increase capacity of Ukrainian businesses to innovate in all areas of climate technologies’ development and deployment. The FINTECC Ukraine programme combines the following aspects:

1)Policy dialogue includes assisting the Ukrainian government in designing an effective policy framework for climate technology transfer by: (i) implementation of the Eco-Design Directive; (ii) harmonization of specific technical regulations; (iii) embedment of energy efficiency requirements into the public procurement rule books.

2)Technical assistance is developed to facilitate Ukrainian companies in deployment of climate technologies and includes specific energy & resource analysis as well as identification of investment opportunities and eligibility assessment for grant financing, which is available alongside with loan/equity financing by the EBRD.

3)Innovation Voucher scheme aims to support Ukrainian companies and to facilitate innovations in development and production of climate technologies.

4)Specific in-country visibility and knowledge sharing and management component of the FINTECC Ukraine programme. This aspect is the subject of these Terms of Reference.

A number of market assessment and knowledge sharing activities will be undertaken, building upon similar work and collateral already built by FINTECC in other regions. FINTECC is developing methodologies that aim to close the information gap on market penetration of technologies, climate resilience planning and climate technology investment definition, and delivering clear and consistent market intelligence. This approach ensures that data provides useful outputs for the purpose of structuring sustainable energy/resource financing projects and products. Increasing the level of publicly available information will help to create business opportunities along the supply chain from manufacturing, retail, and servicing of these technologies. In addition, the methodologies already developed within FINTECC will be tailored and applied within FINTECC Ukraine and will ensure that an up-to-date body of information is available with regards to the status of the climate technology market.

This is a cost effective approach for knowledge management and awareness as it leverages existing knowledge and support from the Regional FINTECC framework. To maximise leverage, activities will, where possible, utilise support and information from other initiatives and link to other events and networks. The project will assist the local private business in overcoming learning curve to develop/expand their manufacture/deployment of climate technologies (the “Project”).


The EBRD is looking for a Consultant,(the “KnowledgeManager”) to manage the knowledge management component (the “Assignment”), the subject of these Terms of Reference (the “ToR”).

TheKnowledge Manager will have the following responsibilities:

  1. Implement market studiesto analyse technology, regulatory, and knowledge barriers and gaps in climate technologies in Ukraine, and deliver capacity building seminars/trainings for the above sectors;
  2. Design and deliver trainings and information dissemination campaign on MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) and sustainable reporting practices , in the sectors to be identified by the Bank[2];
  3. Support development of agriwastes-to-energy supply chain by developing the collaborative network of market players and equip them with necessary information and communication tools;
  1. Support publicity and visibility of on-going FINTECC Ukraine investment program by disseminating success stories and case studies;
  1. Support stand-alone assignments of specific tailored trainings by providing coordination with the stakeholders, logistics arrangements, and visibility.

The work will include the following tasks:

3.1.Task 1. Market studies

The Consultant will identify, in close consultation with the Bank, potential areas of climate technologies transfer that would be most relevant to Ukraine. Currently the areas to be considered include, but may not be limited to, water and resource efficiency in irrigation. Consultant will develop market studies, covering assessment of current practice, best internationally available techniques, penetration rates of related technologies on local market and market potential, and identify market penetration barriers.

The Consultant will gather and analyse available data on the currently used technologies in relevant sectors in Ukraine (including industry and agricultural sector). The task will involve detailing the following:

  • the types and scale (including possible projections on the scale under the business as usual scenarioin the next 20 years) of the technologies currently used in Ukraine;
  • characterization of energy/resource efficiency of the technologies, by types, and benchmarking with relevant best international practices;
  • analysis of the benchmarking exercise outcome per applicability in Ukrainian context (for example, technical applicability/affordability, etc.);
  • analysis of the market penetration and potential market barriers (technological, financial, regulatory, information, others) for the use of the best internationally accepted practices and technologies.

As part of the assessment the Consultant should summarise the results from the main studies on climate technologies in Ukraine which have been completed or are underway, citing, where possible, the terms of reference, the responsible institution, beneficiaries, funding sources and key conclusions. Available reports should be cited and links provided. The Consultant will collect information on IFIs studies and investments in relevant sectors in Ukraine.

The Consultant will provide mapping of active stakeholders in the market, covering financers/investors, technology providers, producers, consumers, including donor agencies and IFIs active and/or interested in climate technologies (as identified above) market in Ukraine. The Consultant will provide recommendations to the Bank on potential synergies of the Bank’s activities in the climate technologies sector with those of other players (governmental institutions, donors and IFIs).

The Consultant will arrange workshops of key stakeholders to present the findings of the market studies. The purpose of thes workshops will be to gather feedback on the finding and to collect information on market barriers for climate technologies in Ukraine, as well as to identify potential priority areas for EBRD investment and policy dialogue intervention.

3.2 Task.2. Capacity building program

The Consultant will identify, in close cooperation with the Bank, the sectors/clients to benefit from the capacity building campaign; carry out needs assessment; design the capacity building monitoring program, training/workshops curricula, based on best international practices , and on current local industries specifics; and deliver trainings campaigns on greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions monitoring, reporting and verification(MRV),and sustainable reporting and socially responsible reporting practices. This will include logistics, information campaign, and follow up.

Task 2.1MRV

The Consultant will identify, in, close cooperation with the Bank, up to 3 (tbc) existing or potential FINTECC clients, who would benefit from the GHGemissions MRV training program. Consultant, in close cooperation with the identified enterprises, will:

  • access training needs
  • design and implement baseline capacities assessment
  • design customized training program, adjusted to the clients industries, and based on the advance active learning and adult education tools and approaches
  • deliver training program and monitor capacities progress
  • design dissemination materials and MRV guidance for the selected industries
  • summarise lessons learnt and provide recommendations for the follow up trainings.

As mentioned, this task is to be implemented with close cooperation and capitalising on the results of the World Bank (WB) Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) project for Ukraine. The EBRD will put the Consultant into the contact with the WB project.

Task 2.2. Sustainable reporting and socially responsible reporting practices

Task 2.2.1.The Consultant will identify, in, close cooperation with the Bank, up to 10 existing or potential FINTECC clients, who would benefit from the program. Consultant, in close cooperation with the identified enterprises, will:

  • design and implement baseline capacities assessment
  • design customized training program, adjusted to the clients industries, and based on the advance active learning and adult education tools and approaches
  • deliver training program and monitor capacities progress
  • design dissemination materials and guidance on sustainable reporting and socially responsible reporting practices for the selected industries
  • summarise lessons learnt and provide recommendations for the follow up trainings.

Task 2.2.2. The Consultant will support stand-alone specific tailored trainings (that are not budgeted under current assignment but will be implemented in the frames of FINTEC Ukraine), to be developed in line with the FINTEC Ukraine knowledge management and sharing component work programme, by assisting in logistics, sharing clients/stakeholders database, ensure visibility, summarising lessons learnt, and communicating the outcomes.

3.3 Task 3. Building collaborative networks, communication, and visibility for climate technologies

The Consultant will design and deliver a program for development of collaborative climate technologies network. This might include, but not be limited to, anagriwastes-to-energy supply chain network. This will cover targeted capacity-building and networking measures (such as study trips, directors clubs, etc.); communication and knowledge dissemination tools, including designated website (‘marketplace’), potentially database of clients/suppliers; and other instruments. The collaborative networks will:

  • Offer support in a form of advice, information sharing and various forms of inclusion, to organisations who adopt these technologies first, as a way of demonstrating their value to the wider community
  • Share success through case studies, helping to break down market barriers and create new, long-term markets for the technologies
  • Support not only (potential) clients but also policy-makers and other influencers in respective environments of participating countries.

The task will include:

  • stakeholders mapping; drafting criteria for the selection of champions, sponsors, enablers, facilitators and other participants in collaborative networks
  • identifyingneeded prerequisites for the development of collaborative networks
  • designing and implementing stakeholder engagement strategy, identification of champions
  • developing digital media platform, including database and other instrument
  • supporting network to evolve by assistance and critical competencies (speakers, publications, events, logistics)
  • supportingactivities of the network (study trips, up to 3; director club in 1 designated area, potentially wastes-to-energy supply chain)

3.4. Task 4. FINTECC visibility

The Consultant, in close cooperation with the Bank Communication department, will develop and for the duration of the project support the algorithm for the FINTEC success stories dissemination, including identifying the media, drafting the case studies, designingdissemination tools,etc.


The anticipated duration of the assignment is 2 years. The contract may be subject to periodic reviews with a view to respond in the best possible way to the implementation needs and adapt the deliverables to the market demand. Preliminary estimated amount of work:

  • Estimated number of market studiesup to 3
  • Estimatedamount of trainingsup to 10
  • Estimated number of study tours/visits up to 3
  • Expected beneficiariesup to 5 sectors/ up to 20 clients
  • Estimated amount of stand-alone trainingsup to 3

The Knowledge Manager will report to Olena Borysova, Principal, the Operation Leader at the EBRD. The EBRD will monitor the activities of the Knowledge Manager. The Knowledge Manager will be available for any meeting related to the project organised by the EBRD and will discuss and evaluate any area of concern with the execution of work under the Assignment. In addition, the Knowledge Manager will be available for a six-monthly review involving the EBRD and also, potentially, representatives from the Donor. These reviews will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Donor grant and develop appropriate remedies if required.

The Knowledge Manager will maintain an operational base in Kyiv, which will be equipped and staffed to provide all necessary facilities and services (secretarial support, interpretation, translation) throughout the duration of the Assignment. The Knowledge Manager will be responsible for local travel and facilities required in other cities. All drafts and documents that should be validated by the EBRD should be provided in English; however, local communication should be ensured in Ukrainian/Russian languages where necessary / appropriate.

The Knowledge Manager’s team will need to integrate professionals with technical, marketing, economic background. The Knowledge Manager is required to demonstrate good knowledge of the local market and the ability to cover regions across Ukraine.

  2. Assignment Reporting

The Knowledge Manager will report periodically to the EBRD. Regular brief reporting will be agreed with the EBRD Operation Leader, and in addition to that the Knowledge Manager will be required to prepare formal periodic reports.

The Knowledge Manager will submit to the EBRD an Inception Report containing the generic approach and procedures for the different aspects of the Knowledge management component.

The Knowledge Manager will submit Quarterly Progress Report and Task Implementation Report to the EBRD (due within fifteen (15) business days of the end of the relevant quarter/finalization of the Task). The Knowledge Manager will use a consistent format for the presentation of project progress broken down to each task and provide an account of lessons learned and possible improvement to the process if appropriate. The reports will (i) review the Knowledge Manager’s progress against the tasks defined in the Terms of Reference, (ii) provide an update on Knowledge managementservices provided, including any identified problems or delays.

A draft Final Report submitted one month after the completion of the work will cover the activities undertaken and an assessment of whether the Assignment has met its objectives, as well as conclusions and recommendations providing information and a summary of achievements made, and areas to be addressed in the future.

The Final Report, taking into account the EBRD’s comments, should be submitted within two months of the end of the assignment. The final report should include a one-page Executive Summary of the major findings and conclusions, which will contain no commercially confidential information. The final report shall include a summary of Donor visibility measures.

All commercially sensitive information will be treated when applicable in compliance with the relevant norms and standards and guidelines in terms of confidentiality and in other cases with the utmost discretion; stakeholders will receive information relevant to their requirements.

All reports will be submitted to the Bank in English in electronic format agreed with the Bank.

All deliverables to local parties will be prepared in the Ukrainian language.


Deliverable / Approximate delivery date
Inception Report, including MRV and sustainable reporting trainings plans, and wastes-to-energy supply chain networking and capacity building activities outline / Within 4 weeks from the start of the assignment
First market study, area to be identified ( potentially irrigation) / Within 24 weeksfrom the start of the assignment
Further market studies, areas to be identified / To be identified, but not later than within 52 weeks from the start of the assignment
MRV training implementation / Within 52 weeksfrom the start of the assignment
Sustainable reportingtrainingimplementation / Within 92 weeksfrom the start of the assignment
Collaborative network is fully functional / Within 52 weeksfrom the start of the assignment
Support is provided for Network activities (study tours, directors club) / During the project duration
Brochure, leaflets, posters, other dissemination materials, including those on FINTECC success stories, are available / During the project duration
Specific targeted trainings supported / As needed and agreed with EBRD
Quarterly Progress Reports / Quarterly
Tasks Progress Report / 3 weeks upon completing the task
Final Report / Within 100 weeksfrom the start of the assignment

5.3.Donor Visibility

The Donor funding the project requires adequate visibility for its contribution. The Knowledge Manager shall collect evidence of Donor's visibility, such as media coverage, official notices and press releases, reports and publications referring to the project. The Knowledge Manager’s reports, particularly the final progress report, shall detail the ways in which the Donor's visibility requirements were adhered to. The donor for this assignment is the European Union[3]. The Knowledge Manager will ensure that all reports, documentation, marketing and publicity materials have clear references to the support of the EBRD and the Donor. The form of such references must be agreed with the EBRD.


[1]Climate technologies are any type of equipment that leads to less fossil fuel use by energy savings or renewable energy, reduces nitrous oxide or methane emissions from agricultural processes, or facilitates adaptation to the changing climate

[2] This activity to be undertaken in close cooperation with the World Bank PMR project in Ukraine

[3]As defined in “Communication and visibility manual for European Union External Actions”